[referencer] Re: Plugin for fetching data from Isi-WebOfScience

John Spray jcspray at icculus.org
Sun Mar 9 16:20:48 EDT 2008

On Sun, 2008-03-09 at 20:29 +0100, Mario Castro wrote:

> The metadata feature only provides the first author, but not the whole
> list of them. Moreover, the isiwos plugin provides abstract and
> keywords. This is not relevant for citation purposes but it is very
> interesting if you try to use referencer as a simple and fast article
> database with the PDF linked to the reference (what makes referencer
> really useful) 

The issue of getting only the first author only applies to the crossref
plugin, not to the "Get metadata" framework in general.  For instance,
pubmed gives more complete information and I have a similar one for the
ADS database.  It seems like you're suggesting using crossref to resolve
a DOI to title/author and then filling out the rest from WOS.  Are you
completely certain that it is not possible to look up an article by DOI
on WOS in a single step?  That would seem like a pathological omission
from their interface.

The XML you have included below shows the DOI as the article_no tag:
perhaps you can search on this field in the same way as you currently do
on author and title.


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