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Couldn't open an audio device for playback: %s! Opening capture device %s%s%s... '[[default]]Couldn't open an audio device for capture: %s! Ready! Hold down mouse or finger to record! Shutting down. SDL not built with haptic (force feedback) support SDL assertion report. All SDL assertions between last init/quit: syesno'%s' * %s (%s:%d) * triggered %u time%s. * always ignore: %s. timetimesAssertion failure at %s (%s:%d), triggered %u %s: '%s' %s SDL_ASSERTabortbreakretryignorealways_ignoreAssertion FailedAbort/Break/Retry/Ignore/AlwaysIgnore? [abriA] : riRetryBreakAbortIgnoreAlways IgnoreOut of memoryError reading from datastreamError writing to datastreamError seeking in datastreamThat operation is not supportedUnknown SDL errorcallback%s: %s VERBOSEDEBUGINFOWARNERRORCRITICALInvalid audio device IDThis is a capture device, queueing not allowedAudio device has a callback, queueing not allowedSDL_AUDIODRIVERAudio target '%s' not availableNo available audio deviceAudio subsystem is not initializedNo capture supportNo such deviceToo many open audio devicesSDL_AUDIO_FREQUENCYSDL_AUDIO_FORMATU8S8U16LSBS16LSBU16MSBS16MSBU16SYSS16SYSU16S16S32LSBS32MSBS32SYSS32F32LSBF32MSBF32SYSF32SDL_AUDIO_CHANNELSUnsupported number of audio channels.SDL_AUDIO_SAMPLESSDL_AUDIO_DEVICE_NAMEAudio device already openNo such device.Couldn't create mixer lockCouldn't create audio buffer queueSDLAudioDev%dCouldn't create audio threadNo buffer allocated for conversioncvtInvalid source formatInvalid destination formatSource or destination channels is zeroSource or destination rate is zeroNo conversion available for these formatsNo conversion available for these ratesstreambufCan't add partial sample framesCan't request partial sample framesSDL_EVENT_QUEUE_STATISTICSSDL EVENT QUEUE: Maximum events in-flight: %d The event system has been shut downEvent queue is full (%d events)Couldn't lock event queueno gesture touch devices registeredERROR: NumPoints = %i SDL_NO_SIGNAL_HANDLERSleftxleftyrightxrightylefttriggerrighttriggerabxybackguidestartleftstickrightstickleftshoulderrightshoulderdpupdpdowndpleftdprightemscripten,Standard Gamepad,a:b0,b:b1,back:b8,dpdown:b13,dpleft:b14,dpright:b15,dpup:b12,guide:b16,leftshoulder:b4,leftstick:b10,lefttrigger:b6,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightshoulder:b5,rightstick:b11,righttrigger:b7,rightx:a2,righty:a3,start:b9,x:b2,y:b3,SDL_GAMECONTROLLERCONFIGButton name too large: %sJoystick button name too large: %sUnexpected controller element %sUnexpected joystick element: %sXboxX-BoxmappingStringCouldn't parse GUID from %sxinputCouldn't parse name from %sCouldn't parse %sSDL_JOYSTICK_ALLOW_BACKGROUND_EVENTSThere are %d joysticks availableindex must be in the range of 0 - %d_SDL_WindowRenderDataRenderer already associated with windowSDL_RENDER_VSYNCCouldn't find matching render driverindex must be -1 or in the range of 0 - %dInvalid rendererCreated renderer: %sInvalid textureRenderer doesn't support querying output sizeInvalid texture formatPalettized textures are not supportedTexture dimensions can't be 0Texture dimensions are limited to %dx%dpixelspitchSDL_LockTexture(): texture must be streamingTexture was not created with this rendererTexture not created with SDL_TEXTUREACCESS_TARGETUnsupported YUV formatYV12 and IYUV textures only support full surface locksInvalid target pixel formatUnsupported YUV destination formatUnsupported YUV format in copyopengles2Couldn't load GLES2 function %s: %s genericUNKNOWNGL_OUT_OF_MEMORYGL_INVALID_OPERATIONGL_INVALID_VALUEGL_INVALID_ENUM%s: %s (%d): %s %s (0x%X)/Users/icculus/projects/SDL/src/render/opengles2/SDL_render_gles2.cvoid GLES2_ResetState(SDL_Renderer *)glReadPixels()int GLES2_RenderReadPixels(SDL_Renderer *, const SDL_Rect *, Uint32, void *, int)int GLES2_RenderCopyEx(SDL_Renderer *, SDL_Texture *, const SDL_Rect *, const SDL_FRect *, const double, const SDL_FPoint *, const SDL_RendererFlip)Unsupported texture formata_positiona_texCoorda_anglea_centerFailed to link shader programu_projectionu_texture_vu_texture_uu_textureu_modulationu_colorNo shader matching the requested characteristics was foundThe specified shader cannot be loaded on the current platformFailed to load the shader: %sFailed to load the shaderint GLES2_RenderCopy(SDL_Renderer *, SDL_Texture *, const SDL_Rect *, const SDL_FRect *)int GLES2_RenderFillRects(SDL_Renderer *, const SDL_FRect *, int)int GLES2_RenderDrawLines(SDL_Renderer *, const SDL_FPoint *, int)int GLES2_UpdateViewport(SDL_Renderer *)glFramebufferTexture2D() failedglTexSubImage2D()int GLES2_UpdateTextureYUV(SDL_Renderer *, SDL_Texture *, const SDL_Rect *, const Uint8 *, int, const Uint8 *, int, const Uint8 *, int)int GLES2_UpdateTexture(SDL_Renderer *, SDL_Texture *, const SDL_Rect *, const void *, int)Texture format not supportedint GLES2_CreateTexture(SDL_Renderer *, SDL_Texture *)glGenTexures()glTexImage2D()void GLES2_DestroyRenderer(SDL_Renderer *) precision mediump float; uniform sampler2D u_texture; uniform vec4 u_modulation; varying vec2 v_texCoord; void main() { vec4 abgr = texture2D(u_texture, v_texCoord); gl_FragColor = abgr; gl_FragColor.a = 1.0; gl_FragColor *= u_modulation; } precision mediump float; uniform sampler2D u_texture; uniform vec4 u_modulation; varying vec2 v_texCoord; void main() { vec4 abgr = texture2D(u_texture, v_texCoord); gl_FragColor = abgr; gl_FragColor.r = abgr.b; gl_FragColor.b = abgr.r; gl_FragColor.a = 1.0; gl_FragColor *= u_modulation; } precision mediump float; uniform sampler2D u_texture; uniform vec4 u_modulation; varying vec2 v_texCoord; void main() { vec4 abgr = texture2D(u_texture, v_texCoord); gl_FragColor = abgr; gl_FragColor.r = abgr.b; gl_FragColor.b = abgr.r; gl_FragColor *= u_modulation; } precision mediump float; uniform sampler2D u_texture; uniform vec4 u_modulation; varying vec2 v_texCoord; void main() { gl_FragColor = texture2D(u_texture, v_texCoord); gl_FragColor *= u_modulation; } precision mediump float; uniform vec4 u_color; void main() { gl_FragColor = u_color; } uniform mat4 u_projection; attribute vec2 a_position; attribute vec2 a_texCoord; attribute float a_angle; attribute vec2 a_center; varying vec2 v_texCoord; void main() { float angle = radians(a_angle); float c = cos(angle); float s = sin(angle); mat2 rotationMatrix = mat2(c, -s, s, c); vec2 position = rotationMatrix * (a_position - a_center) + a_center; v_texCoord = a_texCoord; gl_Position = u_projection * vec4(position, 0.0, 1.0); gl_PointSize = 1.0; } precision mediump float; uniform sampler2D u_texture; uniform sampler2D u_texture_u; uniform sampler2D u_texture_v; uniform vec4 u_modulation; varying vec2 v_texCoord; void main() { mediump vec3 yuv; lowp vec3 rgb; yuv.x = texture2D(u_texture, v_texCoord).r; yuv.y = texture2D(u_texture_u, v_texCoord).r - 0.5; yuv.z = texture2D(u_texture_v, v_texCoord).r - 0.5; rgb = mat3( 1, 1, 1, 0, -0.39465, 2.03211, 1.13983, -0.58060, 0) * yuv; gl_FragColor = vec4(rgb, 1); gl_FragColor *= u_modulation; } precision mediump float; uniform sampler2D u_texture; uniform sampler2D u_texture_u; uniform vec4 u_modulation; varying vec2 v_texCoord; void main() { mediump vec3 yuv; lowp vec3 rgb; yuv.x = texture2D(u_texture, v_texCoord).r; yuv.yz = texture2D(u_texture_u, v_texCoord).ra - 0.5; rgb = mat3( 1, 1, 1, 0, -0.39465, 2.03211, 1.13983, -0.58060, 0) * yuv; gl_FragColor = vec4(rgb, 1); gl_FragColor *= u_modulation; } precision mediump float; uniform sampler2D u_texture; uniform sampler2D u_texture_u; uniform vec4 u_modulation; varying vec2 v_texCoord; void main() { mediump vec3 yuv; lowp vec3 rgb; yuv.x = texture2D(u_texture, v_texCoord).r; yuv.yz = texture2D(u_texture_u, v_texCoord).ar - 0.5; rgb = mat3( 1, 1, 1, 0, -0.39465, 2.03211, 1.13983, -0.58060, 0) * yuv; gl_FragColor = vec4(rgb, 1); gl_FragColor *= u_modulation; } Can't create renderer for NULL surfaceTried to read outside of surface boundsSDL_RENDER_SCALE_QUALITYnearestUnknown texture formatSoftware renderer doesn't have an output surface0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZidSDLTimerSDL_FillRect(): Unsupported surface formatSDL_FillRect(): You must lock the surfaceSDL_FillRects() passed NULL rectsFOURCC pixel formats are not supportedformatpalettencolorsSDL_SetPixelFormatPalette() passed NULL formatSDL_SetPixelFormatPalette() passed a palette that doesn't match the format  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~  "$&(*,.02468:<>@BDFHJLNPRTVXZ\^`bdfhjlnprtvxz|~  $(,048<@DHLPUY]aeimquy} )19AJRZbjs{"3DUfw$HmUABresultpointscountrectX1Y1X2Y2widthheightrectsspannumrectsOnly works with same format surfacesInvalid source blit rectangleInvalid destination blit rectangleUnable to lock destination surfaceUnable to lock source surfaceUnknown pixel formatsurfacekeySDL_UpperBlit: passed a NULL surfaceSurfaces must not be locked during blitSDL_UpperBlitScaled: passed a NULL surfaceEmpty destination palettedstdst_pitchUnknown FOURCC pixel formatIndexed pixel formats not supported%s not availableNo available video deviceThe video driver did not add any displaysSDL_RENDER_DRIVERsoftwareSDL_FRAMEBUFFER_ACCELERATIONfalseSDL_VIDEO_ALLOW_SCREENSAVERVideo subsystem has not been initializeddisplayIndex must be in the range 0 - %dInvalid windowCouldn't find any displaysmodeCouldn't find display mode matchConflicting window flags specifiedWindow is too large.No OpenGL support in video driverNo dynamic GL support in video driverSDL_VIDEO_HIGHDPI_DISABLEDOpenGL library already loadednameWindow surface is invalid, please call SDL_GetWindowSurface() to get a new surfaceThe specified window isn't an OpenGL windowNo GL driver has been loadedUnknown OpenGL context flag %dUnknown OpenGL context profile %dUnknown OpenGL attributeFailed getting OpenGL glGetIntegerv entry pointFailed getting OpenGL glGetError entry pointOpenGL error: GL_INVALID_ENUMOpenGL error: GL_INVALID_VALUEOpenGL error: %08XNo OpenGL context has been made currentSetting the swap interval is not supportedThe specified window has not been made currentmessageboxdataNo message system availableVideo driver doesn't support changing display modeNo video mode large enough for %dx%dMissing desired mode or closest mode parameter_SDL_WindowTextureDataNo window texture datatrueNo hardware accelerated renderers availableSDL emscripten video driverSDL_VIDEO_MINIMIZE_ON_FOCUS_LOSS0{ if (typeof Module['setWindowTitle'] !== 'undefined') { Module['setWindowTitle'](Module['Pointer_stringify']($0)); } return 0; }Could not create GLES window surface{ return screen.width; }{ return screen.height; }emscriptenSDL emscripten audio driver{ if (typeof(AudioContext) !== 'undefined') { return 1; } else if (typeof(webkitAudioContext) !== 'undefined') { return 1; } return 0; }No audio context available{ if ((typeof(navigator.mediaDevices) !== 'undefined') && (typeof(navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia) !== 'undefined')) { return 1; } else if (typeof(navigator.webkitGetUserMedia) !== 'undefined') { return 1; } return 0; }{ if ($0) { if (SDL2.capture.silenceTimer !== undefined) { clearTimeout(SDL2.capture.silenceTimer); } if (SDL2.capture.stream !== undefined) { var tracks = SDL2.capture.stream.getAudioTracks(); for (var i = 0; i < tracks.length; i++) { SDL2.capture.stream.removeTrack(tracks[i]); } SDL2.capture.stream = undefined; } if (SDL2.capture.scriptProcessorNode !== undefined) { SDL2.capture.scriptProcessorNode.onaudioprocess = function(audioProcessingEvent) {}; SDL2.capture.scriptProcessorNode.disconnect(); SDL2.capture.scriptProcessorNode = undefined; } if (SDL2.capture.mediaStreamNode !== undefined) { SDL2.capture.mediaStreamNode.disconnect(); SDL2.capture.mediaStreamNode = undefined; } if (SDL2.capture.silenceBuffer !== undefined) { SDL2.capture.silenceBuffer = undefined } SDL2.capture = undefined; } else { if (SDL2.audio.scriptProcessorNode != undefined) { SDL2.audio.scriptProcessorNode.disconnect(); SDL2.audio.scriptProcessorNode = undefined; } SDL2.audio = undefined; } if ((SDL2.audioContext !== undefined) && (SDL2.audio === undefined) && (SDL2.capture === undefined)) { SDL2.audioContext.close(); SDL2.audioContext = undefined; } }{ if(typeof(SDL2) === 'undefined') { SDL2 = {}; } if (!$0) { SDL2.audio = {}; } else { SDL2.capture = {}; } if (!SDL2.audioContext) { if (typeof(AudioContext) !== 'undefined') { SDL2.audioContext = new AudioContext(); } else if (typeof(webkitAudioContext) !== 'undefined') { SDL2.audioContext = new webkitAudioContext(); } } return SDL2.audioContext === undefined ? -1 : 0; }Web Audio API is not available!No compatible audio format!{ return SDL2.audioContext.sampleRate; }{ var have_microphone = function(stream) { if (SDL2.capture.silenceTimer !== undefined) { clearTimeout(SDL2.capture.silenceTimer); SDL2.capture.silenceTimer = undefined; } SDL2.capture.mediaStreamNode = SDL2.audioContext.createMediaStreamSource(stream); SDL2.capture.scriptProcessorNode = SDL2.audioContext.createScriptProcessor($1, $0, 1); SDL2.capture.scriptProcessorNode.onaudioprocess = function(audioProcessingEvent) { if ((SDL2 === undefined) || (SDL2.capture === undefined)) { return; } audioProcessingEvent.outputBuffer.getChannelData(0).fill(0.0); SDL2.capture.currentCaptureBuffer = audioProcessingEvent.inputBuffer; Runtime.dynCall('vi', $2, [$3]); }; SDL2.capture.mediaStreamNode.connect(SDL2.capture.scriptProcessorNode); SDL2.capture.scriptProcessorNode.connect(SDL2.audioContext.destination); SDL2.capture.stream = stream; }; var no_microphone = function(error) { }; SDL2.capture.silenceBuffer = SDL2.audioContext.createBuffer($0, $1, SDL2.audioContext.sampleRate); SDL2.capture.silenceBuffer.getChannelData(0).fill(0.0); var silence_callback = function() { SDL2.capture.currentCaptureBuffer = SDL2.capture.silenceBuffer; Runtime.dynCall('vi', $2, [$3]); }; SDL2.capture.silenceTimer = setTimeout(silence_callback, ($1 / SDL2.audioContext.sampleRate) * 1000); if ((navigator.mediaDevices !== undefined) && (navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia !== undefined)) { navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({ audio: true, video: false }).then(have_microphone).catch(no_microphone); } else if (navigator.webkitGetUserMedia !== undefined) { navigator.webkitGetUserMedia({ audio: true, video: false }, have_microphone, no_microphone); } }{ SDL2.audio.scriptProcessorNode = SDL2.audioContext['createScriptProcessor']($1, 0, $0); SDL2.audio.scriptProcessorNode['onaudioprocess'] = function (e) { if ((SDL2 === undefined) || (SDL2.audio === undefined)) { return; } SDL2.audio.currentOutputBuffer = e['outputBuffer']; Runtime.dynCall('vi', $2, [$3]); }; SDL2.audio.scriptProcessorNode['connect'](SDL2.audioContext['destination']); }{ var numChannels = SDL2.audio.currentOutputBuffer['numberOfChannels']; for (var c = 0; c < numChannels; ++c) { var channelData = SDL2.audio.currentOutputBuffer['getChannelData'](c); if (channelData.length != $1) { throw 'Web Audio output buffer length mismatch! Destination size: ' + channelData.length + ' samples vs expected ' + $1 + ' samples!'; } for (var j = 0; j < $1; ++j) { channelData[j] = HEAPF32[$0 + ((j*numChannels + c) << 2) >> 2]; } } }{ var numChannels = SDL2.capture.currentCaptureBuffer.numberOfChannels; for (var c = 0; c < numChannels; ++c) { var channelData = SDL2.capture.currentCaptureBuffer.getChannelData(c); if (channelData.length != $1) { throw 'Web Audio capture buffer length mismatch! Destination size: ' + channelData.length + ' samples vs expected ' + $1 + ' samples!'; } if (numChannels == 1) { for (var j = 0; j < $1; ++j) { setValue($0 + (j * 4), channelData[j], 'float'); } } else { for (var j = 0; j < $1; ++j) { setValue($0 + (((j * numChannels) + c) * 4), channelData[j], 'float'); } } } }SDL dummy video driverSDL_VIDEODRIVERdiskdirect-to-disk audioSystem audio output deviceSystem audio capture deviceSDL_DISKAUDIOFILEINSDL_DISKAUDIOFILEsdlaudio-in.rawsdlaudio.rawSDL_DISKAUDIODELAYrbYou are using the SDL disk i/o audio driver! Reading fromWriting to %s file [%s]. dummySDL dummy audio driverGamepads not supportedCould not set gamepad connect callbackCould not set gamepad disconnect callbackSDL not built with thread supportThreads are not supported on this platformParameter '%s' is invalidqueueSDL_MOUSE_NORMAL_SPEED_SCALESDL_MOUSE_RELATIVE_SPEED_SCALENo window has focusSDL_MOUSE_RELATIVE_MODE_WARPUnknown touch deviceSDL_RWFromFile(): No file or no mode specifiedCouldn't open %sSDL_BlendFillRects(): Unsupported surface formatSDL_BlendLines(): Passed NULL destination surfaceSDL_BlendLines(): Unsupported surface formatSDL_BlendPoint(): Unsupported surface formatSDL_BlendPoints(): Unsupported surface formatSDL_DrawLines(): Passed NULL destination surfaceSDL_DrawLines(): Unsupported surface formatPassed NULL destination surfaceSDL_DrawPoint(): Unsupported surface formatSDL_DrawPoints(): Unsupported surface formatBlit combination not supportedSDL_BLIT_CPU_FEATURES%uEGL_CONTEXT_LOSTEGL_BAD_NATIVE_WINDOWEGL_BAD_NATIVE_PIXMAPEGL_BAD_PARAMETEREGL_BAD_MATCHEGL_BAD_SURFACEEGL_BAD_DISPLAYEGL_BAD_CURRENT_SURFACEEGL_BAD_CONFIGEGL_BAD_CONTEXTEGL_BAD_ATTRIBUTEEGL_BAD_ALLOCEGL_BAD_ACCESSEGL_NOT_INITIALIZEDEGL_SUCCESS0x%x%s (call to %s failed, reporting an error of %s)eglChooseConfigeglCreateContexteglCreateWindowSurfaceeglMakeCurrenteglSwapBufferseglSwapIntervalEGL implementation does not support sRGB system framebuffersCouldn't find matching EGL configCould not create EGL context (context attributes are not supported)Could not create EGL context%sOpenGL not initializedUnable to make EGL context currentEGL not initializedUnable to set the EGL swap intervalunable to show color buffer in an OS-native windowunable to create an EGL window surface#canvas#document#windowSDL_EMSCRIPTEN_KEYBOARD_ELEMENTCouldn't find framebuffer surface for window{ var w = $0; var h = $1; var pixels = $2; if (!Module['SDL2']) Module['SDL2'] = {}; var SDL2 = Module['SDL2']; if (SDL2.ctxCanvas !== Module['canvas']) { SDL2.ctx = Module['createContext'](Module['canvas'], false, true); SDL2.ctxCanvas = Module['canvas']; } if (SDL2.w !== w || SDL2.h !== h || SDL2.imageCtx !== SDL2.ctx) { SDL2.image = SDL2.ctx.createImageData(w, h); SDL2.w = w; SDL2.h = h; SDL2.imageCtx = SDL2.ctx; } var data = SDL2.image.data; var src = pixels >> 2; var dst = 0; var num; if (typeof CanvasPixelArray !== 'undefined' && data instanceof CanvasPixelArray) { num = data.length; while (dst < num) { var val = HEAP32[src]; data[dst ] = val & 0xff; data[dst+1] = (val >> 8) & 0xff; data[dst+2] = (val >> 16) & 0xff; data[dst+3] = 0xff; src++; dst += 4; } } else { if (SDL2.data32Data !== data) { SDL2.data32 = new Int32Array(data.buffer); SDL2.data8 = new Uint8Array(data.buffer); } var data32 = SDL2.data32; num = data32.length; data32.set(HEAP32.subarray(src, src + num)); var data8 = SDL2.data8; var i = 3; var j = i + 4*num; if (num % 8 == 0) { while (i < j) { data8[i] = 0xff; i = i + 4 | 0; data8[i] = 0xff; i = i + 4 | 0; data8[i] = 0xff; i = i + 4 | 0; data8[i] = 0xff; i = i + 4 | 0; data8[i] = 0xff; i = i + 4 | 0; data8[i] = 0xff; i = i + 4 | 0; data8[i] = 0xff; i = i + 4 | 0; data8[i] = 0xff; i = i + 4 | 0; } } else { while (i < j) { data8[i] = 0xff; i = i + 4 | 0; } } } SDL2.ctx.putImageData(SDL2.image, 0, 0); return 0; }defaultpointernot-allowedns-resizeew-resizenesw-resizenwse-resizeprogresscrosshairwaittext{ if (Module['canvas']) { Module['canvas'].style['cursor'] = Module['Pointer_stringify']($0); } return 0; }if (Module['canvas']) { Module['canvas'].style['cursor'] = 'none'; }Could not get EGL displayCould not initialize EGL_SDL_DummySurfaceCouldn't find dummy surface for windowSDL_VIDEO_DUMMY_SAVE_FRAMESSDL_window%d-%8.8d.bmpwbFailed loading %s: %s%d bpp BMP files not supportedCouldn't convert image to %d bppSDL_BMP_SAVE_LEGACY_FORMATEXTARBOESANGLEglCreateProgramObjectglCreateProgramglUseProgramObjectglUseProgramglCreateShaderObjectglCreateShaderglAttachObjectglAttachShaderglDetachObjectglDetachShaderglPixelStoreiglGetStringglGetIntegervglGetFloatvglGetBooleanvglGenTexturesglDeleteTexturesglCompressedTexImage2DglCompressedTexSubImage2DglTexImage2DglTexSubImage2DglReadPixelsglBindTextureglGetTexParameterfvglGetTexParameterivglTexParameterfvglTexParameterivglIsTextureglGenBuffersglDeleteBuffersglGetBufferParameterivglBufferDataglBufferSubDataglIsBufferglGenRenderbuffersglDeleteRenderbuffersglBindRenderbufferglGetRenderbufferParameterivglIsRenderbufferglGetUniformfvglGetUniformivglGetUniformLocationglGetVertexAttribfvglGetVertexAttribivglGetVertexAttribPointervglGetActiveUniformglUniform1fglUniform2fglUniform3fglUniform4fglUniform1iglUniform2iglUniform3iglUniform4iglUniform1ivglUniform2ivglUniform3ivglUniform4ivglUniform1fvglUniform2fvglUniform3fvglUniform4fvglUniformMatrix2fvglUniformMatrix3fvglUniformMatrix4fvglBindBufferglVertexAttrib1fvglVertexAttrib2fvglVertexAttrib3fvglVertexAttrib4fvglGetAttribLocationglGetActiveAttribglDeleteShaderglGetAttachedShadersglShaderSourceglGetShaderSourceglCompileShaderglGetShaderInfoLogglGetShaderivglGetProgramivglIsShaderglDeleteProgramglGetShaderPrecisionFormatglLinkProgramglGetProgramInfoLogglValidateProgramglIsProgramglBindAttribLocationglBindFramebufferglGenFramebuffersglDeleteFramebuffersglFramebufferRenderbufferglFramebufferTexture2DglGetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivglIsFramebufferglDeleteObjectglGetObjectParameterivglGetInfoLogglBindProgramglGetPointervglDrawRangeElementsglEnableClientStateglVertexPointerglTexCoordPointerglNormalPointerglColorPointerglClientActiveTextureglGenVertexArraysglDeleteVertexArraysglBindVertexArrayglMatrixModeglLoadIdentityglLoadMatrixfglFrustumglRotatefglVertexAttribPointerglEnableVertexAttribArrayglDisableVertexAttribArrayglDrawArraysglDrawElementsglShaderBinaryglReleaseShaderCompilerglGetErrorglVertexAttribDivisorglDrawArraysInstancedglDrawElementsInstancedglFinishglFlushglClearDepthglClearDepthfglDepthFuncglEnableglDisableglFrontFaceglCullFaceglClearglLineWidthglClearStencilglDepthMaskglStencilMaskglCheckFramebufferStatusglGenerateMipmapglActiveTextureglBlendEquationglIsEnabledglBlendFuncglBlendEquationSeparateglDepthRangeglDepthRangefglStencilMaskSeparateglHintglPolygonOffsetglVertexAttrib1fglSampleCoverageglTexParameteriglTexParameterfglVertexAttrib2fglStencilFuncglStencilOpglViewportglClearColorglScissorglVertexAttrib3fglColorMaskglRenderbufferStorageglBlendFuncSeparateglBlendColorglStencilFuncSeparateglStencilOpSeparateglVertexAttrib4fglCopyTexImage2DglCopyTexSubImage2DglDrawBuffers{ Module.printErr('bad name in getProcAddress: ' + [Pointer_stringify($0), Pointer_stringify($1)]); }T!" K  'hnopqb ($ %#}&*+<=>?CGJMXYZ[\]^_`acdefgijklrstyz{|Illegal byte sequenceDomain errorResult not representableNot a ttyPermission deniedOperation not permittedNo such file or directoryNo such processFile existsValue too large for data typeNo space left on deviceOut of memoryResource busyInterrupted system callResource temporarily unavailableInvalid seekCross-device linkRead-only file systemDirectory not emptyConnection reset by peerOperation timed outConnection refusedHost is downHost is unreachableAddress in useBroken pipeI/O errorNo such device or addressBlock device requiredNo such deviceNot a directoryIs a directoryText file busyExec format errorInvalid argumentArgument list too longSymbolic link loopFilename too longToo many open files in systemNo file descriptors availableBad file descriptorNo child processBad addressFile too largeToo many linksNo locks availableResource deadlock would occurState not recoverablePrevious owner diedOperation canceledFunction not implementedNo message of desired typeIdentifier removedDevice not a streamNo data availableDevice timeoutOut of streams resourcesLink has been severedProtocol errorBad messageFile descriptor in bad stateNot a socketDestination address requiredMessage too largeProtocol wrong type for socketProtocol not availableProtocol not supportedSocket type not supportedNot supportedProtocol family not supportedAddress family not supported by protocolAddress not availableNetwork is downNetwork unreachableConnection reset by networkConnection abortedNo buffer space availableSocket is connectedSocket not connectedCannot send after socket shutdownOperation already in progressOperation in progressStale file handleRemote I/O errorQuota exceededNo medium foundWrong medium typeNo error informationinfinity  !"#  !"#rwa              0123456789ABCDEF-+ 0X0x(null)-0X+0X 0X-0x+0x 0xinfINFnanNAN.