[physfs] Unpacked file format with long paths

Ryan C. Gordon icculus at icculus.org
Thu Jun 15 15:53:37 EDT 2017

> So, is it possible to use the unpacked utilities with filenames longer 
> than 64 bytes, or do I have to rewrite all those just to have more headroom?

Do you have a maximum in mind? The 64 char limit is because metadata 
gets stored in a struct like this:

     typedef struct
         char name[64];
         PHYSFS_uint32 startPos;
         PHYSFS_uint32 size;
     } UNPKentry;

...the 64 bytes limit is because nothing currently _can_ use more (.slb 
files are 63 bytes plus a null char at most). But we just need to bump 
that number higher and recompile, unless your maximum is 0xFFFFFFFF 
chars or something, in which case we'll need to dynamically allocate this.


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