Finger info for


Just thought I'd mention: if you're a user of, I've actually
built tin and mutt in my home area. They're in ~chunky/bin. Mutt is the
latest stable [1.3.24i], and tin is the latest unstable [1.5.10]

Note: mutt doesn't have imap support; you don't need it. Get qmail to
deliver to a mailbox in your home, and then you won't be able to hammer
the imap server. Look at my .qmail to see how to do this with procmail.

For reference, I have the following in my .bash_profile:
alias tin="tin -r"


Am working on a PlayStationCam. If other people are allowed webcams, I
should be allowed a PlayStationCam [since that's the only thing currently
plugged into my TV card (=]

Just for Mr Hendersa-man, you should know that yesterday I did this:

When this .plan was written: 2002-01-05 09:59:21
.plan archives for this user are here (RSS here).
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Stick it in the camel and go.