To use this: - Install festival and speechd. Gentoo users can just "emerge festival speechd". - Install the 32-bit ut2004 linux demo. - Replace /where/i/installed/ut2004demo/System/ut2004-bin with this one. - Edit your ~/.ut2004demo/System/UT2004.ini file. In the "[SDLDrv.SDLClient]" section, add: TextToSpeechFile=/dev/speech - Make sure speechd is running, and start the game. - To make sure it works, pull down the console and type: TTS this is a test. ...if you didn't hear something that sounds like "This is a test," something is broken, and you're on your own. - Otherwise, IRC chat will start talking; be careful about entering really crowded chatrooms, and beware of people saying offensive things. Ideallly, you use this in a private chatroom while playing the game, so you can hear what people are "saying" while your eyes are otherwise occupied in-game. - Bug reports go to ... if your sound card won't let both speechd and ut2004 have the sound card at the same time, sorry, that's not a bug. Have fun, --ryan.