[pyddr-discuss] segfault - not mp3 related

Joe Wreschnig piman at debian.org
Wed Feb 4 12:29:41 EST 2004

On Wed, 2004-02-04 at 17:54, ajze at goquest.com wrote:
> Hmm... If I comment out line 204 in dance.py it works for a while before 
> crashing in the middle of a game with the error below.  Line 204 reads: 
> "pygame.mixer.quit()".  Why this should work at all I don't know.  Maybe I 
> need to reinstall alsa libs or something.

While I'm not sure why removing pygame.mixer.quit() works, that second
crash is a known bug that will be fixed in 0.9.1 (and the 0.9.0 Debian

I'll look into the pygame.mixer.quit thing and see if we really need it.
Joe Wreschnig <piman at debian.org>

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