2136 patch failing

NP ngp at blueyonder.co.uk
Sat Nov 9 13:13:38 EST 2002

I have just run loki_update on my dedicated server.  It updated to 2126 
ok, but failed part way through updating to 2136 with:

-> PATCH FILE System/Engine.so
xdelta.c:286: /usr/local/games/ut2003_dedicated/System/Engine.so.new: 
Checksum validation failed, expected: 285d266576094947a46700f584e92377, 
received: e3ffcf7236847d15f35d7a01c4408845
xdelta.c:286: ./data/System/Engine.so.0: Checksum validation failed, 
expected: 7f1a9455cbe928b12fd9be5565b2dc34, received: 
ERROR: Failed patch delta on 
The program returned an error code (3)
Update failed

Sorry if this has already been answered, if so I missed it.

Help ?


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