[ut2004] any ways to get more performance?

Gian Paolo Mureddu Thetargos at tutopia.com
Sun Apr 4 13:20:38 EDT 2004

Mark Ivey wrote:

>I'm wondering if anyone can help me get more performance from UT2004
>under linux.  Some maps play fine but some, like DM-Gestalt, have much
>lower framerate in linux than windows (for me, at least).  I've already
>tried stopping all unneccessary services on my machine (httpd, sshd,
>samba, etc.) and run in a bare X session (no gnome, kde, etc.).  This
>gives a little boost, but not enough.  Any other ideas?
>-Mark Ivey-
Link your system's libSDL to the game. Rename the 
/where/you/installed/ut2004/System/libSDL-1.2.so.0 file, then link 
against your system's libSDL -1.2.so.0.0.5 file (name the link 
libSDL-1.2.so.0) That should work.

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