[referencer] Isi web of knowledge and referencer

jcspray at icculus.org jcspray at icculus.org
Tue Mar 4 09:20:57 EST 2008

Quoting Mario Castro <mariocastro73 at gmail.com>:
> Here I attach the two files needed to run my script (you also need a
> subscription to isi-web, but all the universities have one collective
> subscription)

Well, I'm not a member of a university any more, so I guess if this  
gets done it will be by someone else.  I would be happy to hack on  
this based on your scripts, but if I can't get to the database then  
there's really nothing I can do.

> Another source of inspiration could be a Mac program called "papers". I've
> seen it in action and it's all I would like for referencer.

It's nice, isn't it?  If I was a mac user it would probably be my  
choice.  I didn't come across it until after I started writing  
referencer, at which point I thought "Ah, these guys hate all the  
existing software in just the same way I do!" :-)


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