Some servers crash by Close session errors

Thomas Grasmück tgrasmueck at
Fri Mar 7 11:41:20 EST 2008

Hi again!

I have a strange problem with some of our UT3 servers (all patched up to
1.2). We actually run three servers, two on our first Root and another
on the second. On the first Root the primary server runs fine. This one
is a pure server. The second one has additionally only CustomUT
installed, the rest is identical to the first one. The third one is a
copy of the first, so it's also pure.

The problem is now, that the second (CustomUT) and the third one (copy
of the first, pure) are crashing every 24 to 36h with Cant't destroy a
Null session Error. We had this error before patch 1.2 on all servers,
but it seemed to be resolved with the patch. After patching all servers
ran stable for a week, then this error began to come back. Nothing
changed in the config.

I am sure, many people here know this error and that it's really ugly,
because the server doesn't really crash, but hangs up. So our
cronscript, which normally restarts crashed servers, can't take note of
the hanging servers. Anyone found a solution for this error?

Log: Log file open,
Init: Version: 3542
Init: Epic Internal: 0
Init: Compiled: Feb 20 2008 00:44:51
Init: Command line: server
-multihome= -port=12777 -login=xxx -password=xxx
-log=ut304_tdm.log -nohomedir -unattended
Init: Base directory:
Init: Character set: Unicode
Log: GConfig::LoadFile has loaded file:  ../UTGame/Config/UTEditor.ini
Log: GConfig::LoadFile has loaded file:
Log: GConfig::LoadFile has loaded file:  ../UTGame/Config/UTEngine.ini
Log: GConfig::LoadFile has loaded file:  ../UTGame/Config/UTGame.ini
Log: GConfig::LoadFile has loaded file:  ../UTGame/Config/UTInput.ini
Log: GConfig::LoadFile has loaded file:  ../UTGame/Config/UTUI.ini
Init: File handle limit is soft=(1024), hard=(1024).
Init: Computer: unknown
Init: User: gameadmin
Init: BSD Sockets initialized
Init: Presizing for 83221 objects not considered by GC, pre-allocating 0
Init: Object subsystem initialized
Init: Startup System Settings:
Init: System Settings:
Init:   StaticDecals=true
Init:   DynamicDecals=true
Init:   DynamicLights=true
Init:   DynamicShadows=true
Init:   LightEnvironmentShadows=true
Init:   CompositeDynamicLights=false
Init:   DirectionalLightmaps=true
Init:   MotionBlur=true
Init:   DepthOfField=true
Init:   Bloom=true
Init:   QualityBloom=true
Init:   Distortion=true
Init:   DropParticleDistortion=false
Init:   SpeedTreeLeaves=true
Init:   SpeedTreeFronds=true
Init:   OnlyStreamInTextures=false
Init:   LensFlares=true
Init:   FogVolumes=true
Init:   FloatingPointRenderTargets=true
Init:   Trilinear=false
Init:   OneFrameThreadLag=true
Init:   UseVsync=false
Init:   UpscaleScreenPercentage=true
Init:   Fullscreen=false
Init:   AllowD3D10=true
Init:   EnableHighPolyChars=false
Init:   SkeletalMeshLODBias=0
Init:   ParticleLODBias=0
Init:   DetailMode=2
Init:   ShadowFilterQualityBias=0
Init:   MaxAnisotropy=4
Init:   MaxMultisamples=1
Init:   MinShadowResolution=32
Init:   MaxShadowResolution=512
Init:   ResX=800
Init:   ResY=600
Init:   ScreenPercentage=100.000
Init:   SceneCaptureStreamingMultiplier=1.000
Init:   FoliageDrawRadiusMultiplier=1.000
Init:   ShadowTexelsPerPixel=2.000
Log:    TEXTUREGROUP_World: (MinLODSize=   1,MaxLODSize=4096,LODBias=0)
Log:    TEXTUREGROUP_WorldNormalMap: (MinLODSize=
Log:    TEXTUREGROUP_WorldSpecular: (MinLODSize=
Log:    TEXTUREGROUP_Character: (MinLODSize=   1,MaxLODSize=4096,LODBias=0)
Log:    TEXTUREGROUP_CharacterNormalMap: (MinLODSize=
Log:    TEXTUREGROUP_CharacterSpecular: (MinLODSize=
Log:    TEXTUREGROUP_Weapon: (MinLODSize=   1,MaxLODSize=4096,LODBias=0)
Log:    TEXTUREGROUP_WeaponNormalMap: (MinLODSize=
Log:    TEXTUREGROUP_WeaponSpecular: (MinLODSize=
Log:    TEXTUREGROUP_Vehicle: (MinLODSize=   1,MaxLODSize=4096,LODBias=0)
Log:    TEXTUREGROUP_VehicleNormalMap: (MinLODSize=
Log:    TEXTUREGROUP_VehicleSpecular: (MinLODSize=
Log:    TEXTUREGROUP_Effects: (MinLODSize=   1,MaxLODSize=4096,LODBias=0)
Log:    TEXTUREGROUP_Skybox: (MinLODSize=   1,MaxLODSize=4096,LODBias=0)
Log:    TEXTUREGROUP_UI: (MinLODSize=   1,MaxLODSize=4096,LODBias=0)
Log:    TEXTUREGROUP_LightAndShadowMap: (MinLODSize=
Log:    TEXTUREGROUP_RenderTarget: (MinLODSize=
Init: Friendly System Settings:
Init:   TextureDetail=Level5
Init:   WorldDetail=Level5
Init:   bUseVSync=0
Init:   bUseMSAA=0
Init:   ScreenPercentage=100
Init:   UpscaleScreenPercentage=1
Init:   ResX= 800
Init:   ResY= 600
Init:   Fullscreen=0
Log: Initializing FaceFX...
Log: FaceFX initialized:
Log:     version  1.710000
Log:     licensee Unreal Engine 3 Licensee
Log:     project  Unreal Engine 3 Project
Log: GConfig::Find has loaded file:  ..\Engine\Localization/int/
Log: GConfig::Find has loaded file:  ..\Engine\Localization/int/
Log: Loaded shader cache RefShaderCache-PC-D3D-SM3.CacheObject: 24748
shaders(5 legacy, 0 redundant), 2548 materials
Log: GConfig::Find has loaded file:
Log: GConfig::Find has loaded file:  ..\UTGame\Localization/int/
Log: GConfig::LoadFile has loaded file:  ../UTGame/Config/UTWeapon.ini
Log: GConfig::LoadFile has loaded file:  ../UTGame/Config/UTCustomChar.ini
Log: GConfig::LoadFile associated file:  ../UTGame/Config/UTMap.ini
Log: GConfig::LoadFile has loaded file:  ../UTGame/Config/UTWeb.ini
Log: GConfig::Find has loaded file:
Init: Version: 3542
Init: Epic Internal: 0
Init: Compiled: Feb 20 2008 00:51:27
Init: Command line:
-multihome= -port=12777 -login=xxx -password=xxx
-log=ut304_tdm.log -noh
omedir -unattended
Init: Base directory:
Init: Character set: Unicode
Log: Executing Class Engine.ServerCommandlet
Log: Initializing Game Engine...
Init: UEngine initialized
Log: Looking for DLC...
Log: Failed to find Package GuidCache_Textures to FullyLoad
[FullyLoadType = 3, Tag = ]
Log: Failed to find Package GuidCache_Textures to FullyLoad
[FullyLoadType = 3, Tag = ]
Log: Failed to find Package GuidCache_Script to FullyLoad [FullyLoadType
= 3, Tag = ]
Log: Object size..............: 60
Log: Actor size...............: 436
Log: ActorComponent size......: 88
Log: PrimitiveComponent size..: 448
Log: GConfig::Find has loaded file:
Log: GConfig::Find has loaded file:  ../UTGame/Config/UTWebAdmin.ini
Log: GConfig::Find has loaded file:  ../UTGame/Config/UTcustomutv1a.ini
Log: Performing DNS lookup for
Log: Browse:
Log: LoadMap:
Log: GConfig::Find has loaded file:
Log: Game class is 'UTDeathmatch'
Init: Sockets: Socket queue 262142 / 262142
Log: NetMode is now 1
Log: Primary PhysX scene will be in software.
Log: Creating Primary PhysX Scene.
Log: Bringing World DM-Deck.TheWorld up for play (30) at 2008.03.04-18.52.15
ScriptLog: Mutators CustomUTv1a.UTMutator_CustomUTv1a
ScriptLog: -- MAPVOTE is ENABLED!!!!!
ScriptLog: Web Server Created Port: 12771
MaxCon 18 ExpirationSecs 86400 Enabled True
WebAdmin: Creating IWebAdminAuth instance from: BasicWebAdminAuth
WebAdmin: Creating ISessionHandler instance from: SessionHandler
Log: Bringing up level for play took: 0.680446
Log: ########### Finished loading level: 7.074538 seconds
Init: Game engine initialized
Log: Initializing Game Engine Completed
Log: FSTUNClient resolved (
ScriptLog: Cut down URL
ScriptLog: Cut down URL
ScriptLog: Cut down URL
ScriptLog: Reset UTDeathmatch_0
NetComeGo: Open TheWorld
Log: Client netspeed is 10000


NetComeGo: Open TheWorld
NetComeGo: Close TcpipConnection_69
NetComeGo: Open TheWorld
NetComeGo: Close TcpipConnection_70
Error: Can't destroy a null online session

Thanks in advance

-------------- next part --------------
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