[ut3] "Illegal Instruction"

Ryan C. Gordon icculus at icculus.org
Wed Dec 19 14:03:33 EST 2007

> I don't think so.  On my apparently supported hardware (AthlonXP, unlike 
> the old Athlon that originally spawned this thread), I actually tried 
> that in my script initially, and received several segfaults for my 
> trouble...  Switched to the ./ut3 cover script and all worked like a 
> charm.  There's an environment variable or two that get set in that 
> script to guide the binary to the right data path, and undoubtedly, I 
> was setting them wrong in mine.  

Mostly it's the LD_LIBRARY_PATH var...without it, we won't load the 
libPhysXCore.so file, which causes us to crash (we should probably 
handle that failure more gracefully, though. Not handling it is an 
Unreal thing, not a PhysX thing).


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