Finger info for


  I really should ask Ryan to put this back up on the main page, as
I've forgotten the URL, and now no one will read my silly little updates.
Ah, well.

  I'm working on rigging up a connection for my laptop at work, which
will let me give the new code (for meldrew 0.1.2) a whirl. If it all
works, there will hopefully be a new release before EOY. Maybe. Except
that my release dates are inevitably written in melted butter, or


  Meldrew 0.1.1 is uploaded. This features a license (whee), some
worthless code being snipped, and just general packaging cleanup. When
I get some time, I'll be giving some new code a whirl (from home), which
will pretty much make him feature-complete. This isn't to say there
isn't a lot left to do, though :-)


  Except for making bourbon balls (a nice, chocolaty confection, which
needs to steep for a couple weeks :-) ), the week-end was a near-total

  On the bright side, the meldrew files have been uploaded (sans
documentation). I still need to add the various links, and I need to get
some information out, and meldrew's not complete yet, but it's a start.
I don't know how much time I'll have to tinker with him, so ya gets what
I's gots.


  Getting paid is good. Being assigned to a team, instead of being
in a weird sort-of "in-between" state is also good. With a stable base
daytime, it's time to pick back up a couple of projects and see what
can be done.

  MC Hawking needs to release some more tracks :-)


  Mmmmm. Two Thanksgiving dinners, and a helping of Harry
Potter. Thanks, Andy!

  Man, I blew the four-day week-end. Had lots of grandiose
plans, got nothing done. Oh, except completing a couple scenarios
in the RT2 campaign...


  It's been a productive week at work. Updated a code base, got
the app working, wrote a couple of proposals, and managed to read
most of the PKCS11 spec and Applied Cryptography. I just hope they
keep having enough for me to do ;-)

  I really will upload meldrew this week. No, seriously. Also,
I'll try to find him a permanent home, so he's always on OPN.


  Work starts Monday. Whee.


  Looks like the IDV has just about run its course. My voice is
(finally) returning, thereby removing Katie's week-long reprieve.

  Tentatively accepted a job offer today, from SSP/Litronic. If
the letter follows the verbal agreement, I'll be employed again :-)

  Shrek DVD and Monsters, Inc. both released this Friday. What a


  Ugh. Mongolian Death Virus. (Well, OK, it's probably the *Irish*
Death Virus. See, my parents brought it with them, and it's already
run over Katie, and now it's knocked me out...)

  If I weren't so fuzzy-brained, I'd be coherent. Ooh, look at the
sparkly lights...


  Technical interview today, should be fun (hah). I *so* *hate*
wearing suits...

  The visit from my parents was *wonderful*. I wish they could stop
by more often, but that's OK. I got a Guinness t-shirt out of it -- in
Gaelic, no less.

  Zoe keeps trying to get between me and the computer as I write this.
How funny is that?


  The 'rents are coming Friday. Whee! (Ten years ago, that was a
dreadful thing to consider -- now, since I see them once a year at best,
and they live on a boat and are typically 3000 - 8000 miles away, it's a
really big deal.)

  There. There's an uninteresting update. Go finger someone else.


  gluon (still designing)
  meldrew (uploaded)
  ccs4x (still designing)
  gobhan (still designing)

When this .plan was written: 2001-12-17 15:37:44
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