Referencer 1.0.2 consumes all memory on 64-bit machine?

John Spray jcspray at
Tue May 8 14:53:55 EDT 2007

On Tue, 2007-05-08 at 14:42 -0400, Benjamin Redelings wrote:
> Referencer create an (empty) file, and then hangs (no screen redraw) 
> while gradually consuming all RAM in the machine.  (I've got 4G)  IIRC, 
> it also uses 100% CPU during this hang.

Could you try attaching gdb to the hung process?  To do this, start gdb,
then type "attach [pid]" where [pid] is the process ID of the hung
process ("ps -A | grep referencer"), and then type "bt".
> I've only got 1.0.2 - do you know if the 1.0.3 version fixes this?
> If 
> so, I'll forward that comment on to the Debian package maintainer,
> which 
> might get the 1.0.3 package out faster  :)

As far as I recall nothing in the file IO changed 1.0.2->1.0.3, so I
doubt it makes a difference.


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