[rott-commits] r277 - trunk/misc

DONOTREPLY at icculus.org DONOTREPLY at icculus.org
Sat Sep 7 17:37:18 EDT 2013

Author: fabian
Date: 2013-09-07 17:37:18 -0400 (Sat, 07 Sep 2013)
New Revision: 277

Replace icon with a self-drawn one in three different formats and provide reproduction rules.

Added: trunk/misc/icons.mk
--- trunk/misc/icons.mk	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/misc/icons.mk	2013-09-07 21:37:18 UTC (rev 277)
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+rott.xpm: rott.png
+	convert $^ $@
+rott.png: rott.svg
+	inkscape --export-png=$@ $^

Added: trunk/misc/rott.png
(Binary files differ)

Index: trunk/misc/rott.png
--- trunk/misc/rott.png	2013-06-27 05:27:42 UTC (rev 276)
+++ trunk/misc/rott.png	2013-09-07 21:37:18 UTC (rev 277)

Property changes on: trunk/misc/rott.png
Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: trunk/misc/rott.svg
--- trunk/misc/rott.svg	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/misc/rott.svg	2013-09-07 21:37:18 UTC (rev 277)
@@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
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+            <dc:title>Fabian Greffrath</dc:title>
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Modified: trunk/misc/rott.xpm
--- trunk/misc/rott.xpm	2013-06-27 05:27:42 UTC (rev 276)
+++ trunk/misc/rott.xpm	2013-09-07 21:37:18 UTC (rev 277)
@@ -1,67 +1,154 @@
 /* XPM */
-static char * rott_xpm[] = {
-"32 29 35 1",
-" 	c None",
-".	c #240000",
-"+	c #242424",
-"@	c #926D6D",
-"#	c #000000",
-"$	c #6D4949",
-"%	c #926D49",
-"&	c #494924",
-"*	c #6D6D49",
-"=	c #494949",
-"-	c #49496D",
-";	c #92926D",
-">	c #242449",
-",	c #49246D",
-"'	c #494992",
-")	c #242492",
-"!	c #492424",
-"~	c #242400",
-"{	c #6D4900",
-"]	c #24246D",
-"^	c #924900",
-"/	c #926D00",
-"(	c #492449",
-"_	c #6D4924",
-":	c #B69200",
-"<	c #929200",
-"[	c #B6B600",
-"}	c #494900",
-"|	c #000049",
-"1	c #240024",
-"2	c #002449",
-"3	c #492400",
-"4	c #000024",
-"5	c #6D6D00",
-"6	c #B6DB00",
-"               ..               ",
-"              +@@.              ",
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-"             +*+=&.             ",
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-"    #$$>]]2>>]]>]>|+>|||=$!     ",
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-" .*+|!}!+|||||||||||4441~3#4&&. ",
-"#&$1111||||||||4||44444444#4+&+ ",
-" .....~...####~~.........#.###. "};
+static char *rott[] = {
+/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
+"32 32 116 2 ",
+"   c #030202",
+".  c #0B0B05",
+"X  c #060609",
+"o  c #09070A",
+"O  c #0C0A0B",
+"+  c #100E05",
+"@  c #180D00",
+"#  c #110E0E",
+"$  c #13110D",
+"%  c #0B0712",
+"&  c #0C0A12",
+"*  c #060618",
+"=  c #0D0C1B",
+"-  c #110D16",
+";  c #100F1C",
+":  c #141113",
+">  c #1A1513",
+",  c #1C1A11",
+"<  c #251604",
+"1  c #2A1B04",
+"2  c #3E1F02",
+"3  c #201C14",
+"4  c #251E18",
+"5  c #291F1A",
+"6  c #272206",
+"7  c #2D2504",
+"8  c #313204",
+"9  c #242014",
+"0  c #2D2B16",
+"q  c #272018",
+"w  c #2A201A",
+"e  c #342B1F",
+"r  c #3C3A1F",
+"t  c #0A0A24",
+"y  c #0D0D2B",
+"u  c #110F22",
+"i  c #131224",
+"p  c #14132B",
+"a  c #18152A",
+"s  c #0C0C34",
+"d  c #0F0F39",
+"f  c #141434",
+"g  c #181837",
+"h  c #12123C",
+"j  c #19193C",
+"k  c #312521",
+"l  c #352921",
+"z  c #3A2D24",
+"x  c #3D3324",
+"c  c #422D02",
+"v  c #542A01",
+"b  c #433502",
+"n  c #553301",
+"m  c #7C3F00",
+"M  c #433C25",
+"N  c #433329",
+"B  c #4A3A2D",
+"V  c #4E3D30",
+"C  c #533E34",
+"Z  c #444103",
+"A  c #5A4901",
+"S  c #644F01",
+"D  c #6F4F00",
+"F  c #615201",
+"G  c #695600",
+"H  c #695800",
+"J  c #6C6300",
+"K  c #746500",
+"L  c #7A7000",
+"P  c #7E7F00",
+"I  c #474225",
+"U  c #494327",
+"Y  c #4C4927",
+"T  c #4D422B",
+"R  c #4E4929",
+"E  c #50422F",
+"W  c #52492D",
+"Q  c #554134",
+"!  c #564931",
+"~  c #594934",
+"^  c #63493F",
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+"(  c #1C1C44",
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+"]  c #25255B",
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+"1. c #A7C500",
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+"5.  e ~ ~ ! ! ~ ! ! ! ! W ! W W W W T W T R R R U R Y Y 0   5.5.",
+"5.5.                                                      5.5.5."

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