new song selector

Joe Wreschnig piman at
Fri May 2 11:25:57 EDT 2003

I checked in the start of some code and image for a new song selector
and generic file parser ( and None of it
is used in the main pyDDR code yet, but it does run, pretty quickly.

Loading 263 songs takes a little under 5 seconds. I expect this to
probably double before I'm done; right now the parser just keeps the
lines in the .step file for the step data, and I still need to write a
parser to normalize that.

When I get some time (maybe this weekend but probably not) I'm going to
write down my ideas for a "step2" file format (Brendan suggested
'.dance', which I like), so if anyone has anything they'd like to be
taken into account in a new format, fire an email or IRC message my way.
The basic structure is going to be like .step, but much shorter, e.g. 'q
1010' instead of 'qurtr 08 00 08 00'. The basic idea is to keep it all
both readable and inline, but remove redundant parts. This also has the
advantage that conversion from .step is trivial. Each file parser is
then going to normalize each other file format (.step, .dwi, etc) into a
step2-style structure (something like ('q', 1, 0, 1, 0) ) which the
internal classes will know how to deal with.
Joe Wreschnig <piman at>
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