I have three questions that can probably be answered by the mailing list.<br><br>1. I have a powerbook pro mac with Leopard. Is UT3 going to be Leopard compatible as the operating system was released yesterday?<br><br>2. How long does it normally take for games like UT3 to have the mac mod released, the only reason I ask this is if it is more than 1-2 months I will have to buy both versions.
<br><br>3. Is there any way to get an advanced copy of the editor. I have quite a few friends who are making a renegade 2007 mod for UT3. There is a community of 50,000 players who are all going to buy the product just to run this mod, so I was wondering about the release of the editor which I am sure is finalised by now.
<br><br><br>Thanks in Advance<br><br>Dave....<br>(arnyswart)<br>