[referencer] Anyone interested in maintaining referencer?

Andreas Dalsgaard andreas.dalsgaard at gmail.com
Wed Jun 2 05:00:32 EDT 2010

Hi all,

In response to the inquiry for a maintainer to Referencer, a friend of
mine and I would like to volunteer for co-maintainership, or what
would fit best. We wrote a mail to John this Sunday but he seems to be
busy. Since we have become aware that at least one other person is
working on referencer* we have decided to send this mail to the list.

We both have a background in computer science and have used Referencer
extensively and expect to continue to use Referencer in our current
work in the Department of Computer Science at Aalborg

To familiarise ourself with the code we have have made a few patches:
 * Fix some simple bugs ( https://bugs.launchpad.net/referencer/+bug/581811 )
 * Scrolling to the current selection, when visibility changes.
 * Moved author string to same line as year in icon-view
 * Enhance the genkey plugin with title and first word of title
 * Start port to GIO/Gvfs
 * Do not store filename attribute to get clean diff's when storing
the referencer file in a repository.

If anyone is interested, you can checkout our hg branch (with most of
the patches) at http://diverse.smartere.dk:8000/

Our future plans is to add the following features:
 * Better support for more reflibs, e.g. drag-and-drop between windows
 * Better support for collaborating, e.g. fancy Telepathy collaboration
 * Hierarchial tags

Depending upon what other peoples plans are we have talked about
moving the source repository to bzr in launchpad, as we are more
familiar with bzr than hg and bugs and translations are already there.
This would also allow us to easily create a PPA.

Best regards Mads Chr. Olesen and Andreas E. Dalsgaard


On 26 February 2010 11:44, John Spray <jcspray at gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear all,
> Lately I have not had time to deal with any issues around referencer.  This
> is unlikely to change in the near future, so if anyone is interested in
> stepping in to maintain the software, please contact me.
> Regards,
> John
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