Videos not found :[

Tig tigger at
Sat Sep 15 21:41:51 EDT 2007

Hi, just did a few video test but was unable to find the recorded avi
files. Here is the set-up and what I tried:

* installed to e:\ioquake3 (WinXP) - incase the problem is full path

* started the 'four' demo

* typed \video in the console

* typed \videostop in the console

* Got the message that 'videos/video0001.avi' was created

* looked for it - could not find it :]

My first thought was that the 'videos' folder was missing so the file
was not saved. I made a 'video' and 'videos' folder in the baseq3 one,
and repeated. Still no luck.

Any tips to getting this feature to work?


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