[q2x] Doris GLUI tidy up

Brian Hook hook_l at pyrogon.com
Wed Apr 14 00:45:30 EDT 2004

> You really do like bacon don't you.

Well, yes, but I like the movie more.  And it's not a common nick, 
like, say, Gandalf03 or NIN912 or Sabrewulf or MetalGear or whatever 
the kids are using for nicks these days.

> Mmmm. Won't it be a bit slow?

Rather beside the point if one is using Lua?  I've never quite 
understood the blokes that use something an order of magnitude slower 
than a compiled language, then try to optimize their bloody code.  

It's slow _for a reason_, and that reason is not _because I suck at 
coding_. =)

If you're writing something in Doris, top performance is likely not 
your goal.  No, I wouldn't try to render 1M particles in a frame with 
it, but I'm sure it's entirely sufficient to handle Q3 level graphics 
if need be (at modern hardware).


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