[ut2004] Problem under Linux

Gian Paolo Mureddu thetargos at tutopia.com
Tue Jun 22 23:53:20 EDT 2004

Jean Respen - WrackWeb wrote:

>I'm trying to install UT2004 under Debian Linux. It always tells me an
>error at startup : 
>Could not load OpenGL library
>Exiting due to error
>If I play with -software mode, it works. What is special, it's that
>Quake3 works well, with the openGL support... I've a GeForce 4MX 64mb,
>drivers compiled with opengl support...
>Did u have already this problem?
>Need help.
>see u
Are you certain you have 3D acceleration enabled when you launch the 
game? Also try to see if you've got any libraries in your 
/usr/X11R6/lib/tls/ directory (libGL.so.1.2) if so, remove those and try 

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