Postal 1, beta2...

Ryan C. Gordon icculus at
Sun Sep 19 21:44:37 EDT 2004

And here's postal 1...
        username: postal2mac
        password: p33p33Hz

This is just the changes over beta1, so if you need the whole game, grab 
beta1 from that same directory.

To install:
1) Download and'll give you postal_plus.ini and postal1-bin
2) Find your Postal 1 game icon, right-click/ctrl-click it.
3) Select "Show Package Contents"
4) in the newly-opened folder, replace postal_plus.ini, then replace 
postal1-bin in that folder's Contents/MacOS folder. If you aren't 
prompted to replace a file, then you put it in the wrong place.

Extra-credit: Delete the "$HOME/Library/Application Support/Postal Plus" 
folder so the game can recreate'll lose your settings/saves, 
but it fixes the crosshair. If you don't care about the crosshair, you 
can skip this step or edit the copy of postal_plus.ini in that folder 
(set UseCrosshair to 1).

This build has every bug I'm aware of fixed. Let me know if anything 
isn't working. Some of the fixes were guesswork, such as the toolbar not 
updating, so if this is still broken, let me know.


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