[ut3] Issues, Ideas, and Hopeful Thoughts

B1tchkilla b1tchkilla at gmx.de
Wed Jun 3 06:14:04 EDT 2009


Majic wrote:
> The Hellbender is frustrating.  I love that you can hit people in the 
> main gunner with a sniper, but the shots from that are just not 
> powerful enough and don't fire quickly enough.  I sorely miss the 
> behavior from Unreal Tournament 3.  If you could spend a short time 
> charging up the shot and then firing something moderately devastating, 
> that would be lovely.  Otherwise, it is practically useless against 
> airborne vehicles and takes much more skill to fire with than 
> something like the Goliath gunner. 
Guess you mean "the behaviour of UT2004"?
Not seeing a charge status bar does not mean you can't charge ;)

> ... balance of vehicles ...
If there was an equivalent for everything then there was no need for a 
second race besides the story. I think the vehicles are good as they 
are, just some maps lack balance because of the numbers and types of 
vehicles used. That's not a fault of the vehicles themselves.

> The final issue is just a simple thing on the map called Kargo.  When 
> I hit the jump in a Scorpion I managed to flip it over and land it on 
> it's roof in the low area around the ship.  The vehicle usually 
> destroys itself when it touches this area, ... 
Really? It's been a while since I played the game due to time reasons 
but IIRC I used to drive aroud the ship and don't see a reason why it 
should explode ... it never did for me, only if I used self destruction ...

Btw. I didn't see your mail as a rant, just wasn't always clear to me 
what's your point in general :-)
Hope I can be back to the game soon.

- René

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