[ut2004] inbuilt MP3 player

Joel Wiramu Pauling aenertia at aenertia.net
Mon Jan 24 17:56:25 EST 2005

if RO's music is in mp3 format your much beter e-mailing them and asking
them to use ogg and the inbuilt definitions for maps.

Seems weird to me.

On Sat, 2005-01-22 at 16:36 +0000, Keir Lawson wrote:
> I cant seem to get the inbuilt MP3 player to function in linux, this
> feature is very usefull for me because the music for red orchestra is
> provided in mp3 form and this is the only way i can play it without
> blocking up alsa so that ut cant use it. The file selector simply doesnt
> want to add mp3s to the playlist, i double click them, or select and
> then hit add, but to no avail.
> Keir Lawson

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