[ut2004] Strange text-to-speech issues

Alex Hunsaker alexhun at earthlink.net
Wed Mar 31 18:31:17 EST 2004

On Thu, 2004-04-01 at 05:08, Matthew N Cheely wrote:
> I'm trying to get text to speech to work on my machine and I've installed
> festival and speechd, /dev/speech works fine from the console, I edited
> UT2004.ini as the lgfaq suggested, but in the game I get no text-to-speech
> conversion. However, when I quit the game, then all of the sudden it seems
> like all the text gets dumped to /dev/speech and I hear all the messages
> from the game. Anybody got any ideas on this?
> -matt

sounds like your sound card dosent like multiple streams at once

are you using alsa? if so talk a look at dmix all though i have yet to
get it working with ut2004 and festevial try running using it with esd

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