[ut2003io] Longer initial loading times in 2.6

Thomas Otto 3.1415926535897932384626433832 at gmx.net
Thu May 20 23:18:17 EDT 2004

>>>In kernel 2.6 ut2003 takes much longer to start than under 2.4, I've 
>>>experienced this with Neverwinter Nights as well and I think these 
>>>problems are related, also see this thread I found in the forum:
>>I wouldn't be surprised if something like the "anticipatory i/o
>>scheduler" in 2.6 is killing start times, but that's just a guess.
>>At startup, ut2003 does an _insane_ amount of disk i/o.
> I've heard these complaints too, but have not experienced them. UT2K3 
> and NWN start up just as fast in 2.6.1 and 2.6.2-rc3 (yes, I'm 
> up-to-date :) ) as in 2.4.24 for me.

No, not a reply gone wrong. I think reiserfs was causing these problems, 
see http://nwn.bioware.com/forums/viewtopic.html?topic=345131&forum=72 /



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