Finger info for

Available archives:
  2012-05-18 14:11:44
  2012-01-26 14:17:22
  2011-08-16 15:34:13
  2011-05-10 15:35:09
  2010-05-04 22:10:29
  2008-03-05 17:39:08
  2007-06-18 17:28:44
  2007-01-09 14:12:48
  2007-01-03 18:12:44
  2006-07-05 17:31:47
  2006-04-05 17:51:48
  2006-01-04 17:21:03
  2005-01-06 02:55:35
  2004-07-09 18:02:53
  2003-08-13 15:16:28
  2003-06-05 13:05:29
  2003-04-25 16:31:52
  2003-03-10 11:58:56
  2003-01-28 23:28:41
  2002-12-27 03:16:26
  2002-12-13 11:57:23
  2002-11-02 19:36:03
  2002-11-01 16:38:18
  2002-10-29 14:51:03
  2002-09-11 01:37:46
  2002-07-01 11:30:23
  2002-06-20 14:21:41
  2002-06-09 21:05:02
  2002-06-06 17:56:00
  2002-04-24 19:18:57
  2002-03-26 11:56:04
  2002-02-08 02:34:15
  2002-02-04 12:31:37
  2002-01-30 15:10:52
  2002-01-15 16:00:41
  2002-01-03 15:38:33
  2001-12-26 11:16:20
  2001-12-21 19:52:38
  2001-12-17 19:19:37
  2001-12-17 15:37:44
  2001-12-11 16:35:21
  2001-12-10 19:55:54
  2001-12-05 14:25:56

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