[quake3] fs_homepath write protected, Windows 2000

Tony J. White tjw at webteam.net
Wed Oct 10 18:10:10 EDT 2007

On Tue, Oct 09, 2007 at 06:35:08PM -0400, Henry Garcia wrote:
>      The difference here is not the path, but the binary used apperantly.
>      I can reproduce the problem using ioquake3.x86.exe instead of
>      ioq3ded.x86.exe.  I tried building ioquake3.x86.exe without the
>      -mwindows flag, but it has no effect.  This has to do with
>      SDL's main(), but I'm not sure what the proper fix is.
>    All I know is that works in Linux, why won't it work in Windows? :)


Since this fix is only releated to libSDLmain.a, we could update that
file in ioquake3's SVN with this fix without waiting for a SDL 1.2.13 release.
However, it might be better to wait and see what horrible mistakes I've
made with the patch. 

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