[quake3] Re: ioUrT licensing controversy (was Re: Greetings)

Erik K. erik at insectenboek.nl
Mon Apr 21 07:17:55 EDT 2008

On 17-4-2008 22:17, Tim Angus wrote:
> On Thu, 17 Apr 2008 21:40:22 +0200 Erik wrote:
>> ioUrT and UrT are independent works too. UrT is based on the Q3-sdk. 
>> ioUrT is based on ioquake3.
> If they were distributed separately, these sentences would be true.
>> But ioUrT and UrT were definatly developed separately from each
>> other, by different people, working of different code bases.
> ...and by combining the two through code and distribution you create a
> single product.

Distributing 2 separate products together does not make it a single 
product. See the 'aggregation' posts for more details. ioUrbanTerror and 
Urban Terror are SEPARATE products, distributed together in an aggregation.

And they are not combined through code, cause they are based on separate 
code-bases. Yes, these 2 code-bases happen to be pretty simular, but 
they remain 2 separate code-bases. And ioUrbanTerror was STRICTLY based 
on the ioquake3 code-base and Urban Terror STRICTLY on the Q3A 
code-base. By different people even, totally separate from eachother. 
They do work nicely together, but that just happens to be the case...
>> I assume you missed the last paragraph of my initial message:
> No I didn't. In fact this is the part that confuses me the most. You
> seem to be all for releasing the UrT source yet you were instrumental
> in preventing it by firstly creating ioUrT and secondly through
> convincing yourself and others that the licensing is not a problem. And
> now you continue to do so /despite/ claiming not to care and /despite/
> not being involved with UrT's development any longer. This seems like a
> bit of a contradiction to me.

Just because I am all for releasing the UrT source does not mean I will 
accept un-truth about the legality. Even when I don't actually care 
about it. Un-truth just hurts my eyes :) Maybe contradictional to you, 
not to me.

Anyway, I will now give you last word and I will part this discussion, 
unless new insights are introduced, instead of these same ones over and 
over again.

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