[ut2004] Parsing console commands

Gian Paolo Mureddu Thetargos at tutopia.com
Tue Feb 24 13:41:18 EST 2004

Andrew Pilley wrote:

>On Tue, 2004-02-24 at 22:18, Gian Paolo Mureddu wrote:
>>    Is there a way to start the game and at the same time pass console 
>>commands to it as command line arguments?
>Hmm. you should be able to pass some as options. if you look in the
>benchmarking scripts (ut2003 has them, there are some floating around
>for ut2004demo as well, but it doesn't come with them) you'll see things
>rue -benchmark -seconds=77 -exec=../Benchmark/Stuff/botmatchexec.txt $*
>which show a few options, as well as -exec, which means you can probably
>toss down a temporary file with options in it, and pass it in that way.
I had thought about that, I'll try and see what happens.
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