semi automatic installer builds

Ludwig Nussel ludwig.nussel at
Fri Mar 28 11:10:50 EDT 2008


Since the ioquake3 web site always offers rotten builds and users
keep asking ...
The openSUSE build service also builds loki-setup based installers
for Linux and an NSIS based one for Windows since some time. They
are produced as some kind of by-product of the regular rpm build so
there is little manual intervention required unless someone breaks
the scripts in SVN. All I need to do is to upload a new tarball
snapshot of ioquake3, fix the version number in the .spec file, wait
for everything to successfully build, download the rpms and extract
the installers with a script. The scripts can be found in
home:lnussel:win32/ioquake3 in the build service for those
interested. I've uploaded the installers to for now and intend to
update them every now and then.

The Windows installer probably needs some love to make it look
better, volunteers?

Things I know zakk doesn't like:
- the installers are engine only so you need to install baseq3
  manually. The data files never change anyways so IMO a separate
  installer that installs them as sub component of ioquake3 is the
  solution here (same for "standalone" mods).
- there are separate installers for i386 and x86_64. The build
  service cannot combine packages from different architectures.
- there are no ppc packages as the build service still does not
  offer ppc support (it has been promised for ages that support will
  be added). Well, I wonder how many non-geeks (ie those who want
  installers) use ppc Linux anyways.

So, that's it from my side. Any feedback whether this service is
useful and is worth continuing or whether I should better
concentrate on things I'm actually paid for is welcome ;-)


 (o_   Ludwig Nussel
SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, GF: Markus Rex, HRB 16746 (AG Nuernberg)

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