small wish list and bug report

Alex Cornejo acornejo at
Fri Feb 1 13:41:07 EST 2008


First, thank you for working on this application, it is a very useful
way of managing all your papers, not only to generate bibtex files.

First a brief list of suggestions:

1. The tags are very useful, however as it is when you select several
tags it displays all references that match tag1 OR tag2 etc..,
it would be useful to add an option such that when multiple tags are
selected it displays the references that match tag1 AND tag2 etc..

2. When in list view it would be useful to also have an icon, if not a
small preview at least an icon to identify the documents as PDF/PS,

2. In both icon and list view it would be useful to be able to change
the zoom. I would do something similar to nautilus layout, especially
since referencer is a gnome app. Probably copying all the items
accessible from the view menu to the toolbar would also be a nice
usability improvement.

3. A really useful addition to the would be a way to add random notes
to a paper, for short summaries or notes on the paper. When
using the search function then referencer could also search through
these notes. One option for implementing this functionality would
be to have a directory in ~/.config/referencer (or similar) where a
bunch of text files are stored, then referencer simply adds a new
key-value pair to its xml structure to point to the notes text file.
Then the users can launch gedit (or they default text editor) from
referencer to add notes on a paper, or to view/edit notes previously stored.

Now a list of things I consider to be buggy:

1. Imagine you have a big list of items in referencer already. Now you
add a new pdf and want to fill out some info to describe it. You
the PDF and then prepare to select a list of tags which apply to this
document, the problem is that if you were in the "Untagged" category
when you select the document as soon as you click on any tag the
document disappears from the screen. One solution I can think of
is to add apply/cancel buttons on the tag list, so that when you start
clicking on new tags they changes are only commited and the view
is updated when you select apply.

2. Open referencer and use Icon View, select any tag where you have
plenty of documents. Now maximize the window (or just resize to
a big enough size) when you try to resize the window back to a smaller
state, referencer refuses to do so.

3. If you keep referencer open on the background and then you just
switch to another window (a browser for example) to work on something
else, sometimes the tip-popups from referencer suddenly appear on top
of your work, even if referencer was not focused or even if the
focused application is maximized.

Keep up the good work!

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