[ut2003io] UT2003 Epic Bonus Pack

Jeff Woods klaatu at fnordco.com
Tue Mar 11 23:59:47 EST 2003

Here's approximately what I did. Some directory names have been
changed to protect the innocent.

As root:

cd /stage
unzip ~/UT2003-epicbonuspackone.exe
mv UT2003-BonusPack ut2003
cd ut2003/System
rm *.dll *.exe *.ini
cd /stage
tar czf UT2003-epicbonuspackone.tar.gz ut2003
cd /usr/local/games
tar xzf /stage/UT2003-epicbonuspackone.tar.gz

This assumes your UT2003 installation is in /usr/local/games/ut2003

Now you have an archive you can untar wherever you feel like with one

On Tue, 11 Mar 2003 19:36:59 -0700, Warren Woodward
<warrenw at xmission.com> wrote :

> > Yeah, the contents of UT2003-BonusPack needs to go to your
install, so 
> > the files in UT2003-BonusPack/Maps goes in your Maps dir, etc.
> > 
> Ya know, that's a long term annoyance of mine.  I'm guessing there's a
> better way to move the files than to extract, then cp * /dir.  Or is
> there?  Like some flag on unzip/bzip/tar that can change the default
> Pardon me, exposing my pasty newbie linux belly.
> -- 
> warren woodward
> XMission DSL
> Domo/Mailman
> warrenw at xmission.com
> (801) 303-0819
> (877) XMISSION
> "The United States, as the world knows, will never start a war."
> 			-JFK, American University, June 10, 1963

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