Little Bobby Tables: */ header("Content-type: text/plain"); $dbfilename = ":memory:"; $db = new PDO("sqlite:$dbfilename"); if(!$db) { print("Error opening database $dbfilename\n"); exit(1); } // Just going to blindly exec() this. $createsql = "CREATE TABLE test (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, colA TEXT, colB TEXT)"; // Note that there's ":namedparam" where you would otherwise have put // the mysql_real_escape_string'd value [or similar] $insertsql = "INSERT INTO test (colA,colB) VALUES (:colA, :colB)"; // Use exec() for things that can only pass or fail. Don't use it for // stuff the users pass you. $result = $db->exec($createsql); if(false === $result) { print("Error exec'ing create statement \"$createsql\"\n"); print_r($db->errorInfo()); exit(1); } else { print("Successfully created db table\n"); } // Imagine that we've collected some data from users with a // form. Something like this: // $name = $_REQUEST['name'] // $addr = $_REQUEST['addr'] // Note that users and malicious attackers will put stuff in these // that would be a SQL injection attack. // Please see Little Bobby Tables linked above, for an example. $name = "ChunkyKs'); DROP TABLE test; --"; $addr = "1234 Example Lane"; // There are two different ways to correctly bind the parameters in PDO. I // will demonstrate both, feel free to pick whatever works for you. Note // that "colA" and "colB" are the named parameters prefixed with a ":" // in the SQL above. // First, prepare the statement $stmt = $db->prepare($insertsql); if(!$stmt) { print("Error preparing statement \"$insertsql\"\n"); print_r($db->errorInfo()); exit(1); } else { print("Successfully prepared insert statement\n"); } // Bind mechanism 1: each parameter individually $stmt->bindValue(':colA', $name); $stmt->bindValue(':colB', $addr); // And execute $result = $stmt->execute(); if(false === $result) { print("Error inserting via individual binds:\n"); print_r($db->errorInfo()); exit(1); } else { print("Successfully inserted via individual binds\n"); } // Bind mechanism 2: All at once with a hash table $result = $stmt->execute(array(':colA' => $name, ':colB' => $addr)); if(false === $result) { print("Error inserting via group bind:\n"); print_r($db->errorInfo()); exit(1); } else { print("Successfully inserted via group bind\n"); } // And check they all came out ok $selectsql = "SELECT id,colA,colB FROM test;"; $selstmt = $db->prepare($selectsql); if(!$selstmt) { print("Error preparing select:\n"); print_r($db->errorInfo()); exit(1); } else { print("Successfully prepared select statement\n"); } // Always need to tell a statement to execute, even if you don't bind parameters $selstmt->execute(); print("\nNow going to read out all the rows:\n"); while(false != ($row = $selstmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC))) { print("\nAnother row:\n"); print_r($row); } ?>