dealing with different entry field requirements

Davyd Madeley davyd at
Fri Apr 6 03:53:17 EDT 2007

Maybe this is a bit crack and maybe I should cut some `sed` to fix this,
but I was wondering if there were any ideas to address the requirement
that different entry types (eg. Article, InProceedings, etc) require
different fields populated (at least this is the case for the IEEEtrans

The most common one appears to be journal vs booktitle, so at the moment
I'm going through and adding the custom field of booktitle as
appropriate, but I've been wondering if there would be a more sensible
way to fix this in referencer. Then I got to wondering if different
stylesheets have different required fields, and how quickly this could
all go down hill.

Does anyone have any ideas on this? Should I just hack up my bst?


Davyd Madeley
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