qvm files

Erik Auerswald auerswal at unix-ag.uni-kl.de
Sun Apr 30 13:55:48 EDT 2006


the recent Makefile changes install updated .qvm files to a directory in
the quake3 base path. Those files are not used because of the search
order for files (those in .pk3 files are preferred). The attached patch
changes this search order to prefer files found in the directory over
those in .pk3 files.

In pure mode files not in a .pk3 file are ignored (and only those .pk3
files that exist on the server are used).

-------------- next part --------------
Index: code/qcommon/files.c
--- code/qcommon/files.c	(revision 735)
+++ code/qcommon/files.c	(working copy)
@@ -2504,17 +2504,6 @@
 	Q_strncpyz( fs_gamedir, dir, sizeof( fs_gamedir ) );
-	//
-	// add the directory to the search path
-	//
-	search = Z_Malloc (sizeof(searchpath_t));
-	search->dir = Z_Malloc( sizeof( *search->dir ) );
-	Q_strncpyz( search->dir->path, path, sizeof( search->dir->path ) );
-	Q_strncpyz( search->dir->gamedir, dir, sizeof( search->dir->gamedir ) );
-	search->next = fs_searchpaths;
-	fs_searchpaths = search;
 	// find all pak files in this directory
 	pakfile = FS_BuildOSPath( path, dir, "" );
 	pakfile[ strlen(pakfile) - 1 ] = 0;	// strip the trailing slash
@@ -2545,6 +2534,17 @@
 		fs_searchpaths = search;
+	//
+	// add the directory to the search path
+	//
+	search = Z_Malloc (sizeof(searchpath_t));
+	search->dir = Z_Malloc( sizeof( *search->dir ) );
+	Q_strncpyz( search->dir->path, path, sizeof( search->dir->path ) );
+	Q_strncpyz( search->dir->gamedir, dir, sizeof( search->dir->gamedir ) );
+	search->next = fs_searchpaths;
+	fs_searchpaths = search;
 	// done
 	Sys_FreeFileList( pakfiles );

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