[quake2] mouse6

Matthew Chappee matthew at orasoft.org
Tue Feb 12 17:07:52 EST 2002

On Tue, 2002-02-12 at 15:20, Jeremy Brenner wrote:
> This is somewhat off topic but I would like to know how the 4th button on
> logitech cordless mouseman optical is set in the xf86config file. Or if it
> even needs to be for sdlquake(i saw support added for mouse4). Right now
> quake and x both seem to see it as the third button.  I'm going to compile
> the cvs tonight and see -what happen

Section "Pointer"
   Protocol        "don't change"
   Device          "don't change"
   Resolution      don't change
   Buttons         4

Then use .Xdefaults to make it do what you want.

Here's a good discussion on the subject:


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