[prey] Installer Switches?

Ryan C. Gordon icculus at icculus.org
Thu Oct 23 21:30:31 EDT 2008

> Are there command line switches available for the prey-demo installer
> to set the default installation directory, binary directory, etc?

This gets you most of the way...

./prey-demo-installer-10232008.bin \
--ui=stdio --noreadme --i-agree-to-all-licenses \
--destination /home/icculus/prey-demo

...but it still wants to show an option screen to choose the default 
language and enable PunkBuster support (and a bug in the installer will 
make it show the PunkBuster EULA even with --i-agree-to-all-licenses ... 
I just fixed that after testing that command line, but it's not in the 
existing release.)

So it can be _mostly_ automated, and I'm addressing the rest of the 
issues for a later build.

The .bin file is a self-extracting .zip file, if you're asking because 
you want to repackage it for a Linux distro...pushing it through unzip 
and picking the right files out of the data/ directory may be an easier 
route (but please do show the license files!)


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