Finger info for


  Meldrew 0.1.1 is uploaded. This features a license (whee), some
worthless code being snipped, and just general packaging cleanup. When
I get some time, I'll be giving some new code a whirl (from home), which
will pretty much make him feature-complete. This isn't to say there
isn't a lot left to do, though :-)


  Except for making bourbon balls (a nice, chocolaty confection, which
needs to steep for a couple weeks :-) ), the week-end was a near-total

  On the bright side, the meldrew files have been uploaded (sans
documentation). I still need to add the various links, and I need to get
some information out, and meldrew's not complete yet, but it's a start.
I don't know how much time I'll have to tinker with him, so ya gets what
I's gots.


  Getting paid is good. Being assigned to a team, instead of being
in a weird sort-of "in-between" state is also good. With a stable base
daytime, it's time to pick back up a couple of projects and see what
can be done.

  MC Hawking needs to release some more tracks :-)


  Mmmmm. Two Thanksgiving dinners, and a helping of Harry
Potter. Thanks, Andy!

  Man, I blew the four-day week-end. Had lots of grandiose
plans, got nothing done. Oh, except completing a couple scenarios
in the RT2 campaign...


  It's been a productive week at work. Updated a code base, got
the app working, wrote a couple of proposals, and managed to read
most of the PKCS11 spec and Applied Cryptography. I just hope they
keep having enough for me to do ;-)

  I really will upload meldrew this week. No, seriously. Also,
I'll try to find him a permanent home, so he's always on OPN.


  Work starts Monday. Whee.


  Looks like the IDV has just about run its course. My voice is
(finally) returning, thereby removing Katie's week-long reprieve.

  Tentatively accepted a job offer today, from SSP/Litronic. If
the letter follows the verbal agreement, I'll be employed again :-)

  Shrek DVD and Monsters, Inc. both released this Friday. What a


  Ugh. Mongolian Death Virus. (Well, OK, it's probably the *Irish*
Death Virus. See, my parents brought it with them, and it's already
run over Katie, and now it's knocked me out...)

  If I weren't so fuzzy-brained, I'd be coherent. Ooh, look at the
sparkly lights...


  Technical interview today, should be fun (hah). I *so* *hate*
wearing suits...

  The visit from my parents was *wonderful*. I wish they could stop
by more often, but that's OK. I got a Guinness t-shirt out of it -- in
Gaelic, no less.

  Zoe keeps trying to get between me and the computer as I write this.
How funny is that?


  The 'rents are coming Friday. Whee! (Ten years ago, that was a
dreadful thing to consider -- now, since I see them once a year at best,
and they live on a boat and are typically 3000 - 8000 miles away, it's a
really big deal.)

  There. There's an uninteresting update. Go finger someone else.


  gluon (still designing)
  meldrew (uploaded)
  ccs4x (still designing)
  gobhan (still designing)

When this .plan was written: 2001-12-11 16:35:21
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