[quake3] ioq3 is going nowhere

monk at rq3.com monk at rq3.com
Thu Aug 9 19:03:47 EDT 2007

> I think the problem is that the roadmap hasn't been touched in two years!
> I didn't see any progress in stuff that matters, like the replacing of
> DirectX backend with SDL, or ipv6 support and merging unix_net.c with
> win_net.c
> The subject in question is comparately insignificant...

"Re: [quake3] ioq3 is going nowhere"

Naw, I think that's exactly the topic you were trying to hit.  For Dirk,
it manifested itself in a cvar.  But for you, it's more big picture.

The 1.35+ and 2.0 stuff are pretty solid from a base engine point of view,
it seems.  But 1.34 is still beta waiting on... testing?

Meanwhile, some of the derivative projects' roadmaps have things like:

-added bloom effect
-port particle system from tremulous
-some graphics tweaks like reflective/refractive water

-new particle system
-buffed up map entity system

Elite Forces
-MD4/skeletal model/animation support

Of those three, Thilo backported the MD4 support from EF.  And OA is
porting the particle system from Tremulous.

I dunno, maybe ioq3's roadmap should be re-evaluated sometime?  Maybe
people aren't as interested anymore in doing some of the drudgework?  Or
maybe people were waiting for a new version of SDL to come out before
commencing that particular work?

Personally, after doing work on the backend of things, it's nice to see
some progress on something that gets noticed.  For instance, cleaning up
code and fixing bugs can take a while, but you can only do so much of that
before you begin to crave something *new*.

I think Q3 supports left hand, right hand, and center hand for 1st person
shooting position, like Q2.  If it doesn't, why not?  And, in that vein,
if it does support handedness (I honestly forget), I am pretty sure it
does NOT support left and right handed models.  In Q2, you could simply
mirror the right handed model and BOOM you have a left handed one.  In Q3,
I think that's impossible unless someone tweaks the graphics code a bit in
the engine.  Which... would be a visible, useful change.

And I will claim ignorance on this one, but custom resolutions.  Right now
it's in the console, r_mode -1, customheight, etc.  Why not put a new
selection in the graphics options to allow an arbitrarily-specified custom
resolution?  And, again I don't know if this has already been done, but
why not add a whole mess of resolution options?  Ramp that stuff up to
2500x1600.  There's some de facto resolutions defined out there that you
could throw in and boom, it's a visible, handy change.

Some of this stuff we've been exploring for RQ3.  However, it seems like
stuff that would benefit everyone would best be done in an engine project
like this.  Yeah, I do ask why more developers don't backport some of
their tasty code, but I guess the flipside to that is a project like RQ3
where we are very manpower constrained at this moment in time.  So... I
can see why some of this stuff never makes it back into ioq3.  It's just a
shame, is all.

Anyway, my thought is maybe the ioq3 roadmap is stuff that the ioq3 coders
aren't all that excited about pursuing anymore.  Perhaps it should be
revamped into stuff people are more excited in working on.  I don't know
if that's the case, or if it's just people are busy doing other things. 
But hey, it might be a factor.


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