Configuration Problems

drew einhorn drew.einhorn at
Sun Oct 5 19:00:30 EDT 2008


I've tried pydance on a couple of platforms.  Things worked pretty
much out of the box on the linux box.  Just plugged in the dance pad
via a usb adapter and the dance pad did not require any configuration.

On the Windows XP box.  Had to fuss with a bit till the USB game port
configured itself using a standard driver.  But I have to go through
the map keys stuff which is a little extra annoying because of the
extra keystroke for pressing enter on the keyboard.  The part that is
really annoying is that it does not save the configuration in
input.cfg the way it's supposed to so we have to map the dance pad
keys every time the program starts.

On the Linux box I can easily get to the configuration page where the
window is set.  Beginners need it set to the widest setting till they
get get the hang of things, fairly frequently it gets reset to normal
instead of wide.  The kids have to notice it has gotten harder and
reset to wide.  On the Windows XP, I have not even succeeded in
getting to this configuration page.

Right now I am at my daughter's school with the XP box and the dance
pad and unfortunately the firewall does not allow a lot things, at
this point I can't get to IRC from here.

Drew Einhorn

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