[physfs] MacOS X 10.8 Compilation Error for physfs 2.0.2

Tejas tejas9022 at gmail.com
Thu Aug 23 08:59:52 EDT 2012

Hello all,

I am compiling an application that uses PhysicsFS for Windows 7 (with Code::Blocks/MinGW GCC 4.7 and Visual Studio 2010) and Mac OS X "Mountain Lion".

Unfortunately, the make program decided to treat "all warnings as errors" and aborted when attempting to use the Carbon framework, which is deprecated in this new release.

I looked in the Makefile and there is no "-Wall" or "-Werror" option anywhere (or in the CMake configuration). So I have two questions - one, is it possible to stop PhysicsFS complaining, as I have no intent to build the wxWidgets test program; two, will it be (eventually) updated for Cocoa?

Thanks in advance!


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