[ut3] Ask you self...

Thomas Ilnseher ilnseher at eit.uni-kl.de
Thu Apr 10 10:02:25 EDT 2008

Am Donnerstag, den 10.04.2008, 08:41 -0500 schrieb Josh:
> People are going to bitch on this list because it's the only place
> they 
> can. I myself was once considering picking the game up. HELL NO now.
Well, If It's released, I'll pick it (only if all my winblows using
clanm8s have stopped playing any ut3, I'd consider not buying it ...)

I remember that it also took Id quite some time to port DOOM3. When i
finally bought D3, it had already dropped in price.

I recently upgraded my gfx to an 8800gt due to a new monitor, but I
saved yuite some bucks compared to the price I'd have had to pay when i
upgraded the day ut3 was released.
>  Now 
> I just stay subscribed to see exactly how hard epic shafts linux
> users.
> Epic is now a nubstick development shop. In their eyes:
> console > windows PC > *. With * being a joke to them.

Well the problem is that they are a company that needs to make money.

porting the game does cost them $ x,-
not porting the game does "cost" (ie generate lost revenue) them 
y * ($50 - $what_the_publisher_earns)

where Y is the number of linux users THAT DO NOT BUY that game when not
ported, but DO buy when ported.

I assume that Y is a rather small number, cause i know a lot of linux
users that in this case buy the game anyway cause these:
a) use their consoles for gaming
b) use a winblows partition for gaming
c) use wine ...

so actually we can be glad that epic continues the port ...
Thomas Ilnseher <ilnseher at eit.uni-kl.de>

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