[quake3] Lots of changes to the web site

Ludwig Nussel ludwig.nussel at suse.de
Tue Mar 14 03:51:39 EST 2006

On Tuesday 14 March 2006 08:18, Zachary J. Slater wrote:
> Just a quick note to apologize for all the web-site updates with svn 
> commit notices, I've been asking floam to tweak things around for 
> end-users in preparation for a (hopeful) release soonish.
> Do you like the changes?

You mirrored the installers, fine. SUSE mirrors are overloaded
anyways. The installers alone do not have gpg signatures though. You
need to either include MD5SUMS{,.asc} or I'll have to sign the
installers individually (can do this evening, don't have key here).
It may not be important to you but it is for me.

If you insist in turning my name into a link I'd prefer
mailto:ludwig.nussel at suse.de over angst.cynapses.org.

The quake3 directory on the ftp server contains repo-md files btw so
on rpm based systems you can just add it as installation source to


 (o_   Ludwig Nussel
 //\   SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Development
 V_/_  http://www.suse.de/

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