Module dpmod: Change committed

havoc at havoc at
Thu Aug 28 08:56:48 EDT 2003

Commiter   : havoc
CVSROOT    : /cvs/cvsroot/twilight
Module     : dpmod
Commit time: 2003-08-28 12:56:48 UTC

Log message:

these two files haven't been used for a long time, just old code

Removed files:
     qc/havocbotold_qcwaypoints.qc qc/havocbotold_qcwaysurfaces.qc

Content-Type: text/plain; name="dpmod.20030828.125648.havoc.diff"
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="dpmod.20030828.125648.havoc.diff"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

Index: dpmod/qc/havocbotold_qcwaypoints.qc
diff -u dpmod/qc/havocbotold_qcwaypoints.qc:1.2 dpmod/qc/havocbotold_qcwaypoints.qc:removed
--- dpmod/qc/havocbotold_qcwaypoints.qc:1.2	Wed Jun 11 05:07:37 2003
+++ dpmod/qc/havocbotold_qcwaypoints.qc	Thu Aug 28 08:56:48 2003
@@ -1,1993 +0,0 @@
-itemscore = (howmuchmoreIwant / howmuchIcanwant) / itemdistance
-waypointscore = 0.7 / waypointdistance
-entity  tracewalkent; // invisible entity that is reused for all tracewalks
-float maxspeed;
-float sv_accelerate;
-float(entity e, vector start, vector end) tracewalk =
-	local   vector  move, v, dir, nostependpos;
-	local   float   dist, totaldist, stepdist, yaw, ignorehazards, p, nostepfrac;
-	local   entity  saveself;
-	move = end - start;
-	move_z = 0;
-	dist = totaldist = vlen(move);
-	dir = normalize(move);
-	stepdist = 32;
-	saveself = self;
-	if (!tracewalkent)
-	{
-		tracewalkent = spawn();
-		setsize(tracewalkent, '-16 -16 -24', '16 16 32');
-	}
-	tracewalkent.owner = self; // avoid collisions
-	self = tracewalkent;
-	setorigin(self, start);
-	//self.angles = vectoangles(dir);
-	p = pointcontents(self.origin);
-	if (p == CONTENT_EMPTY)
-	{
-		tracebox(start + '0 0 18', '-16 -16 -24', '16 16 32', start + '0 0 -18', FALSE, e);
-		if (trace_fraction >= 1) // start isn't even on the floor
-		{
-			self = saveself;
-			return 0;
-		}
-	}
-	if (end_x >= self.absmin_x && end_y >= self.absmin_y && end_z >= self.absmin_z && end_x < self.absmax_x && end_y < self.absmax_y && end_z < self.absmax_z)
-	{
-		//WriteVec (MSG_BROADCAST, end);
-		self = saveself;
-		return 1;
-	}
-	ignorehazards = FALSE;
-	p = pointcontents(start);
-	if (p == CONTENT_LAVA || p == CONTENT_SLIME)
-		ignorehazards = TRUE;
-	yaw = vectoyaw(move);
-	move = end - self.origin;
-	while (dist > 0)
-	{
-		if (stepdist > dist)
-			stepdist = dist;
-		dist = dist - stepdist;
-		p = 0;
-		if (!ignorehazards)
-		{
-			p = pointcontents(self.origin);
-			if (p == CONTENT_LAVA || p == CONTENT_SLIME)
-			{
-				self = saveself;
-				// hazards blocking path
-				return 0;
-			}
-		}
-		if (p == 0)
-			p = pointcontents(self.origin);
-		if (p != CONTENT_EMPTY)
-		{
-			move = normalize(end - self.origin);
-			tracebox(self.origin, '-16 -16 -24', '16 16 32', self.origin + move * stepdist, FALSE, e);
-			if (trace_startsolid || trace_fraction < 1)
-			{
-				//particle(self.origin, move * 64, 104, 4);
-				self = saveself;
-				// failed
-				return 0;
-			}
-			setorigin(self, trace_endpos);
-		}
-		else //if (!walkmove(yaw, stepdist))
-		{
-			// walkmove failed, fall back to our own methods
-			move = dir * stepdist + self.origin;
-			// trace twice, first at ground level, then at
-			// stepheight, stepheight trace will be used instead
-			// of ground trace if it went further, if ground
-			// level was chosen check if we made any progress,
-			// if we did, fall to floor, if we did not, fail
-			tracebox(self.origin, '-16 -16 -24', '16 16 32', move, FALSE, e);
-			if (trace_startsolid)
-			{
-				//move = normalize(end - self.origin);
-				//particle(self.origin, move * 64, 104, 4);
-				self = saveself;
-				// failed
-				return 0;
-			}
-			nostepfrac = trace_fraction;
-			nostependpos = trace_endpos;
-			tracebox(self.origin + '0 0 18', '-16 -16 -24', '16 16 32', move + '0 0 18', FALSE, e);
-			if (trace_fraction > nostepfrac + 0.001)
-			{
-				// stepped, fall to floor
-				tracebox(trace_endpos, '-16 -16 -24', '16 16 32', trace_endpos + '0 0 -65536', FALSE, e);
-				setorigin(self, trace_endpos);
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				if (nostepfrac >= 0.001)
-				{
-					// moved, fall to floor
-					tracebox(nostependpos, '-16 -16 -24', '16 16 32', nostependpos + '0 0 -65536', FALSE, e);
-					setorigin(self, trace_endpos);
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					// didn't move
-					//move = normalize(end - self.origin);
-					//particle(self.origin, move * 64, 104, 4);
-					self = saveself;
-					// failed
-					return 0;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		if (end_x >= self.absmin_x)
-		if (end_x < self.absmax_x)
-		if (end_y >= self.absmin_y)
-		if (end_y < self.absmax_y)
-		if (end_z >= self.absmin_z)
-		if (end_z < self.absmax_z)
-		{
-			//WriteVec (MSG_BROADCAST, end);
-			self = saveself;
-			// succeeded
-			return 1;
-		}
-	}
-	//WriteVec (MSG_BROADCAST, end);
-	self = saveself;
-	// moved but didn't arrive at the intended destination
-	return 0;
-.float isbot;
-float   havoccurrentbots;
-float   havocbots;
-string() havocbot_name =
-	local string name;
-	local float r;
-	do
-	{
-		r = random() * 32;
-		     if (r <  1) name = "Thunderstorm";
-		else if (r <  2) name = "Deadly Dream";
-		else if (r <  3) name = "Darkness";
-		else if (r <  4) name = "Scorcher";
-		else if (r <  5) name = "57 Chevy";
-		else if (r <  6) name = "Dark Avenger";
-		else if (r <  7) name = "Dying Time";
-		else if (r <  8) name = "Paranoia";
-		else if (r <  9) name = "Eureka";
-		else if (r < 10) name = "Mystery";
-		else if (r < 11) name = "Toxic";
-		else if (r < 12) name = "Dominion";
-		else if (r < 13) name = "Pegasus";
-		else if (r < 14) name = "Sensible";
-		else if (r < 15) name = "I Love Gibs";
-		else if (r < 16) name = "The New Guy";
-		else if (r < 17) name = "Boy With A Gun";
-		else if (r < 18) name = "Universe Man";
-		else if (r < 19) name = "The Evil One";
-		else if (r < 20) name = "2MuchGibsMan";
-		else if (r < 21) name = "The Plasma man";
-		else if (r < 22) name = "Strange Brew";
-		else if (r < 23) name = "Potato Head";
-		else if (r < 24) name = "The Angel";
-		else if (r < 25) name = "Radioactive Man";
-		else if (r < 26) name = "Gator";
-		else if (r < 27) name = "Your Demise";
-		else if (r < 28) name = "The Gladiator";
-		else if (r < 29) name = "Spaceman Spiff";
-		else if (r < 30) name = "Johnny Dangerously";
-		else if (r < 31) name = "Elmer Fudd";
-		else             name = "Kangaroo";
-	}
-	while (find(world, netname, name));
-	return name;
-void(float t, float f1, float f2, entity e1, vector v1, vector v2, vector v3, vector v4) havocbot_lagfunc;
-.void() havocbot_role;
-void() havocbot_chooserole;
-void() havocbot_new =
-	local entity saveself;
-	local float r;
-	// only 32 names available
-	if (havoccurrentbots >= 32)
-		return;
-	if (!coop && !deathmatch)
-	{
-		sprint(self, "Sorry, can't spawn bots in singleplayer, please set deathmatch 1 first.\n");
-		return;
-	}
-	havoccurrentbots = havoccurrentbots + 1;
-	newmis = spawn();
-	newmis.lag_func = havocbot_lagfunc;
-	newmis.isbot = TRUE;
-	newmis.think = ClientConnect;
-	newmis.nextthink = time + random() * 0.5 + 0.2;
-	newmis.createdtime = newmis.nextthink;
-	newmis.netname = havocbot_name();
-	newmis.c_pants = -1;
-	newmis.c_shirt = -1;
-	newmis.havocbot_role = SUB_Null;
-void() havocbot_removenewest =
-	local   float   besttime;
-	local   entity  best, head, saveself;
-	head = findchainfloat(isbot, TRUE);
-	if (!head)
-		return;
-	best = head;
-	besttime = head.createdtime;
-	while (head)
-	{
-		if (head.createdtime > besttime)
-		{
-			best = head;
-			besttime = head.createdtime;
-		}
-		head = head.chain;
-	}
-	havoccurrentbots = havoccurrentbots - 1;
-	saveself = self;
-	self = best;
-	ClientDisconnect();
-	self = saveself;
-void() havocbot_think;
-void() havocbot_updatedangerousobjects;
-void() havocbot_serverframe =
-	local   entity  head, saveself;
-	local   float   botcount;
-	if (intermission_running)
-		return;
-	head = findfloat(world, isbot, TRUE);
-	if (head != world)
-	{
-		maxspeed = cvar("sv_maxspeed"); // player movement speed
-		sv_accelerate = cvar("sv_accelerate"); // 10 normally
-		havocbot_updatedangerousobjects();
-		saveself = self;
-		while (head)
-		{
-			self = head;
-			havocbot_think();
-			PlayerPreThink();
-			PlayerPostThink();
-			head = findfloat(head, isbot, TRUE);
-		}
-		self = saveself;
-	}
-	if (havoccurrentbots < havocbots)
-		havocbot_new();
-	else if (havoccurrentbots > havocbots)
-		havocbot_removenewest();
-void(float howmany) havocbot_add =
-	if (howmany < 1)
-		return;
-	havocbots = havocbots + howmany;
-	if (havocbots > 32)
-		havocbots = 32;
-void(float howmany) havocbot_remove =
-	if (howmany < 1)
-		return;
-	havocbots = havocbots - howmany;
-	if (havocbots < 0)
-		havocbots = 0;
-//float   WP_JUMP = 1;
-//float   WP_LIFTWAIT = 2;
-//float   WP_LIFTBOTTOM = 4;
-//float   WP_NOUP = 8; // can't be reached from below
-//float   WP_NODOWN = 16; // can't be reached from above
-//.float  wpflags;
-.entity wp0, wp1, wp2, wp3, wp4, wp5, wp6, wp7, wp8, wp9, wp10, wp11, wp12, wp13, wp14, wp15, wp16, wp17, wp18, wp19, wp20, wp21, wp22, wp23, wp24, wp25, wp26, wp27, wp28, wp29, wp30, wp31;
-.float wpcost0, wpcost1, wpcost2, wpcost3, wpcost4, wpcost5, wpcost6, wpcost7, wpcost8, wpcost9, wpcost10, wpcost11, wpcost12, wpcost13, wpcost14, wpcost15, wpcost16, wpcost17, wpcost18, wpcost19, wpcost20, wpcost21, wpcost22, wpcost23, wpcost24, wpcost25, wpcost26, wpcost27, wpcost28, wpcost29, wpcost30, wpcost31;
-float(entity from, entity to) waypoint_addlink =
-	local float cost;
-	if (from == to)
-		return TRUE;
-	cost = vlen(to.origin - from.origin);
-	if (from.wp0 == world) {from.wp0 = to;from.wpcost0 = cost;return TRUE;}
-	if (from.wp1 == world) {from.wp1 = to;from.wpcost1 = cost;return TRUE;}
-	if (from.wp2 == world) {from.wp2 = to;from.wpcost2 = cost;return TRUE;}
-	if (from.wp3 == world) {from.wp3 = to;from.wpcost3 = cost;return TRUE;}
-	if (from.wp4 == world) {from.wp4 = to;from.wpcost4 = cost;return TRUE;}
-	if (from.wp5 == world) {from.wp5 = to;from.wpcost5 = cost;return TRUE;}
-	if (from.wp6 == world) {from.wp6 = to;from.wpcost6 = cost;return TRUE;}
-	if (from.wp7 == world) {from.wp7 = to;from.wpcost7 = cost;return TRUE;}
-	if (from.wp8 == world) {from.wp8 = to;from.wpcost8 = cost;return TRUE;}
-	if (from.wp9 == world) {from.wp9 = to;from.wpcost9 = cost;return TRUE;}
-	if (from.wp10 == world) {from.wp10 = to;from.wpcost10 = cost;return TRUE;}
-	if (from.wp11 == world) {from.wp11 = to;from.wpcost11 = cost;return TRUE;}
-	if (from.wp12 == world) {from.wp12 = to;from.wpcost12 = cost;return TRUE;}
-	if (from.wp13 == world) {from.wp13 = to;from.wpcost13 = cost;return TRUE;}
-	if (from.wp14 == world) {from.wp14 = to;from.wpcost14 = cost;return TRUE;}
-	if (from.wp15 == world) {from.wp15 = to;from.wpcost15 = cost;return TRUE;}
-	if (from.wp16 == world) {from.wp16 = to;from.wpcost16 = cost;return TRUE;}
-	if (from.wp17 == world) {from.wp17 = to;from.wpcost17 = cost;return TRUE;}
-	if (from.wp18 == world) {from.wp18 = to;from.wpcost18 = cost;return TRUE;}
-	if (from.wp19 == world) {from.wp19 = to;from.wpcost19 = cost;return TRUE;}
-	if (from.wp20 == world) {from.wp20 = to;from.wpcost20 = cost;return TRUE;}
-	if (from.wp21 == world) {from.wp21 = to;from.wpcost21 = cost;return TRUE;}
-	if (from.wp22 == world) {from.wp22 = to;from.wpcost22 = cost;return TRUE;}
-	if (from.wp23 == world) {from.wp23 = to;from.wpcost23 = cost;return TRUE;}
-	if (from.wp24 == world) {from.wp24 = to;from.wpcost24 = cost;return TRUE;}
-	if (from.wp25 == world) {from.wp25 = to;from.wpcost25 = cost;return TRUE;}
-	if (from.wp26 == world) {from.wp26 = to;from.wpcost26 = cost;return TRUE;}
-	if (from.wp27 == world) {from.wp27 = to;from.wpcost27 = cost;return TRUE;}
-	if (from.wp28 == world) {from.wp28 = to;from.wpcost28 = cost;return TRUE;}
-	if (from.wp29 == world) {from.wp29 = to;from.wpcost29 = cost;return TRUE;}
-	if (from.wp30 == world) {from.wp30 = to;from.wpcost30 = cost;return TRUE;}
-	if (from.wp31 == world) {from.wp31 = to;from.wpcost31 = cost;return TRUE;}
-	return FALSE;
-void() waypoint_link =
-	local entity head;
-	local float d;
-	self.think = waypoint_link;
-	self.nextthink = time;
-	// check if this is attached to an item or anything on first frame
-	if (self.enemy == world)
-	{
-		head = findchainfloat(havocpickup, TRUE);
-		while (head)
-		{
-			if (self.origin_x >= head.absmin_x)
-			if (self.origin_x <= head.absmax_x)
-			if (self.origin_y >= head.absmin_y)
-			if (self.origin_y <= head.absmax_y)
-			if (self.origin_z >= head.absmin_z)
-			if (self.origin_z <= head.absmax_z)
-			{
-				self.owner = head;
-				head = world;
-			}
-			head = head.chain;
-		}
-	}
-	d = 20;
-	while (d > 0)
-	{
-		d = d - 1;
-		self.enemy = find(self.enemy, classname, "waypoint");
-		if (self.enemy == world)
-		{
-			self.nextthink = 0;
-			return;
-		}
-		// trace from there, to here
-		//traceline(self.origin, self.enemy.origin, FALSE, self);
-		//if (trace_fraction == 1)
-		// trace from here to there
-		//if (tracewalk(self, self.enemy.origin, self.origin))
-		if (tracewalk(self, self.origin, self.enemy.origin))
-			waypoint_addlink(self, self.enemy);
-	}
-void() waypoint_relinkall =
-	local entity head;
-	head = findchain(classname, "waypoint");
-	while (head)
-	{
-		head.enemy = world;
-		head.owner = world;
-		//head.waypoints = 0;
-		head.wp0 = head.wp1 = head.wp2 = head.wp3 = head.wp4 = head.wp5 = head.wp6 = head.wp7 = world;
-		head.wp8 = head.wp9 = head.wp10 = head.wp11 = head.wp12 = head.wp13 = head.wp14 = head.wp15 = world;
-		head.wp16 = head.wp17 = head.wp18 = head.wp19 = head.wp20 = head.wp21 = head.wp22 = head.wp23 = world;
-		head.wp24 = head.wp25 = head.wp26 = head.wp27 = head.wp28 = head.wp29 = head.wp30 = head.wp31 = world;
-		head.wpcost0 = head.wpcost1 = head.wpcost2 = head.wpcost3 = head.wpcost4 = head.wpcost5 = head.wpcost6 = head.wpcost7 = 0;
-		head.wpcost8 = head.wpcost9 = head.wpcost10 = head.wpcost11 = head.wpcost12 = head.wpcost13 = head.wpcost14 = head.wpcost15 = 0;
-		head.wpcost16 = head.wpcost17 = head.wpcost18 = head.wpcost19 = head.wpcost20 = head.wpcost21 = head.wpcost22 = head.wpcost23 = 0;
-		head.wpcost24 = head.wpcost25 = head.wpcost26 = head.wpcost27 = head.wpcost28 = head.wpcost29 = head.wpcost30 = head.wpcost31 = 0;
-		head.think = waypoint_link;
-		head.nextthink = time + 0.1;
-		head = head.chain;
-	}
-.entity goalcurrent, goalstack1, goalstack2, goalstack3, goalstack4, goalstack5, goalstack6, goalstack7, goalstack8, goalstack9;
-.entity goalstack10, goalstack11, goalstack12, goalstack13, goalstack14, goalstack15, goalstack16, goalstack17, goalstack18, goalstack19;
-.entity goalstack20, goalstack21, goalstack22, goalstack23, goalstack24, goalstack25, goalstack26, goalstack27, goalstack28, goalstack29;
-.entity goalstack30, goalstack31, goalstack32;
-void() clearroute =
-	self.goalcurrent = world;
-	self.goalstack1 = world;
-	self.goalstack2 = world;
-	self.goalstack3 = world;
-	self.goalstack4 = world;
-	self.goalstack5 = world;
-	self.goalstack6 = world;
-	self.goalstack7 = world;
-	self.goalstack8 = world;
-	self.goalstack9 = world;
-	self.goalstack10 = world;
-	self.goalstack11 = world;
-	self.goalstack12 = world;
-	self.goalstack13 = world;
-	self.goalstack14 = world;
-	self.goalstack15 = world;
-	self.goalstack16 = world;
-	self.goalstack17 = world;
-	self.goalstack18 = world;
-	self.goalstack19 = world;
-	self.goalstack20 = world;
-	self.goalstack21 = world;
-	self.goalstack22 = world;
-	self.goalstack23 = world;
-	self.goalstack24 = world;
-	self.goalstack25 = world;
-	self.goalstack26 = world;
-	self.goalstack27 = world;
-	self.goalstack28 = world;
-	self.goalstack29 = world;
-	self.goalstack30 = world;
-	self.goalstack31 = world;
-	self.goalstack32 = world;
-void(entity e) pushroute =
-	self.goalstack32 = self.goalstack31;
-	self.goalstack31 = self.goalstack30;
-	self.goalstack30 = self.goalstack29;
-	self.goalstack29 = self.goalstack28;
-	self.goalstack28 = self.goalstack27;
-	self.goalstack27 = self.goalstack26;
-	self.goalstack26 = self.goalstack25;
-	self.goalstack25 = self.goalstack24;
-	self.goalstack24 = self.goalstack23;
-	self.goalstack23 = self.goalstack22;
-	self.goalstack22 = self.goalstack21;
-	self.goalstack21 = self.goalstack20;
-	self.goalstack20 = self.goalstack19;
-	self.goalstack19 = self.goalstack18;
-	self.goalstack18 = self.goalstack17;
-	self.goalstack17 = self.goalstack16;
-	self.goalstack16 = self.goalstack15;
-	self.goalstack15 = self.goalstack14;
-	self.goalstack14 = self.goalstack13;
-	self.goalstack13 = self.goalstack12;
-	self.goalstack12 = self.goalstack11;
-	self.goalstack11 = self.goalstack10;
-	self.goalstack10 = self.goalstack9;
-	self.goalstack9 = self.goalstack8;
-	self.goalstack8 = self.goalstack7;
-	self.goalstack7 = self.goalstack6;
-	self.goalstack6 = self.goalstack5;
-	self.goalstack5 = self.goalstack4;
-	self.goalstack4 = self.goalstack3;
-	self.goalstack3 = self.goalstack2;
-	self.goalstack2 = self.goalstack1;
-	self.goalstack1 = self.goalcurrent;
-	self.goalcurrent = e;
-void() poproute =
-	self.goalcurrent = self.goalstack1;
-	self.goalstack1 = self.goalstack2;
-	self.goalstack2 = self.goalstack3;
-	self.goalstack3 = self.goalstack4;
-	self.goalstack4 = self.goalstack5;
-	self.goalstack5 = self.goalstack6;
-	self.goalstack6 = self.goalstack7;
-	self.goalstack7 = self.goalstack8;
-	self.goalstack8 = self.goalstack9;
-	self.goalstack9 = self.goalstack10;
-	self.goalstack10 = self.goalstack11;
-	self.goalstack11 = self.goalstack12;
-	self.goalstack12 = self.goalstack13;
-	self.goalstack13 = self.goalstack14;
-	self.goalstack14 = self.goalstack15;
-	self.goalstack15 = self.goalstack16;
-	self.goalstack16 = self.goalstack17;
-	self.goalstack17 = self.goalstack18;
-	self.goalstack18 = self.goalstack19;
-	self.goalstack19 = self.goalstack20;
-	self.goalstack20 = self.goalstack21;
-	self.goalstack21 = self.goalstack22;
-	self.goalstack22 = self.goalstack23;
-	self.goalstack23 = self.goalstack24;
-	self.goalstack24 = self.goalstack25;
-	self.goalstack25 = self.goalstack26;
-	self.goalstack26 = self.goalstack27;
-	self.goalstack27 = self.goalstack28;
-	self.goalstack28 = self.goalstack29;
-	self.goalstack29 = self.goalstack30;
-	self.goalstack30 = self.goalstack31;
-	self.goalstack31 = self.goalstack32;
-	self.goalstack32 = world;
-.entity nearestwaypoint;
-.vector nearestwaypointorigin;
-entity(entity e) findnearestwaypoint =
-	local entity head, best;
-	local float d, dist;
-	local vector org;
-	//local string s;
-	if (/*e.nearestwaypoint == world || */e.origin != e.nearestwaypointorigin)
-	{
-		org = (e.mins + e.maxs) * 0.5;
-		org_z = e.mins_z;
-		org = org + e.origin + '0 0 24';
-		best = world;
-		dist = 1000000000;
-		head = findchain(classname, "waypoint");
-		while (head)
-		{
-			d = vlen(head.origin - org);
-			if (d < dist)
-			if (tracewalk(e, org, head.origin))
-			{
-				best = head;
-				dist = d;
-			}
-			head = head.chain;
-		}
-		e.nearestwaypoint = best;
-		e.nearestwaypointorigin = e.origin;
-	}
-	/*
-	s = etos(e.nearestwaypoint);
-	bprint(s);
-	bprint(" findnearestwaypoint(");
-	s = etos(e);
-	bprint(s);
-	bprint(")\n");
-	*/
-	return e.nearestwaypoint;
-float timediff;
-.float wpfire, wpcost/*, wprating*/;
-//entity havocbot_bestgoal;
-void() markroutes =
-	local entity start, head, w;
-	local vector org;
-	local float d, dist, cost;
-	//local vector m1, m2;
-	//m1 = self.absmin;
-	//m2 = self.absmax;
-	//havocbot_bestgoal = world;
-	/*
-	start = world;
-	dist = 1000000000;
-	org = self.origin;
-	head = findchain(classname, "waypoint");
-	while (head)
-	{
-		head.wpcost = 10000000;
-		head.enemy = world;
-		head.wpfire = 0;
-		//head.wprating = 0;
-		d = vlen(head.origin - org);
-		if (d < dist)
-		if (tracewalk(self, org, head.origin))
-		{
-			start = head;
-			dist = d;
-		}
-		head = head.chain;
-	}
-	if (start == world)
-		return;
-	start.wpfire = 1;
-	start.wpcost = dist;
-	*/
-	org = self.origin;
-	//cost = 0;
-	head = findchain(classname, "waypoint");
-	while (head)
-	{
-		head.wpcost = 10000000;
-		head.wpfire = 0;
-		head.enemy = world;
-		/*
-		//head.wpmark = FALSE;
-		//head.wprating = 0;
-		//org = head.origin;
-		//if (head != self.lastwaypointtouched)
-		//if (org_x < m1_x || org_x > m2_x || org_y < m1_y || org_y > m2_y || org_z < m1_z || org_z > m2_z)
-		if (tracewalk(self, org, head.origin))
-		{
-			head.wpcost = vlen(head.origin - org);
-			head.wpfire = 1;
-			//head.wpmark = TRUE;
-			//cost = cost + 1;
-		}
-		*/
-		head = head.chain;
-	}
-	w = findnearestwaypoint(self);
-	if (w == world)
-		return;
-	w.wpcost = vlen(w.origin - org) + w.dmg;
-	w.wpfire = 1;
-	//bprint("start waypoints ");
-	//bprintfloat(cost);
-	//bprint("\n");
-	while (1)
-	{
-		head = findchainfloat(wpfire, 1);
-		if (head == world)
-			return;
-		while (head)
-		{
-			head.wpfire = 0;
-			w = head.wp0;if(w){cost = head.wpcost + head.wpcost0 + head.dmg;if(w.wpcost > cost){w.wpcost = cost;w.enemy = head;w.wpfire = 1;}
-			w = head.wp1;if(w){cost = head.wpcost + head.wpcost1 + head.dmg;if(w.wpcost > cost){w.wpcost = cost;w.enemy = head;w.wpfire = 1;}
-			w = head.wp2;if(w){cost = head.wpcost + head.wpcost2 + head.dmg;if(w.wpcost > cost){w.wpcost = cost;w.enemy = head;w.wpfire = 1;}
-			w = head.wp3;if(w){cost = head.wpcost + head.wpcost3 + head.dmg;if(w.wpcost > cost){w.wpcost = cost;w.enemy = head;w.wpfire = 1;}
-			w = head.wp4;if(w){cost = head.wpcost + head.wpcost4 + head.dmg;if(w.wpcost > cost){w.wpcost = cost;w.enemy = head;w.wpfire = 1;}
-			w = head.wp5;if(w){cost = head.wpcost + head.wpcost5 + head.dmg;if(w.wpcost > cost){w.wpcost = cost;w.enemy = head;w.wpfire = 1;}
-			w = head.wp6;if(w){cost = head.wpcost + head.wpcost6 + head.dmg;if(w.wpcost > cost){w.wpcost = cost;w.enemy = head;w.wpfire = 1;}
-			w = head.wp7;if(w){cost = head.wpcost + head.wpcost7 + head.dmg;if(w.wpcost > cost){w.wpcost = cost;w.enemy = head;w.wpfire = 1;}
-			w = head.wp8;if(w){cost = head.wpcost + head.wpcost8 + head.dmg;if(w.wpcost > cost){w.wpcost = cost;w.enemy = head;w.wpfire = 1;}
-			w = head.wp9;if(w){cost = head.wpcost + head.wpcost9 + head.dmg;if(w.wpcost > cost){w.wpcost = cost;w.enemy = head;w.wpfire = 1;}
-			w = head.wp10;if(w){cost = head.wpcost + head.wpcost10 + head.dmg;if(w.wpcost > cost){w.wpcost = cost;w.enemy = head;w.wpfire = 1;}
-			w = head.wp11;if(w){cost = head.wpcost + head.wpcost11 + head.dmg;if(w.wpcost > cost){w.wpcost = cost;w.enemy = head;w.wpfire = 1;}
-			w = head.wp12;if(w){cost = head.wpcost + head.wpcost12 + head.dmg;if(w.wpcost > cost){w.wpcost = cost;w.enemy = head;w.wpfire = 1;}
-			w = head.wp13;if(w){cost = head.wpcost + head.wpcost13 + head.dmg;if(w.wpcost > cost){w.wpcost = cost;w.enemy = head;w.wpfire = 1;}
-			w = head.wp14;if(w){cost = head.wpcost + head.wpcost14 + head.dmg;if(w.wpcost > cost){w.wpcost = cost;w.enemy = head;w.wpfire = 1;}
-			w = head.wp15;if(w){cost = head.wpcost + head.wpcost15 + head.dmg;if(w.wpcost > cost){w.wpcost = cost;w.enemy = head;w.wpfire = 1;}
-			w = head.wp16;if(w){cost = head.wpcost + head.wpcost16 + head.dmg;if(w.wpcost > cost){w.wpcost = cost;w.enemy = head;w.wpfire = 1;}
-			w = head.wp17;if(w){cost = head.wpcost + head.wpcost17 + head.dmg;if(w.wpcost > cost){w.wpcost = cost;w.enemy = head;w.wpfire = 1;}
-			w = head.wp18;if(w){cost = head.wpcost + head.wpcost18 + head.dmg;if(w.wpcost > cost){w.wpcost = cost;w.enemy = head;w.wpfire = 1;}
-			w = head.wp19;if(w){cost = head.wpcost + head.wpcost19 + head.dmg;if(w.wpcost > cost){w.wpcost = cost;w.enemy = head;w.wpfire = 1;}
-			w = head.wp20;if(w){cost = head.wpcost + head.wpcost20 + head.dmg;if(w.wpcost > cost){w.wpcost = cost;w.enemy = head;w.wpfire = 1;}
-			w = head.wp21;if(w){cost = head.wpcost + head.wpcost21 + head.dmg;if(w.wpcost > cost){w.wpcost = cost;w.enemy = head;w.wpfire = 1;}
-			w = head.wp22;if(w){cost = head.wpcost + head.wpcost22 + head.dmg;if(w.wpcost > cost){w.wpcost = cost;w.enemy = head;w.wpfire = 1;}
-			w = head.wp23;if(w){cost = head.wpcost + head.wpcost23 + head.dmg;if(w.wpcost > cost){w.wpcost = cost;w.enemy = head;w.wpfire = 1;}
-			w = head.wp24;if(w){cost = head.wpcost + head.wpcost24 + head.dmg;if(w.wpcost > cost){w.wpcost = cost;w.enemy = head;w.wpfire = 1;}
-			w = head.wp25;if(w){cost = head.wpcost + head.wpcost25 + head.dmg;if(w.wpcost > cost){w.wpcost = cost;w.enemy = head;w.wpfire = 1;}
-			w = head.wp26;if(w){cost = head.wpcost + head.wpcost26 + head.dmg;if(w.wpcost > cost){w.wpcost = cost;w.enemy = head;w.wpfire = 1;}
-			w = head.wp27;if(w){cost = head.wpcost + head.wpcost27 + head.dmg;if(w.wpcost > cost){w.wpcost = cost;w.enemy = head;w.wpfire = 1;}
-			w = head.wp28;if(w){cost = head.wpcost + head.wpcost28 + head.dmg;if(w.wpcost > cost){w.wpcost = cost;w.enemy = head;w.wpfire = 1;}
-			w = head.wp29;if(w){cost = head.wpcost + head.wpcost29 + head.dmg;if(w.wpcost > cost){w.wpcost = cost;w.enemy = head;w.wpfire = 1;}
-			w = head.wp30;if(w){cost = head.wpcost + head.wpcost30 + head.dmg;if(w.wpcost > cost){w.wpcost = cost;w.enemy = head;w.wpfire = 1;}
-			w = head.wp31;if(w){cost = head.wpcost + head.wpcost31 + head.dmg;if(w.wpcost > cost){w.wpcost = cost;w.enemy = head;w.wpfire = 1;}
-			}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
-			head = head.chain;
-		}
-	}
-void(entity e, float f) routerating =
-	local entity w;
-	local float c;
-	local string s;
-	w = findnearestwaypoint(e);
-	if (w)
-	{
-		/*
-		s = etos(e);
-		bprint(s);
-		bprint(" rating ");
-		bprintfloat(f);
-		bprint(":");
-		*/
-		f = f / ((w.wpcost + vlen(e.origin - w.origin)) * 0.001 + 1);
-		/*
-		bprintfloat(f);
-		bprint("\n");
-		*/
-		if (havocbot_bestrating < f)
-		{
-			/*
-			// don't choose a goal too many waypoints away
-			c = 0;
-			while (c < 30)
-			{
-				c = c + 1;
-				if (w == world)
-				{
-			*/
-					havocbot_bestrating = f;
-					havocbot_bestgoal = e;
-			/*
-					return;
-				}
-				w = w.enemy;
-			}
-			*/
-		}
-	}
-void() havocbot_choosegoal =
-	local entity head, best, w;
-	local float rating, bestrating;
-	// calculate all waypoint routes
-	markroutes();
-	// choose the best goal
-	best = world;
-	bestrating = -1;
-	head = findchainfloat(havocpickup, TRUE);
-	while (head)
-	{
-		w = findnearestwaypoint(head);
-		if (w)
-		{
-			rating = f / w.wpcost + vlen(e.origin - w.origin) + 100;
-			if (bestrating < rating)
-			{
-				// don't choose a goal too many waypoints away
-				c = 0;
-				while (c < 7)
-				{
-					c = c + 1;
-					w = w.enemy;
-					if (w == world)
-					{
-						best = head;
-						bestrating = rating;
-						break;
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		head = head.chain;
-	}
-	clearroute();
-	if (best)
-	{
-		pushroute(best);
-		w = findnearestwaypoint(best);
-		while (w)
-		{
-			pushroute(w);
-			w = w.enemy;
-		}
-	}
-void(entity e) routetogoal =
-	local vector org, m1, m2;
-	local float f;
-	local string s;
-	clearroute();
-	self.goalentity = e;
-	if (e == world)
-		return;
-	/*
-	bprint("routetogoal(");
-	s = etos(e);
-	bprint(s);
-	bprint(")\n");
-	*/
-	pushroute(e);
-	if (tracewalk(self, self.origin, e.origin))
-		return;
-	e = findnearestwaypoint(e);
-	m1 = self.absmin;
-	m2 = self.absmax;
-	//while (e.enemy != world)
-	while (e != world)
-	{
-		//if (e == self.lastwaypointtouched)
-		//	return; // skip nearest waypoint if it has already been touched
-		org = e.origin;
-		if (org_x >= m1_x)
-		if (org_x <= m2_x)
-		if (org_y >= m1_y)
-		if (org_y <= m2_y)
-		if (org_z >= m1_z)
-		if (org_z <= m2_z)
-			return;
-		pushroute(e);
-		/*
-		if (e.enemy.enemy == world)
-		{
-			f = vlen(e.enemy.origin - self.origin);
-			if (vlen(e.origin - self.origin) > f)
-				return; // skip the nearest-to-player waypoint if it is further from the goal
-		}
-		*/
-		e = e.enemy;
-	}
-// waypoint status for searchs is stored in .wpstat, values: 0 hasn't been reached, 1 means reached, 2 means 'leading edge'.
-.float wpstat;
-.float waypointsearchtime;
-.vector waypointsearchorigin;
-.entity lastwaypointtouched;
-// returns the first waypoint to go to, on the shortest path to endwp
-entity(entity endent) findwppath2 =
-	local entity head, w;
-	local vector end;
-	local float mark, mark2;
-	end = endent.origin;
-	if (tracewalk(self, self.origin, end))
-	{
-		bprint("direct walk\n");
-		return endent;
-	}
-	mark = FALSE;
-	if (self.lastwaypointtouched != world && vlen(self.origin - self.lastwaypointtouched.origin) < 64)
-	{
-		// setup the waypoint web
-		head = findchain(classname, "waypoint");
-		while (head)
-		{
-			head.wpstat = 0;
-			head = head.chain;
-		}
-		// mark all waypoints that start can walk to
-		// LordHavoc: I realize this indentation is horrid, but so is the lack of arrays in QC
-		head = self.lastwaypointtouched;
-		w = head.wp0;if (w){w.wpstat = -1;mark = TRUE;
-		w = head.wp1;if (w){w.wpstat = -1;
-		w = head.wp2;if (w){w.wpstat = -1;
-		w = head.wp3;if (w){w.wpstat = -1;
-		w = head.wp4;if (w){w.wpstat = -1;
-		w = head.wp5;if (w){w.wpstat = -1;
-		w = head.wp6;if (w){w.wpstat = -1;
-		w = head.wp7;if (w){w.wpstat = -1;
-		w = head.wp8;if (w){w.wpstat = -1;
-		w = head.wp9;if (w){w.wpstat = -1;
-		w = head.wp10;if (w){w.wpstat = -1;
-		w = head.wp11;if (w){w.wpstat = -1;
-		w = head.wp12;if (w){w.wpstat = -1;
-		w = head.wp13;if (w){w.wpstat = -1;
-		w = head.wp14;if (w){w.wpstat = -1;
-		w = head.wp15;if (w){w.wpstat = -1;
-		w = head.wp16;if (w){w.wpstat = -1;
-		w = head.wp17;if (w){w.wpstat = -1;
-		w = head.wp18;if (w){w.wpstat = -1;
-		w = head.wp19;if (w){w.wpstat = -1;
-		w = head.wp20;if (w){w.wpstat = -1;
-		w = head.wp21;if (w){w.wpstat = -1;
-		w = head.wp22;if (w){w.wpstat = -1;
-		w = head.wp23;if (w){w.wpstat = -1;
-		w = head.wp24;if (w){w.wpstat = -1;
-		w = head.wp25;if (w){w.wpstat = -1;
-		w = head.wp26;if (w){w.wpstat = -1;
-		w = head.wp27;if (w){w.wpstat = -1;
-		w = head.wp28;if (w){w.wpstat = -1;
-		w = head.wp29;if (w){w.wpstat = -1;
-		w = head.wp30;if (w){w.wpstat = -1;
-		w = head.wp31;if (w){w.wpstat = -1;
-		}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		// setup the waypoint web, and mark all waypoints that start can walk to
-		head = findchain(classname, "waypoint");
-		while (head)
-		{
-			head.wpstat = 0;
-			// mark all waypoints that start can walk to
-			traceline(self.origin, head.origin, FALSE, self);
-			if (trace_fraction == 1)
-			if (tracewalk(self, self.origin, head.origin))
-			{
-				head.wpstat = -1;
-				mark = TRUE;
-			}
-			head = head.chain;
-		}
-	}
-	if (!mark)
-	{
-		bprint("no start waypoints\n");
-		//if (self.flags & FL_ONGROUND)
-		//	waypointspawn(self.origin, 0);
-		self.effects = self.effects | EF_MUZZLEFLASH;
-		return world;
-	}
-	if (time > endent.waypointsearchtime || endent.origin != endent.waypointsearchorigin)
-	{
-		bprint("updating waypoints for a ");
-		bprint(endent.classname);
-		bprint("\n");
-		endent.waypointsearchtime = time + 60;
-		endent.waypointsearchorigin = endent.origin;
-		head = findchain(classname, "waypoint");
-		while (head)
-		{
-			// mark all waypoints that can walk to the destination
-			traceline(head.origin, end, FALSE, self);
-			if (trace_fraction == 1)
-			if (tracewalk(self, head.origin, end))
-				waypoint_addlink(endent, head);
-			head = head.chain;
-		}
-	}
-	// if this waypoint can also reach the end directly, return it
-	// LordHavoc: I realize this indentation is horrid, but so is the lack of arrays in QC
-	w = endent.wp0;if (w){if (w.wpstat == -1) return w;w.wpstat = 2;
-	w = endent.wp1;if (w){if (w.wpstat == -1) return w;w.wpstat = 2;
-	w = endent.wp2;if (w){if (w.wpstat == -1) return w;w.wpstat = 2;
-	w = endent.wp3;if (w){if (w.wpstat == -1) return w;w.wpstat = 2;
-	w = endent.wp4;if (w){if (w.wpstat == -1) return w;w.wpstat = 2;
-	w = endent.wp5;if (w){if (w.wpstat == -1) return w;w.wpstat = 2;
-	w = endent.wp6;if (w){if (w.wpstat == -1) return w;w.wpstat = 2;
-	w = endent.wp7;if (w){if (w.wpstat == -1) return w;w.wpstat = 2;
-	w = endent.wp8;if (w){if (w.wpstat == -1) return w;w.wpstat = 2;
-	w = endent.wp9;if (w){if (w.wpstat == -1) return w;w.wpstat = 2;
-	w = endent.wp10;if (w){if (w.wpstat == -1) return w;w.wpstat = 2;
-	w = endent.wp11;if (w){if (w.wpstat == -1) return w;w.wpstat = 2;
-	w = endent.wp12;if (w){if (w.wpstat == -1) return w;w.wpstat = 2;
-	w = endent.wp13;if (w){if (w.wpstat == -1) return w;w.wpstat = 2;
-	w = endent.wp14;if (w){if (w.wpstat == -1) return w;w.wpstat = 2;
-	w = endent.wp15;if (w){if (w.wpstat == -1) return w;w.wpstat = 2;
-	w = endent.wp16;if (w){if (w.wpstat == -1) return w;w.wpstat = 2;
-	w = endent.wp17;if (w){if (w.wpstat == -1) return w;w.wpstat = 2;
-	w = endent.wp18;if (w){if (w.wpstat == -1) return w;w.wpstat = 2;
-	w = endent.wp19;if (w){if (w.wpstat == -1) return w;w.wpstat = 2;
-	w = endent.wp20;if (w){if (w.wpstat == -1) return w;w.wpstat = 2;
-	w = endent.wp21;if (w){if (w.wpstat == -1) return w;w.wpstat = 2;
-	w = endent.wp22;if (w){if (w.wpstat == -1) return w;w.wpstat = 2;
-	w = endent.wp23;if (w){if (w.wpstat == -1) return w;w.wpstat = 2;
-	w = endent.wp24;if (w){if (w.wpstat == -1) return w;w.wpstat = 2;
-	w = endent.wp25;if (w){if (w.wpstat == -1) return w;w.wpstat = 2;
-	w = endent.wp26;if (w){if (w.wpstat == -1) return w;w.wpstat = 2;
-	w = endent.wp27;if (w){if (w.wpstat == -1) return w;w.wpstat = 2;
-	w = endent.wp28;if (w){if (w.wpstat == -1) return w;w.wpstat = 2;
-	w = endent.wp29;if (w){if (w.wpstat == -1) return w;w.wpstat = 2;
-	w = endent.wp30;if (w){if (w.wpstat == -1) return w;w.wpstat = 2;
-	w = endent.wp31;if (w){if (w.wpstat == -1) return w;w.wpstat = 2;
-	}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
-	else
-	{
-		endent.havocbotignoretime = time + 10;
-		endent.effects = endent.effects | EF_RED;
-		return world;
-	}
-	mark = 2;
-	mark2 = mark + 1;
-	head = findchainfloat(wpstat, mark);
-	while (head != world)
-	{
-		// add edge around solid
-		while (head)
-		{
-			// LordHavoc: I realize this indentation is horrid, but so is the lack of arrays in QC
-			w = head.wp0;if (w){if (w.wpstat <= 0){if (w.wpstat)return w;w.wpstat = mark2;}
-			w = head.wp1;if (w){if (w.wpstat <= 0){if (w.wpstat)return w;w.wpstat = mark2;}
-			w = head.wp2;if (w){if (w.wpstat <= 0){if (w.wpstat)return w;w.wpstat = mark2;}
-			w = head.wp3;if (w){if (w.wpstat <= 0){if (w.wpstat)return w;w.wpstat = mark2;}
-			w = head.wp4;if (w){if (w.wpstat <= 0){if (w.wpstat)return w;w.wpstat = mark2;}
-			w = head.wp5;if (w){if (w.wpstat <= 0){if (w.wpstat)return w;w.wpstat = mark2;}
-			w = head.wp6;if (w){if (w.wpstat <= 0){if (w.wpstat)return w;w.wpstat = mark2;}
-			w = head.wp7;if (w){if (w.wpstat <= 0){if (w.wpstat)return w;w.wpstat = mark2;}
-			w = head.wp8;if (w){if (w.wpstat <= 0){if (w.wpstat)return w;w.wpstat = mark2;}
-			w = head.wp9;if (w){if (w.wpstat <= 0){if (w.wpstat)return w;w.wpstat = mark2;}
-			w = head.wp10;if (w){if (w.wpstat <= 0){if (w.wpstat)return w;w.wpstat = mark2;}
-			w = head.wp11;if (w){if (w.wpstat <= 0){if (w.wpstat)return w;w.wpstat = mark2;}
-			w = head.wp12;if (w){if (w.wpstat <= 0){if (w.wpstat)return w;w.wpstat = mark2;}
-			w = head.wp13;if (w){if (w.wpstat <= 0){if (w.wpstat)return w;w.wpstat = mark2;}
-			w = head.wp14;if (w){if (w.wpstat <= 0){if (w.wpstat)return w;w.wpstat = mark2;}
-			w = head.wp15;if (w){if (w.wpstat <= 0){if (w.wpstat)return w;w.wpstat = mark2;}
-			w = head.wp16;if (w){if (w.wpstat <= 0){if (w.wpstat)return w;w.wpstat = mark2;}
-			w = head.wp17;if (w){if (w.wpstat <= 0){if (w.wpstat)return w;w.wpstat = mark2;}
-			w = head.wp18;if (w){if (w.wpstat <= 0){if (w.wpstat)return w;w.wpstat = mark2;}
-			w = head.wp19;if (w){if (w.wpstat <= 0){if (w.wpstat)return w;w.wpstat = mark2;}
-			w = head.wp20;if (w){if (w.wpstat <= 0){if (w.wpstat)return w;w.wpstat = mark2;}
-			w = head.wp21;if (w){if (w.wpstat <= 0){if (w.wpstat)return w;w.wpstat = mark2;}
-			w = head.wp22;if (w){if (w.wpstat <= 0){if (w.wpstat)return w;w.wpstat = mark2;}
-			w = head.wp23;if (w){if (w.wpstat <= 0){if (w.wpstat)return w;w.wpstat = mark2;}
-			w = head.wp24;if (w){if (w.wpstat <= 0){if (w.wpstat)return w;w.wpstat = mark2;}
-			w = head.wp25;if (w){if (w.wpstat <= 0){if (w.wpstat)return w;w.wpstat = mark2;}
-			w = head.wp26;if (w){if (w.wpstat <= 0){if (w.wpstat)return w;w.wpstat = mark2;}
-			w = head.wp27;if (w){if (w.wpstat <= 0){if (w.wpstat)return w;w.wpstat = mark2;}
-			w = head.wp28;if (w){if (w.wpstat <= 0){if (w.wpstat)return w;w.wpstat = mark2;}
-			w = head.wp29;if (w){if (w.wpstat <= 0){if (w.wpstat)return w;w.wpstat = mark2;}
-			w = head.wp30;if (w){if (w.wpstat <= 0){if (w.wpstat)return w;w.wpstat = mark2;}
-			w = head.wp31;if (w){if (w.wpstat <= 0){if (w.wpstat)return w;w.wpstat = mark2;}
-			}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
-			head = head.chain;
-		}
-		mark = mark2;
-		mark2 = mark2 + 1;
-		head = findchainfloat(wpstat, mark);
-	}
-	bprint("separated, mark = ");
-	bprintfloat(mark);
-	bprint("\n");
-	//endent.havocbotignoretime = time + 1;
-	return world; // unable to reach it (rooms separated by teleporters perhaps)
-void() waypoint_touch =
-	local entity w;
-	if (other.classname != "player")
-		return;
-	if (other.isbot)
-	{
-		if (other.goalcurrent == self)
-		{
-			w = self;
-			self = other;
-			poproute();
-			self = w;
-			return;
-		}
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		if (time > self.lefty)
-		{
-			self.lefty = time + 0.19;
-			if (cvar("temp1") & 512)
-			{
-				w = self.wp0;if (w) te_lightning2(w, w.origin, self.origin);
-				w = self.wp1;if (w) te_lightning2(w, w.origin, self.origin);
-				w = self.wp2;if (w) te_lightning2(w, w.origin, self.origin);
-				w = self.wp3;if (w) te_lightning2(w, w.origin, self.origin);
-				w = self.wp4;if (w) te_lightning2(w, w.origin, self.origin);
-				w = self.wp5;if (w) te_lightning2(w, w.origin, self.origin);
-				w = self.wp6;if (w) te_lightning2(w, w.origin, self.origin);
-				w = self.wp7;if (w) te_lightning2(w, w.origin, self.origin);
-				w = self.wp8;if (w) te_lightning2(w, w.origin, self.origin);
-				w = self.wp9;if (w) te_lightning2(w, w.origin, self.origin);
-				w = self.wp10;if (w) te_lightning2(w, w.origin, self.origin);
-				w = self.wp11;if (w) te_lightning2(w, w.origin, self.origin);
-				w = self.wp12;if (w) te_lightning2(w, w.origin, self.origin);
-				w = self.wp13;if (w) te_lightning2(w, w.origin, self.origin);
-				w = self.wp14;if (w) te_lightning2(w, w.origin, self.origin);
-				w = self.wp15;if (w) te_lightning2(w, w.origin, self.origin);
-				w = self.wp16;if (w) te_lightning2(w, w.origin, self.origin);
-				w = self.wp17;if (w) te_lightning2(w, w.origin, self.origin);
-				w = self.wp18;if (w) te_lightning2(w, w.origin, self.origin);
-				w = self.wp19;if (w) te_lightning2(w, w.origin, self.origin);
-				w = self.wp20;if (w) te_lightning2(w, w.origin, self.origin);
-				w = self.wp21;if (w) te_lightning2(w, w.origin, self.origin);
-				w = self.wp22;if (w) te_lightning2(w, w.origin, self.origin);
-				w = self.wp23;if (w) te_lightning2(w, w.origin, self.origin);
-				w = self.wp24;if (w) te_lightning2(w, w.origin, self.origin);
-				w = self.wp25;if (w) te_lightning2(w, w.origin, self.origin);
-				w = self.wp26;if (w) te_lightning2(w, w.origin, self.origin);
-				w = self.wp27;if (w) te_lightning2(w, w.origin, self.origin);
-				w = self.wp28;if (w) te_lightning2(w, w.origin, self.origin);
-				w = self.wp29;if (w) te_lightning2(w, w.origin, self.origin);
-				w = self.wp30;if (w) te_lightning2(w, w.origin, self.origin);
-				w = self.wp31;if (w) te_lightning2(w, w.origin, self.origin);
-			}
-		}
-	}
-void(entity e, vector org, float f) waypointsetup =
-	//// disabled havocbots
-	//if (e) remove(e);
-	//return;
-	// check floor
-	tracebox(org + '0 0 34', '-16 -16 -24', '16 16 32', org + '0 0 -34', FALSE, world);
-	if (trace_fraction >= 1) // no floor
-	{
-		if (e) remove(e);
-		return;
-	}
-	org = trace_endpos + '0 0 1'; // drop to floor
-	if (e == world)
-		e = spawn();
-	e.classname = "waypoint";
-	e.solid = SOLID_TRIGGER;
-	e.touch = waypoint_touch;
-	if (cvar("temp1") & 512)
-		setmodel(e, "progs/s_bubble.spr");
-	setsize(e, '-16 -16 -24', '16 16 32');
-	setorigin(e, org);
-	e.movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE; //TOSS;
-	e.velocity = '0 0 -1000';
-//	e.wpflags = f;
-	e.think = waypoint_link;
-	e.nextthink = time + 0.3 + random() * 0.5;
-/*QUAKED waypoint (0 .7 .4) (-8 -8 -8) (8 8 8) LIFTWAIT LIFTBOTTOM
-The bots need these to navigate a level.
-Every place they can walk to needs one.
-Especially corners, top/bottom of stairs,
-lift top/bottom, etc.
-LIFTWAIT - bot will wait here for lift
-           to come down.
-LIFTBOTTOM - use for waypoint at bottom
-             of lift, bot will go here.
-             (place normal waypoint
-              above this, at top position)
-LIFTTOP - bot will expect to arrive here.
-void() waypoint = {waypointsetup(self, self.origin, self.spawnflags);};
-.float havocbotignoretime;
-void(vector dodge) havocbot_movetogoal =
-	local vector destorg, diff, dir, vel, flatdir, move, end;
-	local float s, dist, walkdist, walkangle, havoconground, p;
-	local entity e, head;
-	if (self.goalentity == world)
-		return;
-	if (self.waterlevel)
-	{
-		/*
-		if (self.goalentity.classname != "waypoint" && !self.goalentity.havocpickup)
-		{
-			self.lastgoal = self.goalentity = world;
-			self.velocity = '0 0 0'; // stop
-			return;
-		}
-		if (self.goalentity == world)
-			self.lastgoal = world;
-		else
-		{
-			if (vlen(self.velocity) < 100)
-			if (!tracewalk(self, self.origin, self.waygoal.origin))
-				self.lastgoal = world;
-		}
-		*/
-		destorg = self.goalentity.origin;
-		diff = destorg - self.origin;
-		dist = vlen(diff);
-		dir = normalize(diff);
-		self.velocity = self.velocity + dir * (400 * sv_accelerate * frametime) + normalize(dodge) * maxspeed * 2;
-		if (vlen(self.velocity) > maxspeed)
-			self.velocity = normalize(self.velocity) * maxspeed;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		havoconground = self.flags & FL_ONGROUND;
-		/*
-		if (self.goalentity.classname != "waypoint" && !self.goalentity.havocpickup)
-		{
-			self.lastgoal = self.goalentity = world;
-			if (havoconground)
-				self.velocity = '0 0 0'; // stop
-			return;
-		}
-		*/
-		if (!havoconground)
-		{
-			// prevent goal checks when we can't walk
-			//self.goaltime = time + 0.2;
-			return;
-		}
-		/*
-		if (self.waygoal == world)
-			self.lastgoal = world;
-		else
-		{
-			if (vlen(self.velocity) < 100)
-			if (!tracewalk(self, self.origin, self.waygoal.origin))
-				self.lastgoal = world;
-		}
-		*/
-		destorg = self.goalcurrent.origin;
-		diff = destorg - self.origin;
-		dist = vlen(diff);
-		dir = normalize(diff);
-		flatdir = diff;flatdir_z = 0;
-		flatdir = normalize(flatdir);
-		// the * 1.125 is to turn a maxspeed of 320, into an acceleration of 400 to match the default quake cl_*speed variables
-		vel = flatdir * (maxspeed * 1.125) * sv_accelerate;
-		self.velocity = self.velocity + vel * frametime;
-		if (vlen(dodge) > 1)
-		{
-			dodge_z = 0;
-			self.velocity = self.velocity + normalize(dodge) * maxspeed * 2;
-		}
-		move = self.velocity;move_z = 0;
-		if (vlen(move) > maxspeed)
-			move = normalize(move) * maxspeed;
-		self.velocity_x = move_x;self.velocity_y = move_y;
-	}
-	//if (self.goalcurrent != world)
-	//	self.goalcurrent.effects = self.goalcurrent.effects | EF_MUZZLEFLASH;
-vector() havocbot_dodge =
-	local entity head;
-	local vector dodge, v, n;
-	local float danger, bestdanger, vl, d;
-	local string s;
-	dodge = '0 0 0';
-	bestdanger = -20;
-	// check for dangerous objects near bot or approaching bot
-	head = findchainfloat(shoulddodge, TRUE);
-	while(head)
-	{
-		vl = vlen(head.velocity);
-		if (vl > maxspeed * 0.3)
-		{
-			n = normalize(head.velocity);
-			v = self.origin - head.origin;
-			d = v * n;
-			if (d > (0 - head.dangerrating))
-			if (d < (vl * 0.2 + head.dangerrating))
-			{
-				// calculate direction and distance from the flight path, by removing the forward axis
-				v = v - (n * (v * n));
-				danger = head.dangerrating - vlen(v);
-				if (bestdanger < danger)
-				{
-					bestdanger = danger;
-					// dodge to the side of the object
-					dodge = normalize(v);
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			danger = head.dangerrating - vlen(head.origin - self.origin);
-			if (bestdanger < danger)
-			{
-				bestdanger = danger;
-				dodge = normalize(self.origin - head.origin);
-			}
-		}
-		head = head.chain;
-	}
-	/*
-	if (dodge != '0 0 0')
-	{
-		bprint("dodge ");
-		s = vtos(dodge * maxspeed);
-		bprint(s);
-		bprint("\n");
-	}
-	*/
-	return dodge;
-	/*
-	local entity head;
-	local float nudgeleft, nudgeright, deviation, rad;
-	local vector dodge, v;
-	self.movement_x = '1 0 0' * sv_maxspeed;
-	v = self.goalcurrent.origin - self.origin;
-	v_z = 0;
-	vectorvectors(v);
-	nudgeleft = 0;
-	nudgeright = 0;
-	head = findchainfloat(shoulddodge, TRUE);
-	while(head)
-	{
-		// check for dangerous objects on the path to the current goal
-		deviation = (head.origin - self.origin) * v_right;
-		rad = head.dangerrating;
-		if (deviation < rad)
-		if (deviation > 0 - rad)
-		{
-			if (deviation < 0)
-			{
-				if (nudgeleft < deviation + rad)
-					nudgeleft = deviation + rad;
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				if (nudgeright < 0 - (deviation - rad))
-					nudgeright = 0 - (deviation - rad);
-			}
-		}
-		head = head.chain;
-	}
-	dodge = '0 0 0';
-	if (nudgeleft > 5 || nudgeright > 5)
-	{
-		if (nudgeleft < nudgeright)
-		{
-			// move left
-			dodge = v_right * (0 - sv_maxspeed);
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			// move right
-			dodge = v_right * sv_maxspeed;
-		}
-	}
-	//if (dodge_z >=
-	makevectors(self.v_angle);
-	return dodge;
-	*/
-.float weaponchangetimeout;
-void() havocbot_chooseenemy =
-	local   entity  head, best;
-	local   float   besthealth;
-	best = world;
-	besthealth = 100000000;
-	head = findchainfloat(havocattack, TRUE);
-	while (head)
-	{
-		if (head != self)
-		if (!head.deadflag)
-		if ( < besthealth)
-		if ( != || == 0 || teamplay == 0)
-		{
-			traceline(self.origin + self.view_ofs, (head.absmin + head.absmax) * 0.5, FALSE, self);
-			if (trace_ent == head || trace_fraction >= 1)
-			{
-				best = head;
-				besthealth =;
-			}
-		}
-		head = head.chain;
-	}
-	self.enemy = best;
-void() havocbot_chooseweapon =
-	if (time > self.weaponchangetimeout || !setweapon(self.switchweapon, WR_SELECTABLE))
-	{
-		self.weaponchangetimeout = time + 0.5;
-		self.switchweapon = W_BestWeaponForTarget(self.enemy);
-	}
-.float nextaim;
-void() havocbot_aim =
-	local float f, aimlatency, latency, shotleadspeed;
-	local vector v, selfvel, enemyvel;
-	local string s;
-	if (time < self.nextaim)
-		return;
-	self.nextaim = time + 0.1;
-	aimlatency = (4 - skill) * 0.1 + random() * 0.05;
- = + (aimlatency - * frametime * 3;
-	aimlatency =;
-	if (self.enemy != world)
-	{
-		/*
-		self.nextaim = time + 0.1;
-		if (self.enemy != self.oldenemy)
-		{
-			self.oldenemy = self.enemy;
-			self.dest1 = self.dest2 = self.dest3 = self.enemy.origin;
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			// compute average velocity over .3 seconds based on origins (this is intentionally not .velocity)
-			self.dest1 = self.dest2;
-			self.dest2 = self.dest3;
-			self.dest3 = self.enemy.origin;
-		}
-		vel = ((self.dest2 - self.dest1) + (self.dest3 - self.dest2)) * 5.0; // 0.5 / 0.1 = 5.0
-		*/
-		selfvel = self.velocity;
-		if (!self.waterlevel)
-			selfvel_z = 0;
-		enemyvel = self.enemy.velocity;
-		if (!self.enemy.waterlevel)
-			enemyvel_z = 0;
-		/*
-		bprint("lag_additem(");
-		s = ftos(time + aimlatency);
-		bprint(s);
-		bprint(", 0, 0, ");
-		s = etos(self.enemy);
-		bprint(s);
-		bprint(", ");
-		s = vtos(self.origin);
-		bprint(s);
-		bprint(", ");
-		s = vtos(selfvel);
-		bprint(s);
-		bprint(", ");
-		s = vtos(self.enemy.origin);
-		bprint(s);
-		bprint(", ");
-		s = vtos(enemyvel);
-		bprint(s);
-		bprint(")\n");
-		*/
-		lag_additem(time + aimlatency, 0, 0, self.enemy, self.origin, selfvel, self.enemy.origin, enemyvel);
-//		v = trace_endpos;
-//		traceline(self.origin + '0 0 16', v, FALSE, self);
-//		if (trace_fraction >= 1 || trace_ent == self.enemy)
-//			lag_additem(time + aimlatency, 0, 0, self.enemy, v, '0 0 0', '0 0 0', '0 0 0');
-//		else
-//			lag_additem(time + aimlatency, 0, 0, self.enemy, '0 0 0', '0 0 0', '0 0 0', '0 0 0');
-	}
-	else
-		lag_additem(time + aimlatency, 0, 0, world, '0 0 0', '0 0 0', '0 0 0', '0 0 0');
-.entity aimtarg;
-.vector aimselforigin;
-.vector aimselfvelocity;
-.vector aimtargorigin;
-.vector aimtargvelocity;
-void(float t, float f1, float f2, entity e1, vector v1, vector v2, vector v3, vector v4) havocbot_lagfunc =
-	local string s;
-	self.aimtarg = e1;
-	self.aimselforigin = v1;
-	self.aimselfvelocity = v2;
-	self.aimtargorigin = v3;
-	self.aimtargvelocity = v4;
-	/*
-	bprint("havocbot_lagfunc(");
-	s = ftos(t);
-	bprint(s);
-	bprint(", ");
-	s = ftos(f1);
-	bprint(s);
-	bprint(", ");
-	s = ftos(f2);
-	bprint(s);
-	bprint(", ");
-	s = etos(e1);
-	bprint(s);
-	bprint(", ");
-	s = vtos(v1);
-	bprint(s);
-	bprint(", ");
-	s = vtos(v2);
-	bprint(s);
-	bprint(", ");
-	s = vtos(v3);
-	bprint(s);
-	bprint(", ");
-	s = vtos(v4);
-	bprint(s);
-	bprint(")\n");
-	*/
-	/*
-	self.lefty = 0;
-	if (fl)
-	{
-		//if (!setweapon(fl, WR_SELECTABLE))
-		//	return; // don't have the weapon??
-		//self.switchweapon = fl;
-		if (self.weapon == fl)
-		if (self.wstate == WS_ACTIVE)
-			self.lefty = 1;
-	}
-	else if (self.goalcurrent != world)
-		self.dest = self.goalcurrent.origin;
-	*/
-.float painintensity;
-void() havocbot_doaim =
-	local vector ang, angdiff, originalangdiff, selfvel, selforigin, targvel, targorigin, v, aimdir;
-	local float angdistance, fire, aimlatency, latency, shotleadspeed, pain;
-	local entity targ, saveenemy;
-	local string s;
-	fire = FALSE;
-	targ = self.aimtarg;
-	if (self.goalcurrent.origin)
-		aimdir = self.goalcurrent.origin - self.origin;
-	else
-	{
-		makevectors(self.v_angle);
-		aimdir = v_forward;
-	}
-	if (targ != world)
-	if (targ.takedamage)
-	{
-		if (time > self.weaponchangetimeout || !setweapon(self.weapon, WR_SELECTABLE))
-		{
-			self.weaponchangetimeout = time + 0.5;
-			self.switchweapon = W_BestWeaponForTarget(targ); //W_BestWeapon(TRUE);
-		}
-		selforigin = self.aimselforigin + self.aimselfvelocity * aimlatency;
-		targorigin = self.aimtargorigin + self.aimtargvelocity * aimlatency;
-		if (self.weapon == IT_WEAPON6) shotleadspeed = 600;
-		else if (self.weapon == IT_WEAPON7) shotleadspeed = 5000;
-		else if (self.weapon == IT_WEAPON8) shotleadspeed = 5000;
-		else shotleadspeed = 5000;
-		latency = vlen(targorigin - selforigin) / shotleadspeed;
-		v = targorigin + self.aimtargvelocity * latency - self.aimselfvelocity * latency;
-		tracebox(self.aimtargorigin, targ.mins, targ.maxs, v, FALSE, targ);
-		aimdir = trace_endpos - self.origin - '0 0 16';
-		if (self.weapon == self.switchweapon && self.wstate == WS_ACTIVE)
-		{
-			saveenemy = self.enemy;
-			self.enemy = targ;
-			weaponaimtarget = trace_endpos;
-			/*
-			bprint("havocbot_doaim(");
-			s = etos(self.aimtarg);
-			bprint(s);
-			bprint(", ");
-			s = vtos(self.aimselforigin);
-			bprint(s);
-			bprint(", ");
-			s = vtos(self.aimselfvelocity);
-			bprint(s);
-			bprint(", ");
-			s = vtos(self.aimtargorigin);
-			bprint(s);
-			bprint(", ");
-			s = vtos(self.aimtargvelocity);
-			bprint(s);
-			bprint(")\nselforigin ");
-			s = vtos(selforigin);
-			bprint(s);
-			bprint(", targorigin ");
-			s = vtos(targorigin);
-			bprint(s);
-			bprint(", aimdir ");
-			s = vtos(aimdir);
-			bprint(s);
-			bprint(")\n");
-			*/
-			if (setweapon(self.weapon, WR_AIM))
-			{
-				if ((cvar("temp1") & 512) == 0)
-					self.button0 = 1;
-				/*
-				bprint("weaponaimdir ");
-				s = vtos(weaponaimdir);
-				bprint(s);
-				bprint("\n");
-				*/
-				aimdir = weaponaimdir;
-			}
-			self.enemy = saveenemy;
-		}
-	}
-	ang = vectoangles(aimdir);
-	// change to v_angle format
-	ang_x = 0 - ang_x;
-	ang_z = 0;
-	// a little chaos to reduce sniping accuracy in the distnace
-//	ang = ang + randomvec();
-	// add in shaking from pain
-	pain = self.painintensity * 0.2;
-	if (pain > 15)
-		pain = 15;
-	if (pain)
-		ang = ang + randomvec() * pain;
-	// this code makes it turn gradually, not instantly
-	// calculate the angle difference (taking into consideration yaw wrapping)
-	angdiff = ang - self.v_angle;
-	while (angdiff_y >= 180)
-		angdiff_y = angdiff_y - 360;
-	while (angdiff_y < -180)
-		angdiff_y = angdiff_y + 360;
-	// give it a bit of randomness to simulate pretty good but not perfect tracking
-	originalangdiff = angdiff;
-	angdistance = vlen(angdiff);
-	angdiff = (((angdiff * (random() * 0.4 + 0.8)) + (randomvec() * (angdistance * 0.1))) - originalangdiff) * ((3.5 - skill) * 0.5) + originalangdiff;
-	// don't fire if shot would be too inaccurate
-	if (angdistance > 270 * frametime)
-		self.button0 = 0;
-	// limit maximum turning speed
-	if (vlen(angdiff) > 720 * frametime)
-		angdiff = normalize(angdiff) * 720 * frametime;
-	// apply change
-	self.v_angle = self.v_angle + angdiff;
-	angdiff = ang - self.v_angle;
-	while (angdiff_y >= 180)
-		angdiff_y = angdiff_y - 360;
-	while (angdiff_y < -180)
-		angdiff_y = angdiff_y + 360;
-	angdistance = vlen(angdiff);
-	if (angdistance > 10)
-		self.button0 = 0;
-	// compute model angles
-	self.angles = self.v_angle_y * '0 1 0';
-.float  respawntime;
-.float nextgoalcheck;
-.float oldhealth;
-void() havocbot_think =
-	local vector dodge;
-	self.button0 = 0;
-	self.button1 = 0;
-	self.button2 = 0;
-	if (self.deadflag)
-	{
-		if (time > self.respawntime)
-		if (self.deadflag == DEAD_RESPAWNABLE)
-			self.button0 = 1;
-		return;
-	}
-	else
-		self.respawntime = time + 1;
-//	if (self.flags & FL_ONGROUND)
-//		self.velocity = '0 0 0';
-	self.havocbot_role();
-	dodge = havocbot_dodge();
-	havocbot_movetogoal(dodge);
-	if (cvar("temp1") & 1024)
-		self.enemy = world;
-	else
-		havocbot_chooseenemy();
-	havocbot_chooseweapon();
-	havocbot_aim();
-	lag_update();
-	havocbot_doaim();
-	if (self.painintensity > 0)
-		self.painintensity = self.painintensity - (skill * 40 + 40) * frametime;
-	if ( < self.oldhealth)
-		self.painintensity = self.painintensity + self.oldhealth -;
-	else if ( > self.oldhealth)
-		self.painintensity = 0;
-	self.oldhealth =;
-void(entity e) waypointspawnforitem =
-	local entity head;
-	local vector org;
-	org = (e.absmin + e.absmax) * 0.5;
-	// find any waypoints touching this item, if any are found, don't spawn a new one
-	head = findradius(org, 0);
-	while(head)
-	{
-		if (head.classname == "waypoint")
-			return;
-		head = head.chain;
-	}
-	waypointspawn(org, 0);
-void(vector org, float f) waypointspawn = {waypointsetup(world, org, f);};
-void() havocbot_dumpwaypoints =
-	local entity head;
-	local string s;
-	head = findchain(classname, "waypoint");
-	sprint(self, "// waypoints for ");
-	sprint(self, world.model);
-	sprint(self, "\nvoid() waypoints_ = \n{\n");
-	while (head)
-	{
-		sprint(self, "        waypointspawn('");
-		s = vtos(head.origin);sprint(self, s);
-		sprint(self, "', ");
-		s = ftos(head.spawnflags);sprint(self, s);
-		sprint(self, ");\n");
-		head = head.chain;
-	}
-void() havocbot_makewaypoint = {waypointspawn(self.origin, 0);};
-void() havocbot_killwaypoint =
-	local   entity  head, best;
-	local   float   bestdist;
-	bestdist = 256; // max distance
-	head = findchain(classname, "waypoint");
-	while (head)
-	{
-		if (vlen(head.origin - self.origin) < bestdist)
-		{
-			best = head;
-			bestdist = vlen(head.origin - self.origin);
-		}
-		head = head.chain;
-	}
-	if (best)
-		remove(best);
-void() havocbot_impulses =
-	// disabled havocbots
-	if (cvar("temp1") & 512) // waypoint editing mode
-	{
-			 if (self.impulse == 110) {havocbot_makewaypoint();self.impulse = 0;}
-		else if (self.impulse == 111) {havocbot_killwaypoint();self.impulse = 0;}
-		else if (self.impulse == 118) {waypoint_relinkall();self.impulse = 0;}
-		else if (self.impulse == 119) {havocbot_dumpwaypoints();self.impulse = 0;}
-	}
-	     if (self.impulse == 101) {havocbot_add(1);self.impulse = 0;}
-	else if (self.impulse == 102) {havocbot_remove(1);self.impulse = 0;}
-void() waybox_enlargebox =
-	local vector m1, m2, org1, org2;
-	local float c;
-	m1 = self.mins;
-	m2 = self.maxs;
-	if (m1 == m2)
-	{
-		// first time
-		self.dest = org1 = m1;
-		traceline(org1, org1 + '0 0 -65536', TRUE, world);
-		self.dest2 = trace_plane_normal;
-		self.dmg = trace_plane_dist;
-		traceline(org1, org1 + '-65536 0 0', TRUE, world);m1_x = trace_endpos_x;
-		traceline(org1, org1 + '65536 0 0', TRUE, world);m2_x = trace_endpos_x;
-		traceline(org1, org1 + '0 -65536 0', TRUE, world);m1_y = trace_endpos_y;
-		traceline(org1, org1 + '0 65536 0', TRUE, world);m2_y = trace_endpos_y;
-		traceline(org1, org1 + '0 0 -65536', TRUE, world);m1_z = trace_endpos_z;
-		traceline(org1, org1 + '0 0 65536', TRUE, world);m2_z = trace_endpos_z;
-	}
-	c = 0;
-	while (c < 10)
-	{
-		c = c + 1;
-		org1 = org2 = randompos(m1, m2);
-		org1_x = m2_x;
-		org2_x = m1_x;
-		traceline(org1, org2, TRUE, world);
-		m1_x = trace_endpos_x;
-		org1 = org2 = randompos(m1, m2);
-		org1_x = m1_x;
-		org2_x = m2_x;
-		traceline(org1, org2, TRUE, world);
-		m2_x = trace_endpos_x;
-		org1 = org2 = randompos(m1, m2);
-		org1_y = m2_y;
-		org2_y = m1_y;
-		traceline(org1, org2, TRUE, world);
-		m1_y = trace_endpos_y;
-		org1 = org2 = randompos(m1, m2);
-		org1_y = m1_y;
-		org2_y = m2_y;
-		traceline(org1, org2, TRUE, world);
-		m2_y = trace_endpos_y;
-	}
-	c = 0;
-	while (c < 30)
-	{
-		org1 = randompos(m1, m2);
-		org1_z = org1_x * slope_zx + org1_y * slope_zy + slope_basez;
-		org1_
-		traceline(org1, org1 + '0 0 -'
-		org2_z =
-		org1_z = m2_z;
-		org2_z = m1_z;
-		traceline(org1, org2, TRUE, world);
-		m1_z = trace_endpos_z;
-		org1 = org2 = randompos(m1, m2);
-		org1_z = m1_z;
-		org2_z = m2_z;
-		traceline(org1, org2, TRUE, world);
-		m2_z = trace_endpos_z;
-	}
-	setsize(self, m1, m2);
-void() waysurface_setupthink =
-	local float c;
-	local vector org, m1, m2;
-	self.nextthink = time + 0.1;
-	org = randompos(self.mins, self.maxs);
-	org_z = org_x * self.dest5_x + org_y * self.dest5_y + self.dest5_z;
-	particle(org, '0 0 0', 104, 4);
-	if (time < self.cnt)
-	{
-		m1 = self.mins;
-		m2 = self.maxs;
-		c = 0;
-		while (c < 50)
-		{
-			c = c + 1;
-			org = randompos(m1 + '-16 -16 -16', m2 + '16 16 16');
-			if (org_x < m1_x || org_x > m2_x || org_y < m1_y || org_y > m2_y)
-			{
-				org_z = org_x * self.dest5_x + org_y * self.dest5_y + self.dest5_z;
-				traceline(self.dest1, org, TRUE, world);
-				if (trace_fraction == 1)
-				{
-					traceline(org, org + '0 0 -4', TRUE, world);
-					if (trace_fraction < 1)
-					if (trace_plane_dist == self.dmg)
-					if (trace_plane_normal == self.dest2)
-					{
-						particle(org, '0 0 0', 140, 4);
-						if (m1_x > org_x) m1_x = org_x;if (m2_x < org_x) m2_x = org_x;
-						if (m1_y > org_y) m1_y = org_y;if (m2_y < org_y) m2_y = org_y;
-						if (m1_z > org_z) m1_z = org_z;if (m2_z < org_z) m2_z = org_z;
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		if (m1 != self.mins || m2 != self.maxs)
-			setsize(self, m1, m2);
-	}
-void(vector org, vector normal, float dist, float fl) havocbot_spawnwaysurface =
-	newmis = spawn();
-	newmis.classname = "waysurface";
-	newmis.think = waysurface_setupthink;
-	newmis.nextthink = time;
-	newmis.cnt = time + 5;
-	newmis.dest1 = org + '0 0 1';
-	newmis.dest2 = normal;
-	newmis.dmg = dist;
-	// test 1 unit above so it doesn't start inside the surface
-	newmis.dest5_x = normal_x / normal_z;
-	newmis.dest5_y = normal_y / normal_z;
-	newmis.dest5_z = newmis.dest1_z - (newmis.dest1_x * newmis.dest5_x + newmis.dest1_y * newmis.dest5_y);
-	bprint("org ");
-	bprintvector(newmis.dest1);
-	bprint(" normal ");
-	bprintvector(newmis.dest2);
-	bprint(" dist ");
-	bprintfloat(newmis.dmg);
-	bprint(" slope ");
-	bprintvector(newmis.dest5);
-	bprint("\n");
-	// start out as just a point
-	setsize(newmis, org, org);
-.float nextlaywaypoint;
-void() havoc_laywaypoints =
-	local entity head;
-	local vector org;
-	if (!deathmatch && !coop)
-		return;
-	if (!(self.flags & FL_CLIENT))
-		return;
-	if (!(self.flags & FL_ONGROUND))
-		return;
-	if (time < self.nextlaywaypoint)
-		return;
-	self.nextlaywaypoint = time + 0.1; //2 + random() * 0.3;
-	/*
-	traceline(self.origin + '0 0 -23', self.origin + '0 0 -40', FALSE, self);
-	if (trace_fraction >= 1)
-		return;
-	head = findchain(classname, "waypoint");
-	while(head)
-	{
-		if (vlen(head.origin - self.origin) < 192)
-		if (tracewalk(self, self.origin, head.origin))
-			return;
-		head = head.chain;
-	}
-	havocbot_makewaypoint();
-	*/
-	org = self.origin + self.mins_z * '0 0 1';
-	traceline(org, org + '0 0 -100', TRUE, world);
-	if (trace_fraction < 1)
-	{
-		head = findchain(classname, "waysurface");
-		while (head)
-		{
-			if (self.absmax_x > head.mins_x)
-			if (self.absmin_x < head.maxs_x)
-			if (self.absmax_y > head.mins_y)
-			if (self.absmin_y < head.maxs_y)
-			//if (self.absmax_z > head.mins_z)
-			//if (self.absmin_z < head.maxs_z)
-			if (trace_plane_normal == head.dest2)
-			if (trace_plane_dist == head.dmg)
-				break;
-			head = head.chain;
-		}
-		if (!head)
-		{
-			// if it found no surface, spawn a new one
-			havocbot_spawnwaysurface(trace_endpos, trace_plane_normal, trace_plane_dist, 0);
-		}
-	}
-entity dangerwaypoint;
-void() havocbot_updatedangerousobjects =
-	local entity head;
-	local float c, d, danger;
-	c = 0;
-	dangerwaypoint = find(dangerwaypoint, classname, "waypoint");
-	while (dangerwaypoint != world && c < 16)
-	{
-		c = c + 1;
-		danger = 0;
-		head = findchainfloat(shoulddodge, TRUE);
-		while (head)
-		{
-			d = head.dangerrating - vlen(head.origin - self.origin);
-			if (d > 0)
-			{
-				traceline(head.origin, self.origin, TRUE, world);
-				if (trace_fraction == 1)
-					danger = danger + d;
-			}
-			head = head.chain;
-		}
-		dangerwaypoint.dmg = danger;
-		dangerwaypoint = find(dangerwaypoint, classname, "waypoint");
-	}
Index: dpmod/qc/havocbotold_qcwaysurfaces.qc
diff -u dpmod/qc/havocbotold_qcwaysurfaces.qc:1.2 dpmod/qc/havocbotold_qcwaysurfaces.qc:removed
--- dpmod/qc/havocbotold_qcwaysurfaces.qc:1.2	Wed Jun 11 05:07:37 2003
+++ dpmod/qc/havocbotold_qcwaysurfaces.qc	Thu Aug 28 08:56:48 2003
@@ -1,1841 +0,0 @@
-itemscore = (howmuchmoreIwant / howmuchIcanwant) / itemdistance
-waypointscore = 0.7 / waypointdistance
-void(vector o, float f) waypointspawn =
-	return;
-entity  tracewalkent; // invisible entity that is reused for all tracewalks
-float maxspeed;
-float sv_accelerate;
-float(entity e, vector start, vector end) tracewalk =
-	local   vector  move, v, dir, nostependpos;
-	local   float   dist, totaldist, stepdist, yaw, ignorehazards, p, nostepfrac;
-	local   entity  saveself;
-	move = end - start;
-	move_z = 0;
-	dist = totaldist = vlen(move);
-	dir = normalize(move);
-	stepdist = 32;
-	saveself = self;
-	if (!tracewalkent)
-	{
-		tracewalkent = spawn();
-		setsize(tracewalkent, '-16 -16 -24', '16 16 32');
-	}
-	tracewalkent.owner = self; // avoid collisions
-	self = tracewalkent;
-	setorigin(self, start);
-	//self.angles = vectoangles(dir);
-	p = pointcontents(self.origin);
-	if (p == CONTENT_EMPTY)
-	{
-		tracebox(start + '0 0 18', '-16 -16 -24', '16 16 32', start + '0 0 -18', FALSE, e);
-		if (trace_fraction >= 1) // start isn't even on the floor
-		{
-			self = saveself;
-			return 0;
-		}
-	}
-	if (end_x >= self.absmin_x && end_y >= self.absmin_y && end_z >= self.absmin_z && end_x < self.absmax_x && end_y < self.absmax_y && end_z < self.absmax_z)
-	{
-		//WriteVec (MSG_BROADCAST, end);
-		self = saveself;
-		return 1;
-	}
-	ignorehazards = FALSE;
-	p = pointcontents(start);
-	if (p == CONTENT_LAVA || p == CONTENT_SLIME)
-		ignorehazards = TRUE;
-	yaw = vectoyaw(move);
-	move = end - self.origin;
-	while (dist > 0)
-	{
-		if (stepdist > dist)
-			stepdist = dist;
-		dist = dist - stepdist;
-		p = 0;
-		if (!ignorehazards)
-		{
-			p = pointcontents(self.origin);
-			if (p == CONTENT_LAVA || p == CONTENT_SLIME)
-			{
-				self = saveself;
-				// hazards blocking path
-				return 0;
-			}
-		}
-		if (p == 0)
-			p = pointcontents(self.origin);
-		if (p != CONTENT_EMPTY)
-		{
-			move = normalize(end - self.origin);
-			tracebox(self.origin, '-16 -16 -24', '16 16 32', self.origin + move * stepdist, FALSE, e);
-			if (trace_startsolid || trace_fraction < 1)
-			{
-				//particle(self.origin, move * 64, 104, 4);
-				self = saveself;
-				// failed
-				return 0;
-			}
-			setorigin(self, trace_endpos);
-		}
-		else //if (!walkmove(yaw, stepdist))
-		{
-			// walkmove failed, fall back to our own methods
-			move = dir * stepdist + self.origin;
-			// trace twice, first at ground level, then at
-			// stepheight, stepheight trace will be used instead
-			// of ground trace if it went further, if ground
-			// level was chosen check if we made any progress,
-			// if we did, fall to floor, if we did not, fail
-			tracebox(self.origin, '-16 -16 -24', '16 16 32', move, FALSE, e);
-			if (trace_startsolid)
-			{
-				//move = normalize(end - self.origin);
-				//particle(self.origin, move * 64, 104, 4);
-				self = saveself;
-				// failed
-				return 0;
-			}
-			nostepfrac = trace_fraction;
-			nostependpos = trace_endpos;
-			tracebox(self.origin + '0 0 18', '-16 -16 -24', '16 16 32', move + '0 0 18', FALSE, e);
-			if (trace_fraction > nostepfrac + 0.001)
-			{
-				// stepped, fall to floor
-				tracebox(trace_endpos, '-16 -16 -24', '16 16 32', trace_endpos + '0 0 -65536', FALSE, e);
-				setorigin(self, trace_endpos);
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				if (nostepfrac >= 0.001)
-				{
-					// moved, fall to floor
-					tracebox(nostependpos, '-16 -16 -24', '16 16 32', nostependpos + '0 0 -65536', FALSE, e);
-					setorigin(self, trace_endpos);
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					// didn't move
-					//move = normalize(end - self.origin);
-					//particle(self.origin, move * 64, 104, 4);
-					self = saveself;
-					// failed
-					return 0;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		if (end_x >= self.absmin_x)
-		if (end_x < self.absmax_x)
-		if (end_y >= self.absmin_y)
-		if (end_y < self.absmax_y)
-		if (end_z >= self.absmin_z)
-		if (end_z < self.absmax_z)
-		{
-			//WriteVec (MSG_BROADCAST, end);
-			self = saveself;
-			// succeeded
-			return 1;
-		}
-	}
-	//WriteVec (MSG_BROADCAST, end);
-	self = saveself;
-	// moved but didn't arrive at the intended destination
-	return 0;
-.float isbot;
-float   havoccurrentbots;
-float   havocbots;
-string() havocbot_name =
-	local string name;
-	local float r;
-	do
-	{
-		r = random() * 32;
-		     if (r <  1) name = "Thunderstorm";
-		else if (r <  2) name = "Deadly Dream";
-		else if (r <  3) name = "Darkness";
-		else if (r <  4) name = "Scorcher";
-		else if (r <  5) name = "57 Chevy";
-		else if (r <  6) name = "Dark Avenger";
-		else if (r <  7) name = "Dying Time";
-		else if (r <  8) name = "Paranoia";
-		else if (r <  9) name = "Eureka";
-		else if (r < 10) name = "Mystery";
-		else if (r < 11) name = "Toxic";
-		else if (r < 12) name = "Dominion";
-		else if (r < 13) name = "Pegasus";
-		else if (r < 14) name = "Sensible";
-		else if (r < 15) name = "I Love Gibs";
-		else if (r < 16) name = "The New Guy";
-		else if (r < 17) name = "Boy With A Gun";
-		else if (r < 18) name = "Universe Man";
-		else if (r < 19) name = "The Evil One";
-		else if (r < 20) name = "2MuchGibsMan";
-		else if (r < 21) name = "The Plasma man";
-		else if (r < 22) name = "Strange Brew";
-		else if (r < 23) name = "Potato Head";
-		else if (r < 24) name = "The Angel";
-		else if (r < 25) name = "Radioactive Man";
-		else if (r < 26) name = "Gator";
-		else if (r < 27) name = "Your Demise";
-		else if (r < 28) name = "The Gladiator";
-		else if (r < 29) name = "Spaceman Spiff";
-		else if (r < 30) name = "Johnny Dangerously";
-		else if (r < 31) name = "Elmer Fudd";
-		else             name = "Kangaroo";
-	}
-	while (find(world, netname, name));
-	return name;
-void(float t, float f1, float f2, entity e1, vector v1, vector v2, vector v3, vector v4) havocbot_lagfunc;
-.void() havocbot_role;
-void() havocbot_chooserole;
-void() havocbot_new =
-	local entity saveself;
-	local float r;
-	// only 32 names available
-	if (havoccurrentbots >= 32)
-		return;
-	if (!coop && !deathmatch)
-	{
-		sprint(self, "Sorry, can't spawn bots in singleplayer, please set deathmatch 1 first.\n");
-		return;
-	}
-	havoccurrentbots = havoccurrentbots + 1;
-	newmis = spawn();
-	newmis.lag_func = havocbot_lagfunc;
-	newmis.isbot = TRUE;
-	newmis.think = ClientConnect;
-	newmis.nextthink = time + random() * 0.5 + 0.2;
-	newmis.createdtime = newmis.nextthink;
-	newmis.netname = havocbot_name();
-	newmis.c_pants = -1;
-	newmis.c_shirt = -1;
-	newmis.havocbot_role = SUB_Null;
-void() havocbot_removenewest =
-	local   float   besttime;
-	local   entity  best, head, saveself;
-	head = findchainfloat(isbot, TRUE);
-	if (!head)
-		return;
-	best = head;
-	besttime = head.createdtime;
-	while (head)
-	{
-		if (head.createdtime > besttime)
-		{
-			best = head;
-			besttime = head.createdtime;
-		}
-		head = head.chain;
-	}
-	havoccurrentbots = havoccurrentbots - 1;
-	saveself = self;
-	self = best;
-	ClientDisconnect();
-	self = saveself;
-void() havocbot_think;
-void() havocbot_updatedangerousobjects;
-void() havocbot_serverframe =
-	local   entity  head, saveself;
-	local   float   botcount;
-	if (intermission_running)
-		return;
-	head = findfloat(world, isbot, TRUE);
-	if (head != world)
-	{
-		maxspeed = cvar("sv_maxspeed"); // player movement speed
-		sv_accelerate = cvar("sv_accelerate"); // 10 normally
-		havocbot_updatedangerousobjects();
-		saveself = self;
-		while (head)
-		{
-			self = head;
-			havocbot_think();
-			PlayerPreThink();
-			PlayerPostThink();
-			head = findfloat(head, isbot, TRUE);
-		}
-		self = saveself;
-	}
-	if (havoccurrentbots < havocbots)
-		havocbot_new();
-	else if (havoccurrentbots > havocbots)
-		havocbot_removenewest();
-void(float howmany) havocbot_add =
-	if (howmany < 1)
-		return;
-	havocbots = havocbots + howmany;
-	if (havocbots > 32)
-		havocbots = 32;
-void(float howmany) havocbot_remove =
-	if (howmany < 1)
-		return;
-	havocbots = havocbots - howmany;
-	if (havocbots < 0)
-		havocbots = 0;
-//float   WP_JUMP = 1;
-//float   WP_LIFTWAIT = 2;
-//float   WP_LIFTBOTTOM = 4;
-//float   WP_NOUP = 8; // can't be reached from below
-//float   WP_NODOWN = 16; // can't be reached from above
-//.float  wpflags;
-.entity wp0, wp1, wp2, wp3, wp4, wp5, wp6, wp7, wp8, wp9, wp10, wp11, wp12, wp13, wp14, wp15, wp16, wp17, wp18, wp19, wp20, wp21, wp22, wp23, wp24, wp25, wp26, wp27, wp28, wp29, wp30, wp31;
-.float wpcost0, wpcost1, wpcost2, wpcost3, wpcost4, wpcost5, wpcost6, wpcost7, wpcost8, wpcost9, wpcost10, wpcost11, wpcost12, wpcost13, wpcost14, wpcost15, wpcost16, wpcost17, wpcost18, wpcost19, wpcost20, wpcost21, wpcost22, wpcost23, wpcost24, wpcost25, wpcost26, wpcost27, wpcost28, wpcost29, wpcost30, wpcost31;
-float(entity from, entity to) waysurface_addlink =
-	if (from == to)
-		return FALSE;
-	if (from.wp0 == world) {from.wp0 = to;return TRUE;}if (from.wp0 == to) return FALSE;
-	if (from.wp1 == world) {from.wp1 = to;return TRUE;}if (from.wp1 == to) return FALSE;
-	if (from.wp2 == world) {from.wp2 = to;return TRUE;}if (from.wp2 == to) return FALSE;
-	if (from.wp3 == world) {from.wp3 = to;return TRUE;}if (from.wp3 == to) return FALSE;
-	if (from.wp4 == world) {from.wp4 = to;return TRUE;}if (from.wp4 == to) return FALSE;
-	if (from.wp5 == world) {from.wp5 = to;return TRUE;}if (from.wp5 == to) return FALSE;
-	if (from.wp6 == world) {from.wp6 = to;return TRUE;}if (from.wp6 == to) return FALSE;
-	if (from.wp7 == world) {from.wp7 = to;return TRUE;}if (from.wp7 == to) return FALSE;
-	if (from.wp8 == world) {from.wp8 = to;return TRUE;}if (from.wp8 == to) return FALSE;
-	if (from.wp9 == world) {from.wp9 = to;return TRUE;}if (from.wp9 == to) return FALSE;
-	if (from.wp10 == world) {from.wp10 = to;return TRUE;}if (from.wp10 == to) return FALSE;
-	if (from.wp11 == world) {from.wp11 = to;return TRUE;}if (from.wp11 == to) return FALSE;
-	if (from.wp12 == world) {from.wp12 = to;return TRUE;}if (from.wp12 == to) return FALSE;
-	if (from.wp13 == world) {from.wp13 = to;return TRUE;}if (from.wp13 == to) return FALSE;
-	if (from.wp14 == world) {from.wp14 = to;return TRUE;}if (from.wp14 == to) return FALSE;
-	if (from.wp15 == world) {from.wp15 = to;return TRUE;}if (from.wp15 == to) return FALSE;
-	if (from.wp16 == world) {from.wp16 = to;return TRUE;}if (from.wp16 == to) return FALSE;
-	if (from.wp17 == world) {from.wp17 = to;return TRUE;}if (from.wp17 == to) return FALSE;
-	if (from.wp18 == world) {from.wp18 = to;return TRUE;}if (from.wp18 == to) return FALSE;
-	if (from.wp19 == world) {from.wp19 = to;return TRUE;}if (from.wp19 == to) return FALSE;
-	if (from.wp20 == world) {from.wp20 = to;return TRUE;}if (from.wp20 == to) return FALSE;
-	if (from.wp21 == world) {from.wp21 = to;return TRUE;}if (from.wp21 == to) return FALSE;
-	if (from.wp22 == world) {from.wp22 = to;return TRUE;}if (from.wp22 == to) return FALSE;
-	if (from.wp23 == world) {from.wp23 = to;return TRUE;}if (from.wp23 == to) return FALSE;
-	if (from.wp24 == world) {from.wp24 = to;return TRUE;}if (from.wp24 == to) return FALSE;
-	if (from.wp25 == world) {from.wp25 = to;return TRUE;}if (from.wp25 == to) return FALSE;
-	if (from.wp26 == world) {from.wp26 = to;return TRUE;}if (from.wp26 == to) return FALSE;
-	if (from.wp27 == world) {from.wp27 = to;return TRUE;}if (from.wp27 == to) return FALSE;
-	if (from.wp28 == world) {from.wp28 = to;return TRUE;}if (from.wp28 == to) return FALSE;
-	if (from.wp29 == world) {from.wp29 = to;return TRUE;}if (from.wp29 == to) return FALSE;
-	if (from.wp30 == world) {from.wp30 = to;return TRUE;}if (from.wp30 == to) return FALSE;
-	if (from.wp31 == world) {from.wp31 = to;return TRUE;}if (from.wp31 == to) return FALSE;
-	return FALSE;
-float(entity from, entity to) waysurface_removelink =
-	if (from == to)
-		return FALSE;
-	if (from.wp0 == to){from.wp0 = from.wp1;from.wp1 = from.wp2;from.wp2 = from.wp3;from.wp3 = from.wp4;from.wp4 = from.wp5;from.wp5 = from.wp6;from.wp6 = from.wp7;from.wp7 = from.wp8;from.wp8 = from.wp9;from.wp9 = from.wp10;from.wp10 = from.wp11;from.wp11 = from.wp12;from.wp12 = from.wp13;from.wp13 = from.wp14;from.wp14 = from.wp15;from.wp15 = from.wp16;from.wp16 = from.wp17;from.wp17 = from.wp18;from.wp18 = from.wp19;from.wp19 = from.wp20;from.wp20 = from.wp21;from.wp21 = from.wp22;from.wp22 = from.wp23;from.wp23 = from.wp24;from.wp24 = from.wp25;from.wp25 = from.wp26;from.wp26 = from.wp27;from.wp27 = from.wp28;from.wp28 = from.wp29;from.wp29 = from.wp30;from.wp30 = from.wp31;from.wp31 = world;return TRUE;}
-	if (from.wp1 == to){from.wp1 = from.wp2;from.wp2 = from.wp3;from.wp3 = from.wp4;from.wp4 = from.wp5;from.wp5 = from.wp6;from.wp6 = from.wp7;from.wp7 = from.wp8;from.wp8 = from.wp9;from.wp9 = from.wp10;from.wp10 = from.wp11;from.wp11 = from.wp12;from.wp12 = from.wp13;from.wp13 = from.wp14;from.wp14 = from.wp15;from.wp15 = from.wp16;from.wp16 = from.wp17;from.wp17 = from.wp18;from.wp18 = from.wp19;from.wp19 = from.wp20;from.wp20 = from.wp21;from.wp21 = from.wp22;from.wp22 = from.wp23;from.wp23 = from.wp24;from.wp24 = from.wp25;from.wp25 = from.wp26;from.wp26 = from.wp27;from.wp27 = from.wp28;from.wp28 = from.wp29;from.wp29 = from.wp30;from.wp30 = from.wp31;from.wp31 = world;return TRUE;}
-	if (from.wp2 == to){from.wp2 = from.wp3;from.wp3 = from.wp4;from.wp4 = from.wp5;from.wp5 = from.wp6;from.wp6 = from.wp7;from.wp7 = from.wp8;from.wp8 = from.wp9;from.wp9 = from.wp10;from.wp10 = from.wp11;from.wp11 = from.wp12;from.wp12 = from.wp13;from.wp13 = from.wp14;from.wp14 = from.wp15;from.wp15 = from.wp16;from.wp16 = from.wp17;from.wp17 = from.wp18;from.wp18 = from.wp19;from.wp19 = from.wp20;from.wp20 = from.wp21;from.wp21 = from.wp22;from.wp22 = from.wp23;from.wp23 = from.wp24;from.wp24 = from.wp25;from.wp25 = from.wp26;from.wp26 = from.wp27;from.wp27 = from.wp28;from.wp28 = from.wp29;from.wp29 = from.wp30;from.wp30 = from.wp31;from.wp31 = world;return TRUE;}
-	if (from.wp3 == to){from.wp3 = from.wp4;from.wp4 = from.wp5;from.wp5 = from.wp6;from.wp6 = from.wp7;from.wp7 = from.wp8;from.wp8 = from.wp9;from.wp9 = from.wp10;from.wp10 = from.wp11;from.wp11 = from.wp12;from.wp12 = from.wp13;from.wp13 = from.wp14;from.wp14 = from.wp15;from.wp15 = from.wp16;from.wp16 = from.wp17;from.wp17 = from.wp18;from.wp18 = from.wp19;from.wp19 = from.wp20;from.wp20 = from.wp21;from.wp21 = from.wp22;from.wp22 = from.wp23;from.wp23 = from.wp24;from.wp24 = from.wp25;from.wp25 = from.wp26;from.wp26 = from.wp27;from.wp27 = from.wp28;from.wp28 = from.wp29;from.wp29 = from.wp30;from.wp30 = from.wp31;from.wp31 = world;return TRUE;}
-	if (from.wp4 == to){from.wp4 = from.wp5;from.wp5 = from.wp6;from.wp6 = from.wp7;from.wp7 = from.wp8;from.wp8 = from.wp9;from.wp9 = from.wp10;from.wp10 = from.wp11;from.wp11 = from.wp12;from.wp12 = from.wp13;from.wp13 = from.wp14;from.wp14 = from.wp15;from.wp15 = from.wp16;from.wp16 = from.wp17;from.wp17 = from.wp18;from.wp18 = from.wp19;from.wp19 = from.wp20;from.wp20 = from.wp21;from.wp21 = from.wp22;from.wp22 = from.wp23;from.wp23 = from.wp24;from.wp24 = from.wp25;from.wp25 = from.wp26;from.wp26 = from.wp27;from.wp27 = from.wp28;from.wp28 = from.wp29;from.wp29 = from.wp30;from.wp30 = from.wp31;from.wp31 = world;return TRUE;}
-	if (from.wp5 == to){from.wp5 = from.wp6;from.wp6 = from.wp7;from.wp7 = from.wp8;from.wp8 = from.wp9;from.wp9 = from.wp10;from.wp10 = from.wp11;from.wp11 = from.wp12;from.wp12 = from.wp13;from.wp13 = from.wp14;from.wp14 = from.wp15;from.wp15 = from.wp16;from.wp16 = from.wp17;from.wp17 = from.wp18;from.wp18 = from.wp19;from.wp19 = from.wp20;from.wp20 = from.wp21;from.wp21 = from.wp22;from.wp22 = from.wp23;from.wp23 = from.wp24;from.wp24 = from.wp25;from.wp25 = from.wp26;from.wp26 = from.wp27;from.wp27 = from.wp28;from.wp28 = from.wp29;from.wp29 = from.wp30;from.wp30 = from.wp31;from.wp31 = world;return TRUE;}
-	if (from.wp6 == to){from.wp6 = from.wp7;from.wp7 = from.wp8;from.wp8 = from.wp9;from.wp9 = from.wp10;from.wp10 = from.wp11;from.wp11 = from.wp12;from.wp12 = from.wp13;from.wp13 = from.wp14;from.wp14 = from.wp15;from.wp15 = from.wp16;from.wp16 = from.wp17;from.wp17 = from.wp18;from.wp18 = from.wp19;from.wp19 = from.wp20;from.wp20 = from.wp21;from.wp21 = from.wp22;from.wp22 = from.wp23;from.wp23 = from.wp24;from.wp24 = from.wp25;from.wp25 = from.wp26;from.wp26 = from.wp27;from.wp27 = from.wp28;from.wp28 = from.wp29;from.wp29 = from.wp30;from.wp30 = from.wp31;from.wp31 = world;return TRUE;}
-	if (from.wp7 == to){from.wp7 = from.wp8;from.wp8 = from.wp9;from.wp9 = from.wp10;from.wp10 = from.wp11;from.wp11 = from.wp12;from.wp12 = from.wp13;from.wp13 = from.wp14;from.wp14 = from.wp15;from.wp15 = from.wp16;from.wp16 = from.wp17;from.wp17 = from.wp18;from.wp18 = from.wp19;from.wp19 = from.wp20;from.wp20 = from.wp21;from.wp21 = from.wp22;from.wp22 = from.wp23;from.wp23 = from.wp24;from.wp24 = from.wp25;from.wp25 = from.wp26;from.wp26 = from.wp27;from.wp27 = from.wp28;from.wp28 = from.wp29;from.wp29 = from.wp30;from.wp30 = from.wp31;from.wp31 = world;return TRUE;}
-	if (from.wp8 == to){from.wp8 = from.wp9;from.wp9 = from.wp10;from.wp10 = from.wp11;from.wp11 = from.wp12;from.wp12 = from.wp13;from.wp13 = from.wp14;from.wp14 = from.wp15;from.wp15 = from.wp16;from.wp16 = from.wp17;from.wp17 = from.wp18;from.wp18 = from.wp19;from.wp19 = from.wp20;from.wp20 = from.wp21;from.wp21 = from.wp22;from.wp22 = from.wp23;from.wp23 = from.wp24;from.wp24 = from.wp25;from.wp25 = from.wp26;from.wp26 = from.wp27;from.wp27 = from.wp28;from.wp28 = from.wp29;from.wp29 = from.wp30;from.wp30 = from.wp31;from.wp31 = world;return TRUE;}
-	if (from.wp9 == to){from.wp9 = from.wp10;from.wp10 = from.wp11;from.wp11 = from.wp12;from.wp12 = from.wp13;from.wp13 = from.wp14;from.wp14 = from.wp15;from.wp15 = from.wp16;from.wp16 = from.wp17;from.wp17 = from.wp18;from.wp18 = from.wp19;from.wp19 = from.wp20;from.wp20 = from.wp21;from.wp21 = from.wp22;from.wp22 = from.wp23;from.wp23 = from.wp24;from.wp24 = from.wp25;from.wp25 = from.wp26;from.wp26 = from.wp27;from.wp27 = from.wp28;from.wp28 = from.wp29;from.wp29 = from.wp30;from.wp30 = from.wp31;from.wp31 = world;return TRUE;}
-	if (from.wp10 == to){from.wp10 = from.wp11;from.wp11 = from.wp12;from.wp12 = from.wp13;from.wp13 = from.wp14;from.wp14 = from.wp15;from.wp15 = from.wp16;from.wp16 = from.wp17;from.wp17 = from.wp18;from.wp18 = from.wp19;from.wp19 = from.wp20;from.wp20 = from.wp21;from.wp21 = from.wp22;from.wp22 = from.wp23;from.wp23 = from.wp24;from.wp24 = from.wp25;from.wp25 = from.wp26;from.wp26 = from.wp27;from.wp27 = from.wp28;from.wp28 = from.wp29;from.wp29 = from.wp30;from.wp30 = from.wp31;from.wp31 = world;return TRUE;}
-	if (from.wp11 == to){from.wp11 = from.wp12;from.wp12 = from.wp13;from.wp13 = from.wp14;from.wp14 = from.wp15;from.wp15 = from.wp16;from.wp16 = from.wp17;from.wp17 = from.wp18;from.wp18 = from.wp19;from.wp19 = from.wp20;from.wp20 = from.wp21;from.wp21 = from.wp22;from.wp22 = from.wp23;from.wp23 = from.wp24;from.wp24 = from.wp25;from.wp25 = from.wp26;from.wp26 = from.wp27;from.wp27 = from.wp28;from.wp28 = from.wp29;from.wp29 = from.wp30;from.wp30 = from.wp31;from.wp31 = world;return TRUE;}
-	if (from.wp12 == to){from.wp12 = from.wp13;from.wp13 = from.wp14;from.wp14 = from.wp15;from.wp15 = from.wp16;from.wp16 = from.wp17;from.wp17 = from.wp18;from.wp18 = from.wp19;from.wp19 = from.wp20;from.wp20 = from.wp21;from.wp21 = from.wp22;from.wp22 = from.wp23;from.wp23 = from.wp24;from.wp24 = from.wp25;from.wp25 = from.wp26;from.wp26 = from.wp27;from.wp27 = from.wp28;from.wp28 = from.wp29;from.wp29 = from.wp30;from.wp30 = from.wp31;from.wp31 = world;return TRUE;}
-	if (from.wp13 == to){from.wp13 = from.wp14;from.wp14 = from.wp15;from.wp15 = from.wp16;from.wp16 = from.wp17;from.wp17 = from.wp18;from.wp18 = from.wp19;from.wp19 = from.wp20;from.wp20 = from.wp21;from.wp21 = from.wp22;from.wp22 = from.wp23;from.wp23 = from.wp24;from.wp24 = from.wp25;from.wp25 = from.wp26;from.wp26 = from.wp27;from.wp27 = from.wp28;from.wp28 = from.wp29;from.wp29 = from.wp30;from.wp30 = from.wp31;from.wp31 = world;return TRUE;}
-	if (from.wp14 == to){from.wp14 = from.wp15;from.wp15 = from.wp16;from.wp16 = from.wp17;from.wp17 = from.wp18;from.wp18 = from.wp19;from.wp19 = from.wp20;from.wp20 = from.wp21;from.wp21 = from.wp22;from.wp22 = from.wp23;from.wp23 = from.wp24;from.wp24 = from.wp25;from.wp25 = from.wp26;from.wp26 = from.wp27;from.wp27 = from.wp28;from.wp28 = from.wp29;from.wp29 = from.wp30;from.wp30 = from.wp31;from.wp31 = world;return TRUE;}
-	if (from.wp15 == to){from.wp15 = from.wp16;from.wp16 = from.wp17;from.wp17 = from.wp18;from.wp18 = from.wp19;from.wp19 = from.wp20;from.wp20 = from.wp21;from.wp21 = from.wp22;from.wp22 = from.wp23;from.wp23 = from.wp24;from.wp24 = from.wp25;from.wp25 = from.wp26;from.wp26 = from.wp27;from.wp27 = from.wp28;from.wp28 = from.wp29;from.wp29 = from.wp30;from.wp30 = from.wp31;from.wp31 = world;return TRUE;}
-	if (from.wp16 == to){from.wp16 = from.wp17;from.wp17 = from.wp18;from.wp18 = from.wp19;from.wp19 = from.wp20;from.wp20 = from.wp21;from.wp21 = from.wp22;from.wp22 = from.wp23;from.wp23 = from.wp24;from.wp24 = from.wp25;from.wp25 = from.wp26;from.wp26 = from.wp27;from.wp27 = from.wp28;from.wp28 = from.wp29;from.wp29 = from.wp30;from.wp30 = from.wp31;from.wp31 = world;return TRUE;}
-	if (from.wp17 == to){from.wp17 = from.wp18;from.wp18 = from.wp19;from.wp19 = from.wp20;from.wp20 = from.wp21;from.wp21 = from.wp22;from.wp22 = from.wp23;from.wp23 = from.wp24;from.wp24 = from.wp25;from.wp25 = from.wp26;from.wp26 = from.wp27;from.wp27 = from.wp28;from.wp28 = from.wp29;from.wp29 = from.wp30;from.wp30 = from.wp31;from.wp31 = world;return TRUE;}
-	if (from.wp18 == to){from.wp18 = from.wp19;from.wp19 = from.wp20;from.wp20 = from.wp21;from.wp21 = from.wp22;from.wp22 = from.wp23;from.wp23 = from.wp24;from.wp24 = from.wp25;from.wp25 = from.wp26;from.wp26 = from.wp27;from.wp27 = from.wp28;from.wp28 = from.wp29;from.wp29 = from.wp30;from.wp30 = from.wp31;from.wp31 = world;return TRUE;}
-	if (from.wp19 == to){from.wp19 = from.wp20;from.wp20 = from.wp21;from.wp21 = from.wp22;from.wp22 = from.wp23;from.wp23 = from.wp24;from.wp24 = from.wp25;from.wp25 = from.wp26;from.wp26 = from.wp27;from.wp27 = from.wp28;from.wp28 = from.wp29;from.wp29 = from.wp30;from.wp30 = from.wp31;from.wp31 = world;return TRUE;}
-	if (from.wp20 == to){from.wp20 = from.wp21;from.wp21 = from.wp22;from.wp22 = from.wp23;from.wp23 = from.wp24;from.wp24 = from.wp25;from.wp25 = from.wp26;from.wp26 = from.wp27;from.wp27 = from.wp28;from.wp28 = from.wp29;from.wp29 = from.wp30;from.wp30 = from.wp31;from.wp31 = world;return TRUE;}
-	if (from.wp21 == to){from.wp21 = from.wp22;from.wp22 = from.wp23;from.wp23 = from.wp24;from.wp24 = from.wp25;from.wp25 = from.wp26;from.wp26 = from.wp27;from.wp27 = from.wp28;from.wp28 = from.wp29;from.wp29 = from.wp30;from.wp30 = from.wp31;from.wp31 = world;return TRUE;}
-	if (from.wp22 == to){from.wp22 = from.wp23;from.wp23 = from.wp24;from.wp24 = from.wp25;from.wp25 = from.wp26;from.wp26 = from.wp27;from.wp27 = from.wp28;from.wp28 = from.wp29;from.wp29 = from.wp30;from.wp30 = from.wp31;from.wp31 = world;return TRUE;}
-	if (from.wp23 == to){from.wp23 = from.wp24;from.wp24 = from.wp25;from.wp25 = from.wp26;from.wp26 = from.wp27;from.wp27 = from.wp28;from.wp28 = from.wp29;from.wp29 = from.wp30;from.wp30 = from.wp31;from.wp31 = world;return TRUE;}
-	if (from.wp24 == to){from.wp24 = from.wp25;from.wp25 = from.wp26;from.wp26 = from.wp27;from.wp27 = from.wp28;from.wp28 = from.wp29;from.wp29 = from.wp30;from.wp30 = from.wp31;from.wp31 = world;return TRUE;}
-	if (from.wp25 == to){from.wp25 = from.wp26;from.wp26 = from.wp27;from.wp27 = from.wp28;from.wp28 = from.wp29;from.wp29 = from.wp30;from.wp30 = from.wp31;from.wp31 = world;return TRUE;}
-	if (from.wp26 == to){from.wp26 = from.wp27;from.wp27 = from.wp28;from.wp28 = from.wp29;from.wp29 = from.wp30;from.wp30 = from.wp31;from.wp31 = world;return TRUE;}
-	if (from.wp27 == to){from.wp27 = from.wp28;from.wp28 = from.wp29;from.wp29 = from.wp30;from.wp30 = from.wp31;from.wp31 = world;return TRUE;}
-	if (from.wp28 == to){from.wp28 = from.wp29;from.wp29 = from.wp30;from.wp30 = from.wp31;from.wp31 = world;return TRUE;}
-	if (from.wp29 == to){from.wp29 = from.wp30;from.wp30 = from.wp31;from.wp31 = world;return TRUE;}
-	if (from.wp30 == to){from.wp30 = from.wp31;from.wp31 = world;return TRUE;}
-	if (from.wp31 == to){from.wp31 = world;return TRUE;}
-	return FALSE;
-float() waysurface_link =
-	local entity e;
-	local float d;
-	local vector m1, m2;
-	//self.think = waysurface_link;
-	//self.nextthink = time;
-	m1 = self.mins;
-	m2 = self.maxs;
-	d = 0;
-	e = self.oldenemy;
-	while (d < 20)
-	{
-		d = d + 1;
-		e = find(e, classname, "waysurface");
-		if (e == world)
-		{
-			//self.nextthink = 0;
-			return FALSE;
-		}
-		if (m1_x < e.maxs_x)
-		if (m2_x > e.mins_x)
-		if (m1_y < e.maxs_y)
-		if (m2_y > e.mins_y)
-		if (m1_z < e.maxs_z)
-		if (m2_z > e.mins_z)
-		{
-			waysurface_addlink(self, e);
-			waysurface_addlink(e, self);
-		}
-	}
-	self.oldenemy = e;
-	return TRUE;
-void() waysurface_relinkall =
-	local entity head;
-	head = findchain(classname, "waysurface");
-	while (head)
-	{
-		head.enemy = world;
-		head.owner = world;
-		head.wp0 = head.wp1 = head.wp2 = head.wp3 = head.wp4 = head.wp5 = head.wp6 = head.wp7 = world;
-		head.wp8 = head.wp9 = head.wp10 = head.wp11 = head.wp12 = head.wp13 = head.wp14 = head.wp15 = world;
-		head.wp16 = head.wp17 = head.wp18 = head.wp19 = head.wp20 = head.wp21 = head.wp22 = head.wp23 = world;
-		head.wp24 = head.wp25 = head.wp26 = head.wp27 = head.wp28 = head.wp29 = head.wp30 = head.wp31 = world;
-		head.wpcost0 = head.wpcost1 = head.wpcost2 = head.wpcost3 = head.wpcost4 = head.wpcost5 = head.wpcost6 = head.wpcost7 = 0;
-		head.wpcost8 = head.wpcost9 = head.wpcost10 = head.wpcost11 = head.wpcost12 = head.wpcost13 = head.wpcost14 = head.wpcost15 = 0;
-		head.wpcost16 = head.wpcost17 = head.wpcost18 = head.wpcost19 = head.wpcost20 = head.wpcost21 = head.wpcost22 = head.wpcost23 = 0;
-		head.wpcost24 = head.wpcost25 = head.wpcost26 = head.wpcost27 = head.wpcost28 = head.wpcost29 = head.wpcost30 = head.wpcost31 = 0;
-		head.think = waysurface_link;
-		head.nextthink = time + 0.1;
-		head = head.chain;
-	}
-.entity goalcurrent, goalstack1, goalstack2, goalstack3, goalstack4, goalstack5, goalstack6, goalstack7, goalstack8, goalstack9;
-.entity goalstack10, goalstack11, goalstack12, goalstack13, goalstack14, goalstack15, goalstack16, goalstack17, goalstack18, goalstack19;
-.entity goalstack20, goalstack21, goalstack22, goalstack23, goalstack24, goalstack25, goalstack26, goalstack27, goalstack28, goalstack29;
-.entity goalstack30, goalstack31, goalstack32;
-void() clearroute =
-	self.goalcurrent = world;
-	self.goalstack1 = world;
-	self.goalstack2 = world;
-	self.goalstack3 = world;
-	self.goalstack4 = world;
-	self.goalstack5 = world;
-	self.goalstack6 = world;
-	self.goalstack7 = world;
-	self.goalstack8 = world;
-	self.goalstack9 = world;
-	self.goalstack10 = world;
-	self.goalstack11 = world;
-	self.goalstack12 = world;
-	self.goalstack13 = world;
-	self.goalstack14 = world;
-	self.goalstack15 = world;
-	self.goalstack16 = world;
-	self.goalstack17 = world;
-	self.goalstack18 = world;
-	self.goalstack19 = world;
-	self.goalstack20 = world;
-	self.goalstack21 = world;
-	self.goalstack22 = world;
-	self.goalstack23 = world;
-	self.goalstack24 = world;
-	self.goalstack25 = world;
-	self.goalstack26 = world;
-	self.goalstack27 = world;
-	self.goalstack28 = world;
-	self.goalstack29 = world;
-	self.goalstack30 = world;
-	self.goalstack31 = world;
-	self.goalstack32 = world;
-void(entity e) pushroute =
-	self.goalstack32 = self.goalstack31;
-	self.goalstack31 = self.goalstack30;
-	self.goalstack30 = self.goalstack29;
-	self.goalstack29 = self.goalstack28;
-	self.goalstack28 = self.goalstack27;
-	self.goalstack27 = self.goalstack26;
-	self.goalstack26 = self.goalstack25;
-	self.goalstack25 = self.goalstack24;
-	self.goalstack24 = self.goalstack23;
-	self.goalstack23 = self.goalstack22;
-	self.goalstack22 = self.goalstack21;
-	self.goalstack21 = self.goalstack20;
-	self.goalstack20 = self.goalstack19;
-	self.goalstack19 = self.goalstack18;
-	self.goalstack18 = self.goalstack17;
-	self.goalstack17 = self.goalstack16;
-	self.goalstack16 = self.goalstack15;
-	self.goalstack15 = self.goalstack14;
-	self.goalstack14 = self.goalstack13;
-	self.goalstack13 = self.goalstack12;
-	self.goalstack12 = self.goalstack11;
-	self.goalstack11 = self.goalstack10;
-	self.goalstack10 = self.goalstack9;
-	self.goalstack9 = self.goalstack8;
-	self.goalstack8 = self.goalstack7;
-	self.goalstack7 = self.goalstack6;
-	self.goalstack6 = self.goalstack5;
-	self.goalstack5 = self.goalstack4;
-	self.goalstack4 = self.goalstack3;
-	self.goalstack3 = self.goalstack2;
-	self.goalstack2 = self.goalstack1;
-	self.goalstack1 = self.goalcurrent;
-	self.goalcurrent = e;
-void() poproute =
-	self.goalcurrent = self.goalstack1;
-	self.goalstack1 = self.goalstack2;
-	self.goalstack2 = self.goalstack3;
-	self.goalstack3 = self.goalstack4;
-	self.goalstack4 = self.goalstack5;
-	self.goalstack5 = self.goalstack6;
-	self.goalstack6 = self.goalstack7;
-	self.goalstack7 = self.goalstack8;
-	self.goalstack8 = self.goalstack9;
-	self.goalstack9 = self.goalstack10;
-	self.goalstack10 = self.goalstack11;
-	self.goalstack11 = self.goalstack12;
-	self.goalstack12 = self.goalstack13;
-	self.goalstack13 = self.goalstack14;
-	self.goalstack14 = self.goalstack15;
-	self.goalstack15 = self.goalstack16;
-	self.goalstack16 = self.goalstack17;
-	self.goalstack17 = self.goalstack18;
-	self.goalstack18 = self.goalstack19;
-	self.goalstack19 = self.goalstack20;
-	self.goalstack20 = self.goalstack21;
-	self.goalstack21 = self.goalstack22;
-	self.goalstack22 = self.goalstack23;
-	self.goalstack23 = self.goalstack24;
-	self.goalstack24 = self.goalstack25;
-	self.goalstack25 = self.goalstack26;
-	self.goalstack26 = self.goalstack27;
-	self.goalstack27 = self.goalstack28;
-	self.goalstack28 = self.goalstack29;
-	self.goalstack29 = self.goalstack30;
-	self.goalstack30 = self.goalstack31;
-	self.goalstack31 = self.goalstack32;
-	self.goalstack32 = world;
-.entity nearestwaysurface;
-.vector nearestwaysurfaceorigin;
-.float nearestwaysurfacetimeout;
-entity(vector org, vector m1, vector m2) findwaysurface;
-void(vector org, vector normal, float dist, float fl) havocbot_spawnwaysurface;
-entity(entity e) findnearestwaysurface =
-	local entity head;
-	local vector org, m1, m2;
-	if (e.origin != e.nearestwaysurfaceorigin || time > e.nearestwaysurfacetimeout)
-	{
-		m1 = e.absmin;
-		m2 = e.absmax;
-		org = (m1 + m2) * 0.5;
-		org_z = m1_z + 1;
-		e.nearestwaysurface = findwaysurface(org, m1, m2);
-		e.nearestwaysurfaceorigin = e.origin;
-		e.nearestwaysurfacetimeout = time + random() * 3 + 5;
-		return e.nearestwaysurface;
-	}
-	return e.nearestwaysurface;
-float timediff;
-.float wpfire, wpcost;
-void(entity head, entity w) havocbot_checkwaysurface =
-	local vector o, m1, m2;
-	local float cost;
-	o = head.dest;
-	m1 = w.absmin;
-	m2 = w.absmax;
-	if (o_x < m1_x) o_x = m1_x;if (o_x > m2_x) o_x = m2_x;
-	if (o_y < m1_y) o_y = m1_y;if (o_y > m2_y) o_y = m2_y;
-	if (o_z < m1_z) o_z = m1_z;if (o_z > m2_z) o_z = m2_z;
-	cost = head.wpcost + vlen(o - head.dest) + head.dmg;
-	if(cost < w.wpcost)
-	{
-		//te_smallflash(o);
-		w.dest = o;
-		w.wpcost = cost;
-		w.enemy = head;
-		w.wpfire = 1;
-	}
-void() markroutes =
-	local entity start, head, w;
-	local vector o, m1, m2;
-	local float d, dist, cost;
-	head = findchain(classname, "waysurface");
-	while (head)
-	{
-		head.dest = '0 0 0';
-		head.wpcost = 10000000;
-		head.wpfire = 0;
-		head.enemy = world;
-		head = head.chain;
-	}
-	w = findwaysurface(self.origin, self.absmin, self.absmax);
-	if (w == world)
-		return;
-	o = self.origin;
-	m1 = w.mins;
-	m2 = w.maxs;
-	if (o_x < m1_x) o_x = m1_x;if (o_x > m2_x) o_x = m2_x;
-	if (o_y < m1_y) o_y = m1_y;if (o_y > m2_y) o_y = m2_y;
-	if (o_z < m1_z) o_z = m1_z;if (o_z > m2_z) o_z = m2_z;
-	w.dest = o;
-	w.wpcost = vlen(w.dest - self.origin) + w.dmg;
-	w.enemy = world;
-	w.wpfire = 1;
-	while (1)
-	{
-		head = findchainfloat(wpfire, 1);
-		if (head == world)
-			return;
-		while (head)
-		{
-			head.wpfire = 0;
-			w = head.wp0;if(w){havocbot_checkwaysurface(head, w);
-			w = head.wp1;if(w){havocbot_checkwaysurface(head, w);
-			w = head.wp2;if(w){havocbot_checkwaysurface(head, w);
-			w = head.wp3;if(w){havocbot_checkwaysurface(head, w);
-			w = head.wp4;if(w){havocbot_checkwaysurface(head, w);
-			w = head.wp5;if(w){havocbot_checkwaysurface(head, w);
-			w = head.wp6;if(w){havocbot_checkwaysurface(head, w);
-			w = head.wp7;if(w){havocbot_checkwaysurface(head, w);
-			w = head.wp8;if(w){havocbot_checkwaysurface(head, w);
-			w = head.wp9;if(w){havocbot_checkwaysurface(head, w);
-			w = head.wp10;if(w){havocbot_checkwaysurface(head, w);
-			w = head.wp11;if(w){havocbot_checkwaysurface(head, w);
-			w = head.wp12;if(w){havocbot_checkwaysurface(head, w);
-			w = head.wp13;if(w){havocbot_checkwaysurface(head, w);
-			w = head.wp14;if(w){havocbot_checkwaysurface(head, w);
-			w = head.wp15;if(w){havocbot_checkwaysurface(head, w);
-			w = head.wp16;if(w){havocbot_checkwaysurface(head, w);
-			w = head.wp17;if(w){havocbot_checkwaysurface(head, w);
-			w = head.wp18;if(w){havocbot_checkwaysurface(head, w);
-			w = head.wp19;if(w){havocbot_checkwaysurface(head, w);
-			w = head.wp20;if(w){havocbot_checkwaysurface(head, w);
-			w = head.wp21;if(w){havocbot_checkwaysurface(head, w);
-			w = head.wp22;if(w){havocbot_checkwaysurface(head, w);
-			w = head.wp23;if(w){havocbot_checkwaysurface(head, w);
-			w = head.wp24;if(w){havocbot_checkwaysurface(head, w);
-			w = head.wp25;if(w){havocbot_checkwaysurface(head, w);
-			w = head.wp26;if(w){havocbot_checkwaysurface(head, w);
-			w = head.wp27;if(w){havocbot_checkwaysurface(head, w);
-			w = head.wp28;if(w){havocbot_checkwaysurface(head, w);
-			w = head.wp29;if(w){havocbot_checkwaysurface(head, w);
-			w = head.wp30;if(w){havocbot_checkwaysurface(head, w);
-			w = head.wp31;if(w){havocbot_checkwaysurface(head, w);
-			}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
-			head = head.chain;
-		}
-	}
-void(entity e, float f) routerating =
-	local entity w;
-	local float c;
-	local string s;
-	w = findnearestwaysurface(e);
-	if (w)
-	{
-		f = f / ((w.wpcost + vlen(e.origin - w.dest)) * 0.001 + 1);
-		if (havocbot_bestrating < f)
-		{
-			havocbot_bestrating = f;
-			havocbot_bestgoal = e;
-		}
-	}
-void(entity e) routetogoal =
-	local vector org, m1, m2;
-	local float f;
-	local string s;
-	local entity old;
-	clearroute();
-	self.goalentity = e;
-	if (e == world)
-		return;
-	/*
-	bprint("routetogoal(");
-	s = etos(e);
-	bprint(s);
-	bprint(")\n");
-	*/
-	pushroute(e);
-	if (tracewalk(self, self.origin, e.origin))
-		return;
-	e = findnearestwaysurface(e);
-	m1 = self.absmin;
-	m2 = self.absmax;
-	//while (e.enemy != world)
-	//old = e;
-	while (e != world)
-	{
-		pushroute(e);
-		//if (e == self.lastwaysurfacetouched)
-		//	return; // skip nearest waysurface if it has already been touched
-		if (e.maxs_x > m1_x)
-		if (e.mins_x < m2_x)
-		if (e.maxs_y > m1_y)
-		if (e.mins_y < m2_y)
-		if (e.maxs_z > m1_z)
-		if (e.mins_z < m2_z)
-		{
-			//if (old)
-			//	pushroute(old);
-			return;
-		}
-		//old = e;
-		/*
-		if (e.enemy.enemy == world)
-		{
-			f = vlen(e.enemy.origin - self.origin);
-			if (vlen(e.origin - self.origin) > f)
-				return; // skip the nearest-to-player waysurface if it is further from the goal
-		}
-		*/
-		e = e.enemy;
-	}
-	//if (old)
-	//	pushroute(old);
-void() havocbot_popgoals =
-	local float s;
-	s = TRUE;
-	while (s)
-	{
-		s = FALSE;
-		if (self.absmax_x > self.goalcurrent.mins_x)
-		if (self.absmin_x < self.goalcurrent.maxs_x)
-		if (self.absmax_y > self.goalcurrent.mins_y)
-		if (self.absmin_y < self.goalcurrent.maxs_y)
-		if (self.absmax_z > self.goalcurrent.mins_z)
-		if (self.absmin_z < self.goalcurrent.maxs_z)
-		{
-			poproute();
-			if (self.goalcurrent == world)
-				return;
-			s = TRUE;
-			continue;
-		}
-		// check for tempgoals that died
-		if (!self.goalcurrent.classname && self.goalcurrent != self.goalentity)
-		{
-			poproute();
-			if (self.goalcurrent == world)
-				return;
-			s = TRUE;
-		}
-	}
-.float havocbotignoretime;
-void(vector dodge) havocbot_movetogoal =
-	local vector destorg, diff, dir, vel, flatdir, move, end, m1, m2, m3, m4, org;
-	local float s, dist, walkdist, walkangle, havoconground, p;
-	local entity e, head, floorsurface;
-	self.movement = '0 0 0';
-	if (self.goalcurrent == world)
-		return;
-	havocbot_popgoals();
-	if (self.goalcurrent == world)
-		return;
-	if (self.waterlevel)
-	{
-		diff = destorg - self.origin;
-		dist = vlen(diff);
-		dir = normalize(diff);
-	//	self.velocity = self.velocity + dir * (400 * sv_accelerate * frametime) + normalize(dodge) * maxspeed * 2;
-	//	if (vlen(self.velocity) > maxspeed)
-	//		self.velocity = normalize(self.velocity) * maxspeed;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		havoconground = self.flags & FL_ONGROUND;
-		if (!havoconground)
-		{
-			// prevent goal checks when we can't walk
-			//self.goaltime = time + 0.2;
-			return;
-		}
-		org = self.origin;
-		m1 = self.origin;
-		m2 = self.origin;
-		traceline(org, org + '0 0 -100', TRUE, world);
-		if (trace_fraction < 1)
-		{
-			head = findchain(classname, "waysurface");
-			while (head)
-			{
-				if (org_x > head.mins_x)
-				if (org_x < head.maxs_x)
-				if (org_y > head.mins_y)
-				if (org_y < head.maxs_y)
-				//if (org_z > head.mins_z)
-				//if (org_z < head.maxs_z)
-				if (trace_plane_normal == head.dest2)
-				if (trace_plane_dist == head.count)
-				{
-					if (m1_x > head.mins_x) m1_x = head.mins_x;if (m2_x < head.maxs_x) m2_x = head.maxs_x;
-					if (m1_y > head.mins_y) m1_y = head.mins_y;if (m2_y < head.maxs_y) m2_y = head.maxs_y;
-					if (m1_z > head.mins_z) m1_z = head.mins_z;if (m2_z < head.maxs_z) m2_z = head.maxs_z;
-				}
-				head = head.chain;
-			}
-		}
-		m3 = self.goalcurrent.origin + self.goalcurrent.mins;
-		m4 = self.goalcurrent.origin + self.goalcurrent.maxs;
-		if (m1_x < m3_x) m1_x = m3_x;if (m1_x > m4_x) m1_x = m4_x;
-		if (m1_y < m3_y) m1_y = m3_y;if (m1_y > m4_y) m1_y = m4_y;
-		if (m1_z < m3_z) m1_z = m3_z;if (m1_z > m4_z) m1_z = m4_z;
-		if (m2_x < m3_x) m2_x = m3_x;if (m2_x > m4_x) m2_x = m4_x;
-		if (m2_y < m3_y) m2_y = m3_y;if (m2_y > m4_y) m2_y = m4_y;
-		if (m2_z < m3_z) m2_z = m3_z;if (m2_z > m4_z) m2_z = m4_z;
-		destorg = self.origin;
-		if (destorg_x < m1_x) destorg_x = m1_x;if (destorg_x > m2_x) destorg_x = m2_x;
-		if (destorg_y < m1_y) destorg_y = m1_y;if (destorg_y > m2_y) destorg_y = m2_y;
-		if (destorg_z < m1_z) destorg_z = m1_z;if (destorg_z > m2_z) destorg_z = m2_z;
-		traceline(self.origin, destorg, FALSE, self);
-		if (trace_fraction < 1 && trace_ent != self.goalcurrent)
-		{
-			if (self.goalcurrent.classname == "waysurface")
-			{
-				s = 0;
-				while (s < 40)
-				{
-					s = s + 1;
-					destorg = randompos(m1, m2);
-					destorg_z = destorg_x * self.goalcurrent.dest5_x + destorg_y * self.goalcurrent.dest5_y + self.goalcurrent.dest5_z;
-					traceline(destorg, destorg + '0 0 -4', TRUE, world);
-					if (trace_fraction < 1)
-					if (trace_plane_dist == self.goalcurrent.count)
-					if (trace_plane_normal == self.goalcurrent.dest2)
-					{
-						traceline(self.origin, destorg, FALSE, self);
-						if (trace_fraction == 1)
-						{
-							newmis = spawn();
-							newmis.classname = "tempgoal";
-							newmis.owner = self;
-							newmis.think = SUB_Remove;
-							newmis.nextthink = time + 0.5;
-							setorigin(newmis, destorg);
-							pushroute(newmis);
-							break;
-						}
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				s = 0;
-				while (s < 40)
-				{
-					s = s + 1;
-					destorg = randompos(m1, m2);
-					traceline(self.origin, destorg, FALSE, self);
-					if (trace_fraction == 1 || trace_ent == self.goalcurrent)
-					{
-						newmis = spawn();
-						newmis.classname = "tempgoal";
-						newmis.owner = self;
-						newmis.think = SUB_Remove;
-						newmis.nextthink = time + 0.5;
-						setorigin(newmis, destorg);
-						pushroute(newmis);
-						break;
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			if (s >= 40)
-			{
-				clearroute();
-				return;
-			}
-		}
-		//dir = normalize(destorg - self.origin);
-		//particle(self.origin + dir * 16, '0 0 0', 50, 5);
-		te_lightning2(self, self.origin, destorg);
-		diff = destorg - self.origin;
-		dist = vlen(diff);
-		dir = normalize(diff);
-		flatdir = diff;flatdir_z = 0;
-		flatdir = normalize(flatdir);
-		dir = flatdir;
-		/*
-		// the * 1.125 is to turn a maxspeed of 320, into an acceleration of 400 to match the default quake cl_*speed variables
-		vel = flatdir * (maxspeed * 1.125) * sv_accelerate;
-		self.velocity = self.velocity + vel * frametime;
-		if (vlen(dodge) > 1)
-		{
-			dodge_z = 0;
-			self.velocity = self.velocity + normalize(dodge) * maxspeed * 2;
-		}
-		move = self.velocity;move_z = 0;
-		if (vlen(move) > maxspeed)
-			move = normalize(move) * maxspeed;
-		self.velocity_x = move_x;self.velocity_y = move_y;
-		*/
-	}
-	dir = dir + dodge;
-	makevectors(self.v_angle);
-	self.movement_x = dir * v_forward * 400;
-	self.movement_y = dir * v_right * 350;
-	self.movement_z = dir * v_up * 400;
-vector() havocbot_dodge =
-	local entity head;
-	local vector dodge, v, n;
-	local float danger, bestdanger, vl, d;
-	local string s;
-	dodge = '0 0 0';
-	bestdanger = -20;
-	// check for dangerous objects near bot or approaching bot
-	head = findchainfloat(shoulddodge, TRUE);
-	while(head)
-	{
-		vl = vlen(head.velocity);
-		if (vl > maxspeed * 0.3)
-		{
-			n = normalize(head.velocity);
-			v = self.origin - head.origin;
-			d = v * n;
-			if (d > (0 - head.dangerrating))
-			if (d < (vl * 0.2 + head.dangerrating))
-			{
-				// calculate direction and distance from the flight path, by removing the forward axis
-				v = v - (n * (v * n));
-				danger = head.dangerrating - vlen(v);
-				if (bestdanger < danger)
-				{
-					bestdanger = danger;
-					// dodge to the side of the object
-					dodge = normalize(v);
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			danger = head.dangerrating - vlen(head.origin - self.origin);
-			if (bestdanger < danger)
-			{
-				bestdanger = danger;
-				dodge = normalize(self.origin - head.origin);
-			}
-		}
-		head = head.chain;
-	}
-	/*
-	if (dodge != '0 0 0')
-	{
-		bprint("dodge ");
-		s = vtos(dodge * maxspeed);
-		bprint(s);
-		bprint("\n");
-	}
-	*/
-	return dodge;
-.float weaponchangetimeout;
-void() havocbot_chooseenemy =
-	local   entity  head, best;
-	local   float   besthealth;
-	best = world;
-	besthealth = 100000000;
-	head = findchainfloat(havocattack, TRUE);
-	while (head)
-	{
-		if (head != self)
-		if (!head.deadflag)
-		if ( < besthealth)
-		if ( != || == 0 || teamplay == 0)
-		{
-			traceline(self.origin + self.view_ofs, (head.absmin + head.absmax) * 0.5, FALSE, self);
-			if (trace_ent == head || trace_fraction >= 1)
-			{
-				best = head;
-				besthealth =;
-			}
-		}
-		head = head.chain;
-	}
-	self.enemy = best;
-void() havocbot_chooseweapon =
-	if (time > self.weaponchangetimeout)
-	{
-		self.weaponchangetimeout = time + 0.2;
-		self.switchweapon = W_BestWeapon(TRUE);
-	}
-.float nextaim;
-void() havocbot_aim =
-	local float f, aimlatency, latency, shotleadspeed;
-	local vector v, selfvel, enemyvel;
-	local string s;
-	if (time < self.nextaim)
-		return;
-	self.nextaim = time + 0.1;
-	aimlatency = (4 - skill) * 0.1 + random() * 0.05;
- = + (aimlatency - * frametime * 3;
-	aimlatency =;
-	if (self.enemy != world)
-	{
-		/*
-		self.nextaim = time + 0.1;
-		if (self.enemy != self.oldenemy)
-		{
-			self.oldenemy = self.enemy;
-			self.dest1 = self.dest2 = self.dest3 = self.enemy.origin;
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			// compute average velocity over .3 seconds based on origins (this is intentionally not .velocity)
-			self.dest1 = self.dest2;
-			self.dest2 = self.dest3;
-			self.dest3 = self.enemy.origin;
-		}
-		vel = ((self.dest2 - self.dest1) + (self.dest3 - self.dest2)) * 5.0; // 0.5 / 0.1 = 5.0
-		*/
-		selfvel = self.velocity;
-		if (!self.waterlevel)
-			selfvel_z = 0;
-		enemyvel = self.enemy.velocity;
-		if (!self.enemy.waterlevel)
-			enemyvel_z = 0;
-		/*
-		bprint("lag_additem(");
-		s = ftos(time + aimlatency);
-		bprint(s);
-		bprint(", 0, 0, ");
-		s = etos(self.enemy);
-		bprint(s);
-		bprint(", ");
-		s = vtos(self.origin);
-		bprint(s);
-		bprint(", ");
-		s = vtos(selfvel);
-		bprint(s);
-		bprint(", ");
-		s = vtos(self.enemy.origin);
-		bprint(s);
-		bprint(", ");
-		s = vtos(enemyvel);
-		bprint(s);
-		bprint(")\n");
-		*/
-		lag_additem(time + aimlatency, 0, 0, self.enemy, self.origin, selfvel, self.enemy.origin, enemyvel);
-//		v = trace_endpos;
-//		traceline(self.origin + '0 0 16', v, FALSE, self);
-//		if (trace_fraction >= 1 || trace_ent == self.enemy)
-//			lag_additem(time + aimlatency, 0, 0, self.enemy, v, '0 0 0', '0 0 0', '0 0 0');
-//		else
-//			lag_additem(time + aimlatency, 0, 0, self.enemy, '0 0 0', '0 0 0', '0 0 0', '0 0 0');
-	}
-	else
-		lag_additem(time + aimlatency, 0, 0, world, '0 0 0', '0 0 0', '0 0 0', '0 0 0');
-.entity aimtarg;
-.vector aimselforigin;
-.vector aimselfvelocity;
-.vector aimtargorigin;
-.vector aimtargvelocity;
-void(float t, float f1, float f2, entity e1, vector v1, vector v2, vector v3, vector v4) havocbot_lagfunc =
-	local string s;
-	self.aimtarg = e1;
-	self.aimselforigin = v1;
-	self.aimselfvelocity = v2;
-	self.aimtargorigin = v3;
-	self.aimtargvelocity = v4;
-	/*
-	bprint("havocbot_lagfunc(");
-	s = ftos(t);
-	bprint(s);
-	bprint(", ");
-	s = ftos(f1);
-	bprint(s);
-	bprint(", ");
-	s = ftos(f2);
-	bprint(s);
-	bprint(", ");
-	s = etos(e1);
-	bprint(s);
-	bprint(", ");
-	s = vtos(v1);
-	bprint(s);
-	bprint(", ");
-	s = vtos(v2);
-	bprint(s);
-	bprint(", ");
-	s = vtos(v3);
-	bprint(s);
-	bprint(", ");
-	s = vtos(v4);
-	bprint(s);
-	bprint(")\n");
-	*/
-	/*
-	self.lefty = 0;
-	if (fl)
-	{
-		//if (!setweapon(fl, WR_SELECTABLE))
-		//	return; // don't have the weapon??
-		//self.switchweapon = fl;
-		if (self.weapon == fl)
-		if (self.wstate == WS_ACTIVE)
-			self.lefty = 1;
-	}
-	else if (self.goalcurrent != world)
-		self.dest = self.goalcurrent.origin;
-	*/
-.float painintensity;
-void() havocbot_doaim =
-	local vector ang, angdiff, originalangdiff, selfvel, selforigin, targvel, targorigin, v, aimdir;
-	local float angdistance, fire, aimlatency, latency, shotleadspeed, pain;
-	local entity targ, saveenemy;
-	local string s;
-	fire = FALSE;
-	targ = self.aimtarg;
-	if (self.goalcurrent.origin)
-		aimdir = self.goalcurrent.origin - self.origin;
-	else
-	{
-		makevectors(self.v_angle);
-		aimdir = v_forward;
-	}
-	if (targ != world)
-	if (targ.takedamage)
-	{
-		/*
-		if (time > self.weaponchangetimeout || !setweapon(self.weapon, WR_SELECTABLE))
-		{
-			self.weaponchangetimeout = time + 0.5;
-			self.switchweapon = W_BestWeaponForTarget(targ); //W_BestWeapon(TRUE);
-		}
-		*/
-		selforigin = self.aimselforigin + self.aimselfvelocity * aimlatency;
-		targorigin = self.aimtargorigin + self.aimtargvelocity * aimlatency;
-		if (self.weapon == IT_WEAPON6) shotleadspeed = 600;
-		else if (self.weapon == IT_WEAPON7) shotleadspeed = 5000;
-		else if (self.weapon == IT_WEAPON8) shotleadspeed = 5000;
-		else shotleadspeed = 5000;
-		latency = vlen(targorigin - selforigin) / shotleadspeed;
-		v = targorigin + self.aimtargvelocity * latency - self.aimselfvelocity * latency;
-		tracebox(self.aimtargorigin, targ.mins, targ.maxs, v, FALSE, targ);
-		aimdir = trace_endpos - self.origin - '0 0 16';
-		if (self.weapon == self.switchweapon && self.wstate == WS_ACTIVE)
-		{
-			saveenemy = self.enemy;
-			self.enemy = targ;
-			weaponaimtarget = trace_endpos;
-			/*
-			bprint("havocbot_doaim(");
-			s = etos(self.aimtarg);
-			bprint(s);
-			bprint(", ");
-			s = vtos(self.aimselforigin);
-			bprint(s);
-			bprint(", ");
-			s = vtos(self.aimselfvelocity);
-			bprint(s);
-			bprint(", ");
-			s = vtos(self.aimtargorigin);
-			bprint(s);
-			bprint(", ");
-			s = vtos(self.aimtargvelocity);
-			bprint(s);
-			bprint(")\nselforigin ");
-			s = vtos(selforigin);
-			bprint(s);
-			bprint(", targorigin ");
-			s = vtos(targorigin);
-			bprint(s);
-			bprint(", aimdir ");
-			s = vtos(aimdir);
-			bprint(s);
-			bprint(")\n");
-			*/
-			if (setweapon(self.weapon, WR_AIM))
-			{
-				if ((cvar("temp1") & 512) == 0)
-					self.button0 = 1;
-				/*
-				bprint("weaponaimdir ");
-				s = vtos(weaponaimdir);
-				bprint(s);
-				bprint("\n");
-				*/
-				aimdir = weaponaimdir;
-			}
-			self.enemy = saveenemy;
-		}
-	}
-	ang = vectoangles(aimdir);
-	// change to v_angle format
-	ang_x = 0 - ang_x;
-	ang_z = 0;
-	// a little chaos to reduce sniping accuracy in the distnace
-//	ang = ang + randomvec();
-	// add in shaking from pain
-	pain = self.painintensity * 0.2;
-	if (pain > 15)
-		pain = 15;
-	if (pain)
-		ang = ang + randomvec() * pain;
-	// this code makes it turn gradually, not instantly
-	// calculate the angle difference (taking into consideration yaw wrapping)
-	angdiff = ang - self.v_angle;
-	while (angdiff_y >= 180)
-		angdiff_y = angdiff_y - 360;
-	while (angdiff_y < -180)
-		angdiff_y = angdiff_y + 360;
-	// give it a bit of randomness to simulate pretty good but not perfect tracking
-	originalangdiff = angdiff;
-	angdistance = vlen(angdiff);
-	angdiff = (((angdiff * (random() * 0.4 + 0.8)) + (randomvec() * (angdistance * 0.1))) - originalangdiff) * ((3.5 - skill) * 0.5) + originalangdiff;
-	// don't fire if shot would be too inaccurate
-	if (angdistance > 270 * frametime)
-		self.button0 = 0;
-	// limit maximum turning speed
-	if (vlen(angdiff) > 720 * frametime)
-		angdiff = normalize(angdiff) * 720 * frametime;
-	// apply change
-	self.v_angle = self.v_angle + angdiff;
-	angdiff = ang - self.v_angle;
-	while (angdiff_y >= 180)
-		angdiff_y = angdiff_y - 360;
-	while (angdiff_y < -180)
-		angdiff_y = angdiff_y + 360;
-	angdistance = vlen(angdiff);
-	if (angdistance > 10)
-		self.button0 = 0;
-	// compute model angles
-	self.angles = self.v_angle_y * '0 1 0';
-.float  respawntime;
-.float nextgoalcheck;
-.float oldhealth;
-void() havocbot_think =
-	local vector dodge;
-	self.button0 = 0;
-	self.button1 = 0;
-	self.button2 = 0;
-	if (self.deadflag)
-	{
-		if (time > self.respawntime)
-		if (self.deadflag == DEAD_RESPAWNABLE)
-			self.button0 = 1;
-		return;
-	}
-	else
-		self.respawntime = time + 1;
-//	if (self.flags & FL_ONGROUND)
-//		self.velocity = '0 0 0';
-	self.havocbot_role();
-	if (cvar("temp1") & 1024)
-		self.enemy = world;
-	else
-		havocbot_chooseenemy();
-	havocbot_chooseweapon();
-	havocbot_aim();
-	lag_update();
-	havocbot_doaim();
-	dodge = havocbot_dodge();
-	havocbot_movetogoal(dodge);
-	SV_PlayerPhysics();
-	if (self.painintensity > 0)
-		self.painintensity = self.painintensity - (skill * 40 + 40) * frametime;
-	if ( < self.oldhealth)
-		self.painintensity = self.painintensity + self.oldhealth -;
-	else if ( > self.oldhealth)
-		self.painintensity = 0;
-	self.oldhealth =;
-float nextwayspawntime;
-void() waypointspawnforitem_think =
-	local entity e;
-	self.nextthink = time + 0.03;
-	if (time >= nextwayspawntime)
-	{
-		e = self;
-		self = self.owner;
-		nextwayspawntime = time + 0.05;
-		if (!findwaysurface((self.mins + self.maxs) * 0.5 + self.origin, self.mins + self.origin, self.maxs + self.origin))
-			havocbot_spawnwaysurface(trace_endpos, trace_plane_normal, trace_plane_dist, 0);
-		self = e;
-		remove(self);
-		return;
-	}
-void(entity e) waypointspawnforitem =
-	newmis = spawn();
-	newmis.think = waypointspawnforitem_think;
-	newmis.nextthink = time;
-	newmis.owner = e;
-	/*
-	local entity head;
-	local vector org;
-	org = (e.absmin + e.absmax) * 0.5;
-	// find any waypoints touching this item, if any are found, don't spawn a new one
-	head = findradius(org, 0);
-	while(head)
-	{
-		if (head.classname == "waypoint")
-			return;
-		head = head.chain;
-	}
-	waypointspawn(org, 0);
-	*/
-void() havocbot_dumpwaypoints =
-	local entity head;
-	local string s;
-	head = findchain(classname, "waypoint");
-	sprint(self, "// waypoints for ");
-	sprint(self, world.model);
-	sprint(self, "\nvoid() waypoints_ = \n{\n");
-	while (head)
-	{
-		sprint(self, "        waypointspawn('");
-		s = vtos(head.origin);sprint(self, s);
-		sprint(self, "', ");
-		s = ftos(head.spawnflags);sprint(self, s);
-		sprint(self, ");\n");
-		head = head.chain;
-	}
-void() havocbot_makewaypoint = {waypointspawn(self.origin, 0);};
-void() havocbot_killwaypoint =
-	local   entity  head, best;
-	local   float   bestdist;
-	bestdist = 256; // max distance
-	head = findchain(classname, "waypoint");
-	while (head)
-	{
-		if (vlen(head.origin - self.origin) < bestdist)
-		{
-			best = head;
-			bestdist = vlen(head.origin - self.origin);
-		}
-		head = head.chain;
-	}
-	if (best)
-		remove(best);
-void() havocbot_impulses =
-	/*
-	if (cvar("temp1") & 512) // waypoint editing mode
-	{
-			 if (self.impulse == 110) {havocbot_makewaypoint();self.impulse = 0;}
-		else if (self.impulse == 111) {havocbot_killwaypoint();self.impulse = 0;}
-		else if (self.impulse == 118) {waypoint_relinkall();self.impulse = 0;}
-		else if (self.impulse == 119) {havocbot_dumpwaypoints();self.impulse = 0;}
-	}
-	*/
-	     if (self.impulse == 101) {havocbot_add(1);self.impulse = 0;}
-	else if (self.impulse == 102) {havocbot_remove(1);self.impulse = 0;}
-void() waybox_enlargebox =
-	local vector m1, m2, org1, org2;
-	local float c;
-	m1 = self.mins;
-	m2 = self.maxs;
-	if (m1 == m2)
-	{
-		// first time
-		self.dest = org1 = m1;
-		traceline(org1, org1 + '0 0 -65536', TRUE, world);
-		self.dest2 = trace_plane_normal;
-		self.count = trace_plane_dist;
-		traceline(org1, org1 + '-65536 0 0', TRUE, world);m1_x = trace_endpos_x;
-		traceline(org1, org1 + '65536 0 0', TRUE, world);m2_x = trace_endpos_x;
-		traceline(org1, org1 + '0 -65536 0', TRUE, world);m1_y = trace_endpos_y;
-		traceline(org1, org1 + '0 65536 0', TRUE, world);m2_y = trace_endpos_y;
-		traceline(org1, org1 + '0 0 -65536', TRUE, world);m1_z = trace_endpos_z;
-		traceline(org1, org1 + '0 0 65536', TRUE, world);m2_z = trace_endpos_z;
-	}
-	c = 0;
-	while (c < 10)
-	{
-		c = c + 1;
-		org1 = org2 = randompos(m1, m2);
-		org1_x = m2_x;
-		org2_x = m1_x;
-		traceline(org1, org2, TRUE, world);
-		m1_x = trace_endpos_x;
-		org1 = org2 = randompos(m1, m2);
-		org1_x = m1_x;
-		org2_x = m2_x;
-		traceline(org1, org2, TRUE, world);
-		m2_x = trace_endpos_x;
-		org1 = org2 = randompos(m1, m2);
-		org1_y = m2_y;
-		org2_y = m1_y;
-		traceline(org1, org2, TRUE, world);
-		m1_y = trace_endpos_y;
-		org1 = org2 = randompos(m1, m2);
-		org1_y = m1_y;
-		org2_y = m2_y;
-		traceline(org1, org2, TRUE, world);
-		m2_y = trace_endpos_y;
-	}
-	c = 0;
-	while (c < 30)
-	{
-		org1 = randompos(m1, m2);
-		org1_z = org1_x * slope_zx + org1_y * slope_zy + slope_basez;
-		org1_
-		traceline(org1, org1 + '0 0 -'
-		org2_z =
-		org1_z = m2_z;
-		org2_z = m1_z;
-		traceline(org1, org2, TRUE, world);
-		m1_z = trace_endpos_z;
-		org1 = org2 = randompos(m1, m2);
-		org1_z = m1_z;
-		org2_z = m2_z;
-		traceline(org1, org2, TRUE, world);
-		m2_z = trace_endpos_z;
-	}
-	setsize(self, m1, m2);
-void() waysurface_setupthink =
-	local float c, d, success, r;
-	local vector org, m1, m2;
-	self.nextthink = time + 0.1;
-	org = randompos(self.mins, self.maxs);
-	org_z = org_x * self.dest5_x + org_y * self.dest5_y + self.dest5_z;
-	//particle(org, '0 0 0', 104, 4);
-	if (time < self.cnt)
-	{
-		c = 0;
-		while (c < 128)
-		{
-			c = c + 1;
-			m1 = self.mins;
-			m2 = self.maxs;
-			r = random() * 64;
-			if (c & 1)
-			{
-				if (c & 2)
-				{
-					org_x = m1_x - r;
-					if (org_x < self.dest1_x - 256) org_x = self.dest1_x - 256;
-					//org_y = random() * (m2_y - m1_y) + m1_y;
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					org_x = m2_x + r;
-					if (org_x > self.dest1_x + 256) org_x = self.dest1_x + 256;
-					//org_y = random() * (m2_y - m1_y) + m1_y;
-				}
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				if (c & 2)
-				{
-					//org_x = random() * (m2_x - m1_x) + m1_x;
-					org_y = m1_y - r;
-					if (org_y < self.dest1_y - 256) org_y = self.dest1_y - 256;
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					//org_x = random() * (m2_x - m1_x) + m1_x;
-					org_y = m2_y + r;
-					if (org_y > self.dest1_y + 256) org_y = self.dest1_y + 256;
-				}
-			}
-			d = 0;
-			while (d <= 1)
-			{
-				if (c & 1)
-					org_y = m1_y + (m2_y - m1_y) * d;
-				else
-					org_x = m1_x + (m2_x - m1_x) * d;
-				success = FALSE;
-				org_z = org_x * self.dest5_x + org_y * self.dest5_y + self.dest5_z;
-				traceline(self.dest1, org, TRUE, world);
-				org = trace_endpos;
-				traceline(org, org + '0 0 -4', TRUE, world);
-				if (trace_fraction < 1)
-				if (trace_plane_dist == self.count)
-				if (trace_plane_normal == self.dest2)
-				{
-					//particle(org, '0 0 0', 140, 4);
-					if (m1_x > org_x) m1_x = org_x;if (m2_x < org_x) m2_x = org_x;
-					if (m1_y > org_y) m1_y = org_y;if (m2_y < org_y) m2_y = org_y;
-					if (m1_z > org_z) m1_z = org_z;if (m2_z < org_z) m2_z = org_z;
-					success = TRUE;
-				}
-				if (!success)
-					break;
-				// increment by 1/8th
-				d = d + 0.125;
-			}
-			if (d >= 1)
-			if (m1 != self.mins || m2 != self.maxs)
-				setsize(self, m1, m2);
-		}
-	}
-	else if (self.lefty || time > self.weapon)
-	{
-		if (!self.items)
-		{
-			self.items = 1;
-			setsize(self, self.mins + '-17 -17 -9', self.maxs + '17 17 9');
-		}
-		self.weapon = time + 10;
-		self.lefty = waysurface_link();
-	}
-void() waysurface_setupthink =
-	local float c, d, success;
-	local vector org, testorg, m1, m2;
-	self.nextthink = time + 0.1;
-	org = randompos(self.mins, self.maxs);
-	org_z = org_x * self.dest5_x + org_y * self.dest5_y + self.dest5_z;
-	//particle(org, '0 0 0', 104, 4);
-	if (time < self.cnt)
-	{
-		c = 0;
-		m1 = self.mins;
-		m2 = self.maxs;
-		while (c < 512)
-		{
-			c = c + 1;
-			testorg = randompos(m1, m2);
-			if (c & 1)
-			{
-				if (c & 2)
-				{
-					org_x = m1_x - 32;
-					if (org_x < self.dest1_x - 256) org_x = self.dest1_x - 256;
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					org_x = m2_x + 32;
-					if (org_x > self.dest1_x + 256) org_x = self.dest1_x + 256;
-				}
-				org_y = random() * (m2_y - m1_y) + m1_y;
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				if (c & 2)
-				{
-					org_y = m1_y - 32;
-					if (org_y < self.dest1_y - 256) org_y = self.dest1_y - 256;
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					org_y = m2_y + 32;
-					if (org_y > self.dest1_y + 256) org_y = self.dest1_y + 256;
-				}
-				org_x = random() * (m2_x - m1_x) + m1_x;
-			}
-			org_z = org_x * self.dest5_x + org_y * self.dest5_y + self.dest5_z;
-			traceline(testorg, org, TRUE, world);
-			org = trace_endpos;
-			traceline(org, org + '0 0 -4', TRUE, world);
-			if (trace_fraction < 1)
-			if (trace_plane_dist == self.count)
-			if (trace_plane_normal == self.dest2)
-			{
-				//particle(org, '0 0 0', 140, 4);
-				if (m1_x > org_x) m1_x = org_x;if (m2_x < org_x) m2_x = org_x;
-				if (m1_y > org_y) m1_y = org_y;if (m2_y < org_y) m2_y = org_y;
-				if (m1_z > org_z) m1_z = org_z;if (m2_z < org_z) m2_z = org_z;
-			}
-		}
-		if (m1 != self.mins || m2 != self.maxs)
-			setsize(self, m1, m2);
-	}
-	else if (self.lefty || time > self.weapon)
-	{
-		self.weapon = time + 10;
-		self.lefty = waysurface_link();
-	}
-void(vector org, vector normal, float dist, float fl) havocbot_spawnwaysurface =
-	newmis = spawn();
-	newmis.classname = "waysurface";
-	newmis.think = waysurface_setupthink;
-	newmis.lefty = TRUE;
-	newmis.nextthink = time;
-	newmis.cnt = time + 1;
-	newmis.dest1 = org + '0 0 1';
-	newmis.dest2 = normal;
-	newmis.count = dist;
-	// test 1 unit above so it doesn't start inside the surface
-	newmis.dest5_x = 0 - (normal_x / normal_z);
-	newmis.dest5_y = 0 - (normal_y / normal_z);
-	newmis.dest5_z = newmis.dest1_z - (newmis.dest1_x * newmis.dest5_x + newmis.dest1_y * newmis.dest5_y);
-	bprint("org ");
-	bprintvector(newmis.dest1);
-	bprint(" normal ");
-	bprintvector(newmis.dest2);
-	bprint(" dist ");
-	bprintfloat(newmis.count);
-	bprint(" slope ");
-	bprintvector(newmis.dest5);
-	bprint("\n");
-	// start out as just a point
-	setsize(newmis, org, org);
-entity(vector org, vector m1, vector m2) findwaysurface =
-	local entity head;
-	traceline(org, org + '0 0 -100', TRUE, world);
-	if (trace_fraction < 1)
-	{
-		head = findchain(classname, "waysurface");
-		while (head)
-		{
-			if (org_x > head.mins_x)
-			if (org_x < head.maxs_x)
-			if (org_y > head.mins_y)
-			if (org_y < head.maxs_y)
-			//if (org_z > head.mins_z)
-			//if (org_z < head.maxs_z)
-			if (trace_plane_normal == head.dest2)
-			if (trace_plane_dist == head.count)
-				break;
-			head = head.chain;
-		}
-		return head;
-	}
-	return world;
-.float nextlaywaysurface;
-.entity lastwaysurface;
-void() havoc_laywaypoints =
-	local entity head, w;
-	local vector org;
-	if (!deathmatch)
-	if (!coop)
-		return;
-	if (self.fixangle || self.teleport_time > time || self.pausetime > time)
-		self.lastwaysurface = world;
-	//if (!(self.flags & FL_CLIENT))
-	//	return;
-	//if (!(self.flags & FL_ONGROUND))
-	//	return;
-	if (time < self.nextlaywaysurface)
-		return;
-	self.nextlaywaysurface = time + 0.1; //2 + random() * 0.3;
-	/*
-	traceline(self.origin + '0 0 -23', self.origin + '0 0 -40', FALSE, self);
-	if (trace_fraction >= 1)
-		return;
-	head = findchain(classname, "waysurface");
-	while(head)
-	{
-		if (vlen(head.origin - self.origin) < 192)
-		if (tracewalk(self, self.origin, head.origin))
-			return;
-		head = head.chain;
-	}
-	havocbot_makewaysurface();
-	*/
-	org = self.origin + self.mins_z * '0 0 1';
-	head = findwaysurface(org, self.mins + self.origin, self.maxs + self.origin);
-	//if (head)
-	//{
-		/*
-		if (head != self.lastwaysurface)
-		if (self.lastwaysurface)
-			waysurface_addlink(self.lastwaysurface, head);
-		self.lastwaysurface = head;
-		*/
-		/*
-		w = head.wp0;if (w) te_lightning2(w, (head.absmin + head.absmax) * 0.5 + '0 0 24', (w.absmin + w.absmax) * 0.5 + '0 0 24');
-		w = head.wp1;if (w) te_lightning2(w, (head.absmin + head.absmax) * 0.5 + '0 0 24', (w.absmin + w.absmax) * 0.5 + '0 0 24');
-		w = head.wp2;if (w) te_lightning2(w, (head.absmin + head.absmax) * 0.5 + '0 0 24', (w.absmin + w.absmax) * 0.5 + '0 0 24');
-		w = head.wp3;if (w) te_lightning2(w, (head.absmin + head.absmax) * 0.5 + '0 0 24', (w.absmin + w.absmax) * 0.5 + '0 0 24');
-		w = head.wp4;if (w) te_lightning2(w, (head.absmin + head.absmax) * 0.5 + '0 0 24', (w.absmin + w.absmax) * 0.5 + '0 0 24');
-		w = head.wp5;if (w) te_lightning2(w, (head.absmin + head.absmax) * 0.5 + '0 0 24', (w.absmin + w.absmax) * 0.5 + '0 0 24');
-		w = head.wp6;if (w) te_lightning2(w, (head.absmin + head.absmax) * 0.5 + '0 0 24', (w.absmin + w.absmax) * 0.5 + '0 0 24');
-		w = head.wp7;if (w) te_lightning2(w, (head.absmin + head.absmax) * 0.5 + '0 0 24', (w.absmin + w.absmax) * 0.5 + '0 0 24');
-		*/
-	//}
-	//else
-	if (!head)
-	{
-		// if it found no surface, spawn a new one
-		havocbot_spawnwaysurface(trace_endpos, trace_plane_normal, trace_plane_dist, 0);
-	}
-entity dangerwaysurface;
-void() havocbot_updatedangerousobjects =
-	local entity head;
-	local vector m1, m2, v;
-	local float c, d, danger;
-	c = 0;
-	dangerwaysurface = find(dangerwaysurface, classname, "waysurface");
-	while (dangerwaysurface != world && c < 16)
-	{
-		c = c + 1;
-		danger = 0;
-		m1 = dangerwaysurface.mins;
-		m2 = dangerwaysurface.maxs;
-		head = findchainfloat(shoulddodge, TRUE);
-		while (head)
-		{
-			v = head.origin;
-			if (v_x < m1_x) v_x = m1_x;if (v_x > m2_x) v_x = m2_x;
-			if (v_y < m1_x) v_y = m1_x;if (v_y > m2_y) v_y = m2_y;
-			if (v_z < m1_x) v_z = m1_x;if (v_z > m2_z) v_z = m2_z;
-			d = head.dangerrating - vlen(head.origin - v);
-			if (d > 0)
-			{
-				traceline(head.origin, v, TRUE, world);
-				if (trace_fraction == 1)
-					danger = danger + d;
-			}
-			head = head.chain;
-		}
-		dangerwaysurface.dmg = danger;
-		dangerwaysurface = find(dangerwaysurface, classname, "waysurface");
-	}

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