[pyddr-discuss] Creating songs

theGREENzebra tgz at orotech.net
Sun Oct 2 14:27:11 EDT 2005

blackbudda at katamail.com wrote:
> Hi everyone! I'm new to pydance but i'm already a gret fan.
> I've tried to make some songs but, altough the process is clearly 
> explained on the web, i've seen it's a vry time-consuming procedure: for 
> example when I want to try the steps near the end of the song I found no 
> better alternative than dancing all the song!
> How do you do that? Are there any programs that let you dance only a 
> snippet (20-30 sec) of the song?

 From the ".dance tags" section of the manual:

startat, endat
     Second offsets into the music at which to start playing it, and end 
playing it. Normally this is the start of the song and the end of the song, 
and since music files are large, it's preferred that you cut them down to 
the proper size rather than using these tags.

*  http://clickass.org  *  ICQ# 1107012  *  AIM/Yahoo: theGREENzebra *
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