[referencer] Update algorithm when moving the reflib file...

John Spray jcspray at icculus.org
Mon Apr 30 11:29:14 EDT 2007

On Mon, 2007-04-30 at 00:04 -0400, Michael R. Head wrote:
> Hi, yeah, that's what's happening. Here's the sequence of operations
> leading to this result:
> 1) create folder Papers/conference-2006/References
> 2) put pdfs in that folder and use Referencer to create a .reflib file
> in that directory
> 3) cp -r Papers/conference-2006 Papers/conference-2007
> 4) open Papers/conference-2007/References/refs.reflib
> 5) add some new entries and save the result
> 6) examine the .reflib file and note that the relative paths to the
> files are gone and absolute paths point to the copies
> Papers/conference-2006/References, rather than in *-2007/*

Okay, I understand what's going on now.  As a first step I've committed
a patch which causes the relative paths not to be thrown away.  Beyond
this I will consider how to modify the behaviour, possible some UI for
resolving ambiguities.


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