0.8.0, the best release ever.

Joe Wreschnig piman at debian.org
Fri Aug 22 01:38:14 EDT 2003

Someone on this list finds Rhythm and Police maniac too easy. This
release is dedicated to you, and the hope that quick gives you a heart


Debian packages should be in the archive by tomorrow, and they will be
compatible with unstable and testing, despite the Python 2.3 transition.

Actually, the nice thing about this release is that it has something for
pretty much everyone. This is our biggest release since 0.6.0, which
added two player support and menus. Of particular note is the new panel
modes; Pump it Up style play is now here, and also 6 panel, 8 panel, and
9 panel versus and doubles modes, thanks in no small part to xsdg's work
on graphics for those modes. His arrows are the default graphics for
every mode but 5 panel.

Rather than keep talking, here's the ChangeLog:
0.8.0 - That's the second largest ChangeLog I've ever seen!
+ New options:
 + "Wide" to add jumps.
 + Holds on/off.
 + Big (add 8ths), quick (add 16ths), skippy (add gallops).
+ 5 panel (Pump It Up), 9 panel, and parapara support.
 + Support for KSF file for 5 panel steps.
  - BPM changes in KSF files are not supported yet.
 + Support for SM files with 5 panel or PPP steps.
 - Actual PIU pads may or may not work; none were available for testing.
 - The PPP controller will not work.
+ Versus, couple, and double 5, 6, 8, 9 panel, and parapara modes.
+ New game type selector, so you can do e.g. Double/Endless.
+ A document on the KSF file format has been added in docs/.
+ The .dance specification has been updated with new modes and corrections.
+ A new centered display for single player modes.
+ "Tug" lifebar mode where your good steps make your opponents' life go down.
+ New theming code.
 + Load themes from .zip files if possible.
 + Brings back oldschool and bryan themes.
 + New default arrow graphics for all modes by xsdg.
 + DDR-like arrow themes by piman and JZig for 48x48 and 32x32 modes.
 + PIU-like theme for 5 panel mode.
 + Autodetect what game modes a theme will work for.
 - Setting themes is more complicated.
+ Steps are autogenerated for modes that are not available, if the steps
  have SINGLE, DOUBLE, or COUPLE mode defined.
+ A new, fairer, original scoring algorithm; 20% of your score depends on
  your combo lengths, 80% on your ratings. Combos give progressively higher
  scores for longer lengths e.g. a 50 combo is worth about twice as much
  as two 25 combos. Scores always have a maximum of 50,000,000 regardless
  of the song rating.
* Double mirror works correctly.
* Support the Thrustmaster USB mats (probably), and X-Box controllers.
 + We suspect that pydance will run properly on GNU/Linux on an X-Box now.
* Correctly encode/decode KSF, SM, DWI, and .dance file metadata.
 * KSF requires the Python Koco codecs package for CP949 support.
* DWI parsing for braindead constructs like "2!(2".
* No more out of order arrows and "jumping back" on stops.
* Many crashes fixed (stops with holds, oni lifebar selection, an edge-case
  in endless mode with two players).
* Parsing for all files is now more informative and less error-prone.
- Assist mode is broken for non-4 panel modes, we need more sounds.
- any2dance removed, it won't work anymore with this version.
- In-game menu help removed, due to inaccuracies.

Joe Wreschnig <piman at debian.org>
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