[quake3] Mac OS X

Ryan C. Gordon icculus at icculus.org
Mon May 22 00:23:42 EDT 2006

> I'd have to agree with this.  I can't see why the SDL/OpenAL headers 
> need to be included.  This is not done with any other project that I've 
> followed, and for good reason.

Oh, what reason was that? Because it was easier to track down all the 
dependencies yourself? For multiple platforms? With customized builds of 
those dependencies?

> I think it can be reasonably expected 
> that any user wanting to compile ioq3 is compent enough to find the SDL 
> and AL headers themselves.  Hell, glext.h too, for that matter.

Yeah, until you have a glext.h that is outdated. Then we get a bug 
report that's not our bug. Or just the usual crowds that wouldn't know 
what to do if gcc reported that it couldn't find glext.h in the first place.

If the SDL headers are out of date (why are we using SDL_strlen() in 
Quake 3, anyhow?), then we can update them, but these are included so 
that we don't have to track down these dependencies.

Linux people, who almost universally just simply can't grasp why we'd 
even think about including these, don't actually use them (and if they 
are, it's a bug in the build system). They are only there for Mac OS X, 
and eventually Windows. Matching libraries are included too.


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