Ok, sound?

Zachary J. Slater zakk at timedoctor.org
Sat Sep 3 01:16:01 EDT 2005

I was just playing on Primer's server (running on an x86_64 box is
online at newcastle.devrandom.net:1717) and then on my own with some
reaction quake 3 (rq3). I /think/ the SDL stuff, or maybe our version in
general, adds some sound lag. What I really need right now is for other
people to check for that. Small, otherwise insignificant changes like
this, could ruin the player experience.

If you have good hearing and time to check, please do, platform doesn't
matter as long as you have sound working at all!
Just try to think if the sound seems like it takes longer to come out of
your headphones/speakers than it does with the id binaries.
-Zachary J. Slater
zakk at timedoctor.org
zacharyslater at gmail.com

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