#Loki Under 1337 (R4qU3><0R Attack

Things in bold are join/quit messages.
Things in italic relate to Krisx, the person in question, or are notes from the editor.
Things underlined are contractions of repeated messages down to one line to save space.
All misspellings are those of the comments' respective authors.  Only IPs have been edited out to protect the innocent (and not-quite-so-innocent.)

[23:45] *** Krisx (synge@XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX) has joined #loki

[23:51] <yem> #sky?
[23:51] <Krisx> a chnnel
[23:51] <Krisx> st channel

[23:53] *** matto (~matt@XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX) has joined #loki
[23:54] *** MEGA|Home has quit IRC (Remote closed the connection)
[23:56] * Krisx is hacking
[00:04] <xwred1> sweet!  I got it, but I have to put out in PAL for some reason
[00:04] <xwred1> oops, wrong chan
[00:05] <vogon_jeltz> heh
[00:05] * Krisx is hacking
[00:06] <vogon_jeltz> hacking in what way? the 1337 #4X0R way or the code monkey way?
[00:08] <Krisx> i like hack in the surfase in the trojan virus then i crack the main xx//code and epson the whole astroda
[00:08] <vogon_jeltz> hahaha
[00:08] <Krisx> ???
[00:08] <vogon_jeltz> best laugh I've had in years
[00:09] <Krisx> like yor a fuckin hacker or smt
[00:09] <Krisx> because i am
[00:09] <Krisx> i'm from estonia
[00:09] <Krisx> you mutha fuca

[00:09] * vogon_jeltz notifies Krisx's ISP
[00:10] <Krisx> wtf
Last message repeated 2 times.
[00:11] <Krisx> go fy
[00:11] <Krisx> il gona hack into you gateway
[00:11] <Krisx> il gona hack into you gateway
[00:11] <Krisx> i'l bust your bones
[00:11] <Krisx> Aadress: ~vogon_jel@XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX ( IP ).

Last message repeated 2 times.
[00:12] <Krisx> thats the way il gome in
[00:12] <yem> lol
[00:12] <yem> are you serious Krisx ?
[00:12] <Krisx> noot just fucking whit him
[00:12] <Krisx> :)
[00:12] <Krisx> but i coul do that

[00:12] <yem> h4x0rz suck.
[00:13] <yem> (but you knew that)
[00:13] <vogon_jeltz> heh
[00:13] * vogon_jeltz wasn't actually reporting you to your ISP... you can't "epson" anything
[00:13] <yem> lol
[00:13] <Krisx> icc
[00:13] <Krisx> irw

[00:14] <vogon_jeltz> and you'd be telnetted in through several ISPs to lose people, too
[00:14] <vogon_jeltz> but, seriously, if you're not running Linux, get out :P
[00:14] <vogon_jeltz> -Krisx- VERSION mIRC32 v5.91 K.Mardam-Bey
[00:15] <Krisx> like i know you phone number
[00:15] <vogon_jeltz> hah
[00:15] <Krisx> i have hact it
[00:15] * vogon_jeltz is on a free ISP that requires no user registration
[00:15] <vogon_jeltz> and our telephone number is unlisted
[00:15] <Krisx> to get phone number i'ts a easy
[00:15] <vogon_jeltz> heh
[00:16] <vogon_jeltz> yeah, but not many 1337 (R4Qu3X0Rz know how to do it ;)
[00:16] <vogon_jeltz> you'd have to get to my ISP's PPP boxen before I could disconnect...
[00:17] <Krisx> like your gateway accsess serial is : fdgs,mdsfDF6456$£~@@£ reGGFDre46645:ert546SADÄä^^
[00:17] <vogon_jeltz> heh
[00:17] * vogon_jeltz goes back to hacking on his MMORPG server code
[00:18] <Krisx> i have hackd in the bank
[00:18] <Krisx> but i get busted
[00:18] <Krisx> and i could not accsess the computer for 2 years

[00:18] <yem> Krisx: you know a guy named VeNoMouS?
[00:19] <Krisx> sry dont know him
[00:19] <yem> ah ok
[00:19] <yem> he's a l33t h4x0r dude too
[00:19] <Krisx> ou
[00:19] <yem> i thought he was famous or something
[00:19] <yem> oh well
[00:20] <Krisx> ok
[00:20] <Krisx> ou like you know p99is

[00:21] <yem> nope
[00:21] <Krisx> damn
[00:22] * vogon_jeltz points out that this channel is *technically* about Linux games, so please adjust your conversation topics accordingly
[00:23] <vogon_jeltz> --- - Illegal activities, warez, porn, noticeably heavy mp3 trading,
[00:23] <vogon_jeltz> --- - hax0r activity and various types of antisocial behavior are all
[00:23] <vogon_jeltz> --- - off-topic on Open Projects Net and may result in your being barred
[00:23] <vogon_jeltz> --- - from access.  Please respect our rules.  Thanks.
[00:23] <vogon_jeltz> (server MOTD)
[00:23] <yem> yessir
[00:23] <vogon_jeltz> :P
[00:24] <Krisx> linux sucks
[00:24] <Krisx> windows ruulz

[00:24] <xwred1> I know
[00:24] * vogon_jeltz doesn't want to be MR SMARTEY-MAN NARC FAGORT, but I doubt that everyone else here would like to lose their channel
[00:24] <xwred1> Krisx: you know a guy named JeffK?
[00:24] <Krisx> jep
[00:24] <Krisx> hear him

[00:24] <xwred1> whats he like?
[00:25] <xwred1> I've heard about him, always wanted to meet him
[00:25] <Krisx> i havent meet him
[00:25] <Krisx> i have heard of him

[00:25] <xwred1> <Krisx> jep
[00:25] <xwred1> oh
[00:25] <xwred1> ok
[00:26] <xwred1> so, you hax0ring someone right now?
[00:27] <xwred1> Krisx: think you can hack me?
[00:27] <Krisx> dunno
[00:27] <Krisx> the what

[00:27] <xwred1> just wanna know how secure I am
[00:28] * vogon_jeltz wonders if xwred1's heard about the SSH crc32 key compensation 'sploit
[00:28] <xwred1> yea, I heard about it
[00:28] <xwred1> but I use telnet all the time, so I'm good
[00:28] <vogon_jeltz> hehehe
[00:28] <Krisx> ok ild try to se what's in  xwred1 computer
[00:29] <xwred1> yea
[00:29] <xwred1> don't delete anything if you get in
[00:29] <Krisx> ok
[00:29] <xwred1> but see if you can give me some surprising info, like what processor is in it or whatever
[00:29] <Krisx> ok
[00:31] <Krisx> like your gateway 22ps surface codi is : hfTYY%5768==)(90ððÖÄOIY/&¤~@hjkkmfffffyu

[00:31] <vogon_jeltz> damn, xwred1, he's got you now
[00:32] <Krisx> damn  xwred1 you got some firewall or smt in the way
[00:32] <Krisx> it could take some time

[00:32] <xwred1> my isp blocks a couple ports, thats all they do as far as I know
[00:33] <Krisx> good
[00:33] <xwred1> they block 80, 137-9, and 5000 afaik
[00:33] <yem> port blocking must suck.. the biggest isp in nz recently announced that all p2p filesharing apps violate their T&C
[00:34] <xwred1> thats gay
[00:34] <yem> yeah..
[00:34] <xwred1> I was annoyed when they blocked 80
[00:34] <yem> that is so ridiculous
[00:34] <Krisx> ohoo im in
[00:34] <Krisx> nice backround

[00:34] <xwred1> crap
[00:34] <yem> doesn't .net *rely* upon port 80 being open?
[00:34] <xwred1> as in, ms.net?
[00:34] <yem> yer
[00:34] <xwred1> I don't think its quite like that
[00:35] <Krisx> damn ok i'l go uot of your computer
[00:35] <xwred1> I haven't seen anything about how .net goes over the network, although soap and xml-rpc are supposed to need port 80
[00:35] <xwred1> Krisx: get any info about my computer?
[00:35] <vogon_jeltz> Krisx: try hacking my box
[00:36] <yem> xwred1: i mean of course they don't *need* 80, but that'll certainly be the default i'd imagine - isps blocking prt 80 kinda screws it up
[00:36] <Krisx> xwred1 i could not get ani too small time
[00:36] <xwred1> guess I'm pretty safe then
[00:36] <xwred1> could you have deleted my files?  Maybe I will upgrade from WinME
[00:36] <vogon_jeltz> haha
[00:36] <Krisx> no i didnt
[00:36] <Krisx> you got me

[00:36] <xwred1> huh?
[00:37] <yem> xwred1: now you get to put a "h4x0rpr00ph" logo on your website!
[00:37] <vogon_jeltz> heh
[00:37] <xwred1> yem: I guess, but xml-rpc and soap seem more like enterpris-ish sort of things
[00:37] <vogon_jeltz> it's like the Underground BatSignal
[00:37] <vogon_jeltz> you're almost permanently Slashdotted by 1337 hax0rz trying to pull off their cut-and-pasted phrack 'sploits on you
[00:37] <yem> xwred1: good point - we'll see how far they want to take it i guess, what with hailstorm and all..
[00:37] <xwred1> .net apps are supposed to be able to run nice on the local machine, with no network stuff happenning at all.  In fact, I haven't seen anyone at all talk about the networking stuff of .net.  Maybe its not done or something
[00:38] <xwred1> hailstorm seems purely serverside
[00:38] <yem> hah
[00:38] <yem> beats me
[00:39] <yem> i hate webapps :]
[00:39] <xwred1> yea
[00:39] <xwred1> .Net by itself seems cool
[00:39] <xwred1> I don't like the idea of spreading the app accross the network, but like I said, they haven't talked about networking stuff yet
[00:39] <Krisx> people like dont pleace let me hack into your computer its unleagal
[00:40] <Krisx> you know

[00:40] <xwred1> its illegal
[00:40] * vogon_jeltz points out that he keeps an unpassworded rootshell on port 31337
[00:40] <xwred1> but if you got into me just now, I would sue or anything like that
[00:40] <vogon_jeltz> s/would/wouldn't/
[00:41] <xwred1> whats a 'rootshell'?
[00:42] <yem> a shell running as uid 0 i guess
[00:42] <vogon_jeltz> yeah, and I only run the best software on my computer
[00:43] <vogon_jeltz> Apache 1.1.0 and Sendmail 8.1
[00:44] <Krisx> its not good
[00:44] <xwred1> yem: is that like a dos prompt?  because winme took out dos, so I should be safe.  Maybe thats why Krisx didn't get me
[00:44] <Krisx> maby
[00:44] <vogon_jeltz> xwred1: Steve Gibson told me that DoS was all the fault of Windows XP raw sockets
[00:45] <xwred1> I don't want to run XP, because I don't want to get raped by MS
[00:45] <vogon_jeltz> xwred1: that's why I deep-fried my modem, to make sure all the sockets were cooked
[00:46] *** dimm0k (~nmok@XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX) has joined #loki
[00:47] <xwred1> Krisx: which windows do you think is the best?  Should I get xp?
[00:47] <Krisx> not xp sucks
[00:47] <Krisx> it scroos your graphics gard

[00:48] <phaethon> oh belguim.
[00:48] <phaethon> brownouts.
[00:48] <vogon_jeltz> phaethon: bye
[00:48] <phaethon> :(
[00:48] <Krisx> people do not use xp
[00:48] <vogon_jeltz> phaethon: may you be blessed with better power conditioning
[00:49] *** sbx (~sbx@XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX) has joined #loki
[00:49] *** sbx (~sbx@XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX) has left #loki

[00:49] <Krisx> wayt ehen the bugs are all gone
[00:49] <xwred1> Krisx: which one do you use?
[00:49] <Krisx> i use 98 hack'd edit
[00:49] <xwred1> cool
[00:50] <Krisx> i craced my windws
[00:50] <xwred1> what about win2k?  whats the story with that?  thats like after 98, but before winme, right?  is winme better?
[00:50] <Krisx> not 98 is the best right now
[00:50] <Krisx> 98se

[00:50] <xwred1> hmm
[00:50] <xwred1> think I should format, and install win98se?
[00:51] <Krisx> what windows you have right now
[00:51] <xwred1> winme
[00:52] <Krisx> this is like win meny editions
[00:52] <Krisx> sry many errors
[00:53] <Krisx> win many errors sucks

[00:53] <xwred1> ah
[00:54] <Krisx> what
[00:54] <xwred1> what makes win98 better than win2k?  2000 is a later year than  1998.  is 98 more stable?  more powerful?  easier to hack?
[00:55] <Krisx> like you know then
[00:55] <xwred1> huh?
[00:55] <Krisx> i think that 98se is the best right now
[00:57] <xwred1> i think I will format and install 98se then
[00:57] <Krisx> ok
[00:58] <xwred1> it keeps saying I'm out of memory, even though I have 2gb of hard drive
[00:58] <xwred1> wait
[00:58] <xwred1> what about linux?
[00:58] <Krisx> noooo
[00:58] <xwred1> then I won't have to mess with micro$oft at all
[00:58] <Krisx> linux succccckkkkk
[00:58] <xwred1> why?
[00:58] <Krisx> iven win3.1 is bewtter
[00:58] <Krisx> linux is the shitest thing

[00:59] <terracon> yeah linux sucks!
[00:59] <xwred1> why's that?
[00:59] <terracon> that's it
[00:59] <xwred1> is linux buggier?
[00:59] <Krisx> right terracon your the man
[00:59] <xwred1> is linux buggier?
[00:59] * terracon lubbors the linux
[00:59] <Krisx> it just suck
[00:59] <xwred1> how?
[00:59] <xwred1> can't you give me some details?
[00:59] <terracon> all it needs is some more games.
[00:59] <Krisx> in every way
[00:59] <terracon> the apps are coming
[01:00] <xwred1> so, its buggier and less stable than even winme and winxp?
[01:00] <Krisx> like you cant palau many games
[01:00] <terracon> 2002. The year of the linux desktop!
[01:00] <xwred1> Krisx: what games do you play?
[01:00] <Krisx> linux has no protection
[01:00] <Krisx> q2
[01:00] <Krisx> q3
[01:00] <Krisx> aq2
[01:00] <Krisx> ut
[01:00] <Krisx> cs

[01:00] <xwred1> what is aq2?
[01:00] <Krisx> and more
[01:00] <Krisx> action q2

[01:00] * terracon puts a condom on linux for protection
[01:01] <Krisx> icccccccc
[01:01] * yem grins
[01:01] <xwred1> I play all those except for aq2, in linux
[01:01] <Krisx> hehheeee
[01:01] <xwred1> in fact, I run linux
[01:01] <xwred1> you couldn't hack me, because I was running linux
[01:01] <xwred1> because you aren't a hacker
[01:01] <Krisx> noup
[01:01] <crazney> oh dear
[01:01] <xwred1> and I've been bs'ing you the whole time
[01:01] <Krisx> that was not the problem
[01:01] <xwred1> windows98 is teh suck
[01:01] <xwred1> what was the problem?
[01:02] <xwred1> i think the problem is that you can't hack
[01:02] <xwred1> you are a poser
[01:02] <Krisx> yes i could
[01:02] <xwred1> just the fact that you run win98 means you are lame
[01:02] <xwred1> hack me then
[01:02] <xwred1> format my harddrive
[01:02] <xwred1> i dare you
[01:02] <xwred1> if you don't, then you are a poser
[01:02] <xwred1> and linux is still better than win98
[01:02] *** AdamGibson (~static@XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX) has joined #loki
[01:02] <Krisx> but it takes time if you want taht to format your hard drive
[01:02] <xwred1> no, it doesn't
[01:03] <xwred1> that just proves you don't know what you're doing
[01:03] <Krisx> you knonw hacing is illegal allso
[01:03] <xwred1> whatever
[01:03] <Krisx> and you stfu
[01:03] <xwred1> you're just a big pussy
[01:03] <Krisx> and you stfu
[01:03] <Krisx> ok
[01:03] <Krisx> ok

[01:03] <xwred1> if you want me to shut up, why don't you hack me, and MAKE me shut up?
[01:03] <Krisx> you mother fucer
[01:03] <Krisx> ok

[01:03] * AdamGibson checks the server name again to make sure it doesnt say efnet
[01:03] <xwred1> haha!  you are lame, because you run win98
[01:03] <Krisx> ill do that
[01:04] <xwred1> if you were any good, you'd at least be running something based on nt
[01:04] <Krisx> i run win98 hack edition
[01:04] <xwred1> yea right
[01:04] <xwred1> I'll beleive it when you hack me
[01:04] <Krisx> gfy
[01:04] <Krisx> il hack

[01:04] <xwred1> SysInfo: Linux 2.4.13 | Dual AMD Athlon(tm) MP 1194.687 MHz | Mem: 291/512M [| |||||||||] | Diskspace: 49G Free: 4G | Bogomips: 4771.02 | Screen Res: 1280x1024 | Procs: 139 |   | Uptime: 4 days,  2:52 | Load Average: 2.53, 2.52, 2.46 | eth0: In: 441.84M Out: 269.14M
[01:04] <Krisx> whn you o to sleep oyu
[01:04] <xwred1> that just shows what a pussy you are
[01:05] <xwred1> you can't even type straight either
[01:05] <Krisx> you winn never wake up again
[01:05] <xwred1> never wake up?
[01:05] <xwred1> go ahead.. hack me.. I'm not afraid
[01:05] <Krisx> i mean you computer
[01:05] <vogon_jeltz> he'll kill you by hax0ring j00r HD
[01:05] <xwred1> sure..
[01:05] <xwred1> whatever..
[01:06] <vogon_jeltz> Krisx: you really don't know anything about Linux, do you? only the superuser can do anything harmful to the computer
[01:06] <Krisx> like
[01:06] <xwred1> don't school him
[01:07] <xwred1> let him think that win98 is the pinnacle of computing
[01:07] <vogon_jeltz> heh
[01:07] * yem backs up /home to cdr..
[01:07] <Krisx> xwred1 does not know enithing abuit hacikn
[01:07] <xwred1> he probably says linux sucks because he tried it and couldn't handle it, because he's garbage
[01:07] <xwred1> you obviously don't either, because I'm still here - you haven't hacked me
[01:07] <Krisx> xwred1 IS A MOTHER FUCKIN DOMB DICK
This message repeated 8 times.
[01:08] <xwred1> yes!  flood!
[01:08] <Krisx> xwred1 IS A MOTHER FUCKIN DOMB DICK
[01:08] <Krisx> xwred1 IS A MOTHER FUCKIN DOMB DICK

[01:08] *** Krisx has quit IRC (Excess Flood)
[01:08] <yem> oh man.. too much.
[01:08] <crazney> roflmao
[01:08] <xwred1> bwahaha
[01:08] <parasite-> hahahahahaha
[01:08] <vogon_jeltz> hehhahahahahaha
[01:08] *** Krisx (synge@XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX) has joined #loki
[01:08] <xwred1> haha
[01:08] <xwred1> you suck
[01:08] <xwred1> you can't even keep your pussy little box on irc
[01:08] <xwred1> what kinda hacker are you?
[01:09] <Krisx> better than you
[01:09] <Krisx> better than you

[01:09] <xwred1> oh?  i still am online
[01:09] <xwred1> and i'm not running win98
[01:09] <xwred1> i'm not even saying I'm a hacker
[01:09] <xwred1> I'm just saying that you aren't
[01:09] <xwred1> you just some little poser kid that thinks he knows something
[01:09] <terracon> I'm a medic
[01:09] <Krisx> how the fuck do you know that
[01:09] <yem> medic!!
[01:09] <Krisx> like
[01:09] <xwred1> lucky guess
[01:09] <vogon_jeltz> you're not even smart enough to block pings
[01:09] <xwred1> maybe I did hack you
[01:10] <Krisx> i'l cona hack into oyu
[01:10] <Krisx> i'l cona hack into oyu
[01:10] <Krisx> be
[01:10] <Krisx> careful

[01:10] <xwred1> go for it!
[01:10] <xwred1> I welcome your attack
[01:10] <xwred1> I am carefree, completely unafraid
[01:10] <vogon_jeltz> I've already caught 15 crackers who were attacking my computer
[01:10] <Krisx> when i'll klocck you computer up and ur prosessor cona shud down
[01:11] <xwred1> sweet
[01:11] <xwred1> my computer is so good, Win98 can't even handle all the power properly
[01:11] <xwred1> SysInfo: Linux 2.4.13 | Dual AMD Athlon(tm) MP 1194.687 MHz | Mem: 292/512M [| |||||||||] | Diskspace: 49G Free: 4G | Bogomips: 4771.02 | Screen Res: 1280x1024 | Procs: 139 |   | Uptime: 4 days,  2:58 | Load Average: 2.44, 2.51, 2.46 | eth0: In: 441.95M Out: 269.21M
[01:11] <parasite-> :)
[01:11] <xwred1> can you look at that and tell why?
[01:11] <xwred1> probably not, because you are a pisant little kid that doesn't know anything
[01:12] <AdamGibson> does everyone else get less than 300 q3 servers back from the id master?
[01:12] <vogon_jeltz> AdamGibson: yeah
[01:12] <AdamGibson> been like that for days now :/
[01:13] <xwred1> whats that, Krisx?  I don't hear your responses.  You standing down, yielding to my l33tness?
[01:13] <Krisx> i'm hacing ouyu dick
[01:13] <xwred1> haha
[01:13] <xwred1> yea right
[01:14] <parasite-> what country has the country code of ee?
[01:14] <vogon_jeltz> estonia
[01:14] <xwred1> this is gonna take time, right?  because the last one was a quickie, and you didn't have time to get in, right?
[01:14] <parasite-> anybody feel like portscanning XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX [Krisx's IP]?
[01:15] <xwred1> I'm sure Krisx will do it, if he's not too busy trying to hack me
[01:15] <parasite-> Krisx: can you portscan XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX [Krisx's IP] for me? I'd like to know what ports I have open
[01:15] *** Krisx has quit IRC ("hacink")

And exeunt.